
value 的类型是  object
则<s:property value="username" />   -----------------------------------------------------------1

如果我们想要显示字符串只能这样写<s:property value="'username'" />
The set tag assigns a value to a variable in a specified scope. It is useful when you wish to assign a variable to a complex expression and then simply reference that variable each time rather than the complex expression. This is useful in both cases: when the complex expression takes time (performance improvement) or is hard to read (code readability improvement).
<s:set name="personName" value=""/>Hello, <s:property value="#personName"/>. How are you?
这里将person.name在action context里面设定一个变量personName,之后我们通过property标签将这个值读取出来

The scopes available are as follows :-
  • application - the value will be set in application scope according to servlet spec. using the name as its key
  • session - the value will be set in session scope according to servlet spec. using the name as key
  • request - the value will be set in request scope according to servlet spec. using the name as key
  • page - the value will be set in page scope according to servlet sepc. using the name as key
  • action - the value will be set in the request scope and Struts' action context using the name as key

If no scope is specified, it will default to action scope.(request 和 ActionContext)

<s:set var="incPage" value="%{'/_include1.html'}" />
<s:include value="%{#incPage}"></s:include>

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    **************************************************************************************************** ...

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