


2、有两个结点时p,q,其中q = p.next,交换用p.next = q.next,q.next = p



class ListNode
{int val;ListNode next;ListNode(int x) { val = x;}
}class Solution
{public ListNode swapPairs(ListNode head){if (null == head || null == head.next) return head;ListNode cur = head, next = cur.next;ListNode newHead = next;cur.next = next.next;next.next = cur;if (null == cur.next) return newHead;while (cur.next.next != null){ListNode pre = cur;cur = cur.next;next = cur.next;pre.next = next;cur.next = next.next;next.next = cur;if (null == cur.next) break;}return newHead;}

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