利用本征图像分解(Intrinsic Image Decomposition)算法,将图像分解为shading(illumination) image 和 reflectance(albedo) image,计算图像的reflectance image。
Reflectance Image 是指在变化的光照条件下能够维持不变的图像部分。
Shading Image 是反应原图像光照情况的图像部分。


//main.cpp#include "lum_retinex.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>const float threshold = 0.13;int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{cv::Mat input = cv::imread("Input.png", 1);input.convertTo(input, CV_32FC3);int w = input.cols;int h = input.rows;cv::Mat reflectance(h, w, CV_32FC3);cv::Mat shading(h, w, CV_32FC1);lum::retinex_decomp rdecomp(w, h);rdecomp.solve_rgb(threshold, (const float*)input.data, (float*)reflectance.data, (float*)shading.data);cv::imshow("input", input);cv::imshow("shading", shading);cv::imshow("reflectance", reflectance);cv::Mat out(h, w, CV_32FC3);for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {out.at<cv::Vec3f>(i, j)[0] = reflectance.at<cv::Vec3f>(i, j)[0] * 255.0;out.at<cv::Vec3f>(i, j)[1] = reflectance.at<cv::Vec3f>(i, j)[1] * 255.0;out.at<cv::Vec3f>(i, j)[2] = reflectance.at<cv::Vec3f>(i, j)[2] * 255.0;}}cv::imwrite("img/reflectance1.png", out);cv::waitKey(0);return 0;
//lum_retinex.h#ifndef LUM_RETINEX_H
#define LUM_RETINEX_H#include <Eigen/SparseCore>
#include <Eigen/SparseCholesky>namespace lum {// Run retinex as single function call (cannot reuse decomposition).void retinex(float threshold, const float* img, int w, int h, float* reflectance, float* shading);// First create decomposition for linear solver (slow)// Then solve for various right-hand-sides (fast)class retinex_decomp {public:retinex_decomp(int w, int h);void solve(float threshold, const float* img, float* refl, float* shading);void solve_rgb(float threshold, const float* img, float* refl, float* shading);private:int m_w;int m_h;using SpMat = Eigen::SparseMatrix < float > ;SpMat m_At;Eigen::SimplicialCholesky<SpMat> m_solver;};
// retinextest.cpp #include "lum_retinex.h"
#include <Eigen/SparseCore>
#include <Eigen/SparseCholesky>
#include <chrono>namespace lum {// timing helperdouble get_s() {using namespace std::chrono;auto now = system_clock::now();system_clock::duration tse = now.time_since_epoch();return duration_cast<nanoseconds>(tse).count() / 1e9;}// Helper image processing routinesvoid log(const float* inimg, float* outimg, int sz) {#ifdef USE_MKLvsLn(sz, inimg, outimg);
#elsefor (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {float in = inimg[i];outimg[i] = std::logf(inimg[i] + 0.00001);}
#endif}void exp(const float* inimg, float* outimg, int sz) {#ifdef USE_MKLvsExp(sz, inimg, outimg);
#elsefor (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {outimg[i] = std::expf(inimg[i]);}
#endif}void mean(const float* inimg, float* outimg, int outsz) {for (int i = 0; i < outsz; ++i) {outimg[i] = (inimg[i * 3] + inimg[i * 3 + 1] + inimg[i * 3 + 2]) / 3;}}// helpers for image indicesclass reflshadidx {public:reflshadidx(int w, int h):m_w(w), m_h(h){}int reflidx(int x, int y) const {return m_w * y + x;}int shadidx(int x, int y) const {return m_w * m_h + reflidx(x, y);}private:int m_w;int m_h;};class imwrap {public:imwrap(const float* img, int w, int h):m_w(w), m_h(h), m_img(img){ }float operator()(int x, int y) const {assert(x >= 0);assert(y >= 0);assert(x < m_w);assert(y < m_h);return m_img[m_w * y + x];}private:const float* m_img;int m_w;int m_h;};// forward declaration of internal functionsvoid reflect_clamp(int w, int h, float* refl_in, float* shading_in);void preprocess(int w, int h, const float* img, float* logimg);void postprocess(int w, int h, float* refl_in, float* shading_in, float* refl_out, float* shading_out);Eigen::VectorXf makeB(float threshold, const float* im, int w, int h);using Triplet = Eigen::Triplet<float>;int nconstraints(int w, int h) {return w*h + 2 * w*(h - 1) + 2 * (w - 1) * h;}int nentries(int w, int h) {return 2 * (w*h + 2 * w*(h - 1) + 2 * (w - 1) * h);}std::vector<Triplet> makeTriplets(int w, int h) {reflshadidx I(w, h);printf("Assemble matrix.\n");double assemble_start = get_s();std::vector <Triplet> entries;int cit = 0;for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {if (x < w - 1) {// dxR(r, c) = -lR(r, c) + lR(r, c + 1)entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.reflidx(x, y), -1));entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.reflidx(x + 1, y), +1));cit++;// dxS(r, c) = -lS(r, c) + lS(r, c + 1)entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.shadidx(x, y), -1));entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.shadidx(x + 1, y), +1));cit++;}if (y < h - 1) {entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.reflidx(x, y), -1));entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.reflidx(x, y + 1), +1));cit++;entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.shadidx(x, y), -1));entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.shadidx(x, y + 1), +1));cit++;// dyR(r, c) = -lR(r, c) + lR(r + 1)// dyS(r, c) = -lS(r, c) + lS(r + 1)}// reflectance plus shading (log space) == final imageentries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.reflidx(x, y), 1));entries.push_back(Triplet(cit, I.shadidx(x, y), 1));cit++;}}assert(entries.size() == nentries(w, h));double assemble_end = get_s();printf("Makemtx took %.1fms\n", (assemble_end- assemble_start) * 1000);return entries;}// to log domainvoid preprocess(int w, int h, const float* img, float* logimg) {printf("Start Preprocessing.\n");double preprocess_start = get_s();log(img, logimg, w*h);double preprocess_b_end = get_s();printf("Preprocess took %.1fms\n", (preprocess_b_end - preprocess_start) * 1000);}// back to linearvoid postprocess(int w, int h, float* refl_in, float* shading_in, float* refl_out, float* shading_out) {printf("Post process start.\n");double postprocess_start = get_s();reflect_clamp(w, h, refl_in, shading_in);exp(refl_in, refl_out, w*h);exp(shading_in, shading_out, w*h);double postprocess_end = get_s();printf("Postprocess took %.1fms\n", (postprocess_end - postprocess_start)*1000 );}Eigen::VectorXf makeB(float threshold, const float* im, int w, int h) {Eigen::VectorXf b(nconstraints(w, h));double assemble_b_start = get_s();imwrap I(im, w, h);int cit = 0;for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {if (x < w - 1) {float dx = -I(x, y) + I(x + 1, y);float dxR;float dxS;if (std::abs(dx) > threshold) {dxR = dx;dxS = 0;} else {dxR = 0;dxS = dx;}// dxR(r, c) = -lR(r, c) + lR(r, c + 1)b(cit++) = dxR;// dxS(r, c) = -lS(r, c) + lS(r, c + 1)b(cit++) = dxS;}if (y < h - 1) {float dy = -I(x, y) + I(x, y + 1);float dyR;float dyS;if (std::abs(dy) > threshold) {dyR = dy;dyS = 0;} else {dyR = 0;dyS = dy;}b(cit++) = dyR;b(cit++) = dyS;// dyR(r, c) = -lR(r, c) + lR(r + 1)// dyS(r, c) = -lS(r, c) + lS(r + 1)}// reflectance plus shading (log space) == final imageb(cit++) = I(x, y);}}return b;}// operates on log-reflectance// makes sure that log-reflectane is less than 0void reflect_clamp(int w, int h, float* refl_in, float* shading_in) {float max_reflectance = -FLT_MIN;float min_reflectance = FLT_MAX;int nancount = 0;int infcount = 0;for (int i = 0; i < w * h; ++i) {if (refl_in[i] > max_reflectance) {max_reflectance = refl_in[i];}if (refl_in[i] < min_reflectance) {min_reflectance = refl_in[i];}}if (max_reflectance > 0) {for (int i = 0; i < w * h; ++i) {refl_in[i] -= max_reflectance;}for (int i = 0; i < w * h; ++i) {shading_in[i] += max_reflectance;}}}void retinex(float threshold, const float* im, int w, int h, float* reflectance, float* shading) {assert(reflectance);assert(shading);assert(im);retinex_decomp rdec(w, h);rdec.solve(threshold, im, reflectance, shading);}/* I would prefer solving direction Ax = b.However, this doesn't work with Eigen's QR decomp (why?).I solve A'Ax = A'b, using Cholesky, instead.*/retinex_decomp::retinex_decomp(int w, int h): m_w(w), m_h(h) {std::vector <Triplet> entries = makeTriplets(w, h);SpMat A(nconstraints(w, h), w * h * 2);A.setFromTriplets(entries.begin(), entries.end());m_At = A.transpose();{printf("factorize %d-by-%d matrix\n", A.cols(), A.cols());double decompose_start = get_s();m_solver.compute(m_At * A);double decompose_end = get_s();printf("factorize took %.1fms\n", (decompose_end - decompose_start) * 1000);}}void retinex_decomp::solve(float threshold, const float* im, float* reflectance, float* shading) {assert(reflectance);assert(shading);assert(im);std::vector<float> logimg(m_w*m_h);preprocess(m_w, m_h, im, logimg.data());Eigen::VectorXf b = makeB(threshold, logimg.data(), m_w, m_h);double solve_start = get_s();Eigen::VectorXf x = m_solver.solve(m_At * b);double solve_end = get_s();printf("solve took %.1fms\n", (solve_end - solve_start) * 1000);postprocess(m_w, m_h, x.data(), x.data() + m_w * m_h, reflectance, shading);}// does greyscale retinex with post processing.void retinex_decomp::solve_rgb(float threshold, const float* im, float* reflectance, float* shading) {assert(reflectance);assert(shading);assert(im);const int sz = m_w * m_h;std::vector<float> grayimg(sz);mean(im, grayimg.data(), grayimg.size());std::vector<float> graylog(sz);double before = get_s();log(grayimg.data(), graylog.data(), sz);double after = get_s();Eigen::VectorXf b = makeB(threshold, graylog.data(), m_w, m_h);double solve_start = get_s();Eigen::VectorXf x = m_solver.solve(m_At * b);double solve_end = get_s();float* log_shading = x.data() + sz;reflect_clamp(m_w, m_h, x.data(), log_shading);std::vector<float> rgb_logimg(3*sz);log(im, rgb_logimg.data(), rgb_logimg.size());// do gray to rgb conversion// log R = log I - log Sfor (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {rgb_logimg[i * 3 + 0] = rgb_logimg[i * 3 + 0] - log_shading[i];rgb_logimg[i * 3 + 1] = rgb_logimg[i * 3 + 1] - log_shading[i];rgb_logimg[i * 3 + 2] = rgb_logimg[i * 3 + 2] - log_shading[i];}exp(rgb_logimg.data(), reflectance, 3 * sz);exp(log_shading, shading, sz);}

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