
前面介绍了比较重要的Picasso对象的使用,以及他的一些重要方法,其实还有一个对象也很重要 ---- RequestCreator,在第一篇文章中其实我已经介绍了,RequestCreator的最终是为了生成一个Request对象。



 public RequestCreator centerCrop() {data.centerCrop(Gravity.CENTER);return this;}//--------Request.java--------public Builder centerCrop(int alignGravity) {if (centerInside) {throw new IllegalStateException("Center crop can not be used after calling centerInside");}centerCrop = true;centerCropGravity = alignGravity;return this;}



  1. buildUpon
 public Builder buildUpon() {return new Builder(this);}


  1. hasSize
 public boolean hasSize() {return targetWidth != 0 || targetHeight != 0;}

很简单,就是看你有没有resize 宽高


  1. centerCrop
 public Request build() {if (centerInside && centerCrop) {throw new IllegalStateException("Center crop and center inside can not be used together.");}if (centerCrop && (targetWidth == 0 && targetHeight == 0)) {throw new IllegalStateException("Center crop requires calling resize with positive width and height.");}if (centerInside && (targetWidth == 0 && targetHeight == 0)) {throw new IllegalStateException("Center inside requires calling resize with positive width and height.");}if (priority == null) {priority = Priority.NORMAL;}



这样会报错, 应该这样



 if (data.centerCrop) {//获取图片要缩放的宽和图片真正的宽的比例float widthRatio =targetWidth != 0 ? targetWidth / (float) inWidth : targetHeight / (float) inHeight;//获取图片要缩放的高和图片真正的高的比例float heightRatio =targetHeight != 0 ? targetHeight / (float) inHeight : targetWidth / (float) inWidth;float scaleX, scaleY;//如果宽的比例大于高的比例,就说明图片在y方向上需要被裁减if (widthRatio > heightRatio) {int newSize = (int) Math.ceil(inHeight * (heightRatio / widthRatio));//裁剪后有个对齐的方向,是上对齐,还是下对齐,默认是中对齐if ((data.centerCropGravity & Gravity.TOP) == Gravity.TOP) {drawY = 0;} else if ((data.centerCropGravity & Gravity.BOTTOM) == Gravity.BOTTOM) {drawY = inHeight - newSize;} else {drawY = (inHeight - newSize) / 2;}drawHeight = newSize;scaleX = widthRatio;scaleY = targetHeight / (float) drawHeight;} else if (widthRatio < heightRatio) {//这里跟前面是一样的逻辑,只不过是x轴方向上需要被裁减,以及左对齐,还是右对齐int newSize = (int) Math.ceil(inWidth * (widthRatio / heightRatio));if ((data.centerCropGravity & Gravity.LEFT) == Gravity.LEFT) {drawX = 0;} else if ((data.centerCropGravity & Gravity.RIGHT) == Gravity.RIGHT) {drawX = inWidth - newSize;} else {drawX = (inWidth - newSize) / 2;}drawWidth = newSize;scaleX = targetWidth / (float) drawWidth;scaleY = heightRatio;} else {drawX = 0;drawWidth = inWidth;scaleX = scaleY = heightRatio;}if (shouldResize(onlyScaleDown, inWidth, inHeight, targetWidth, targetHeight)) {matrix.preScale(scaleX, scaleY);}}

其实这里的代码很多,但是我们可以从效果上去看,就是对图片进行了 裁剪和缩放,然后以及对齐。这样就很清楚了,上面代码只是为了获取到。

  • scaleX 图片宽的缩放
  • scaleY 图片高的缩放
  • drawX 根据对齐操作,判断从图片的哪个点开始绘制
  • drawY 根据对齐操作,判断从图片的哪个点开始绘制
  1. centerCropGravity 上面已经介绍了,就是centerCrop的对齐的属性

  2. centerInside 其实跟centerCrop差不多,就是对图片的一个适配。

else if (data.centerInside) {// Keep aspect ratio if one dimension is set to 0float widthRatio =targetWidth != 0 ? targetWidth / (float) inWidth : targetHeight / (float) inHeight;float heightRatio =targetHeight != 0 ? targetHeight / (float) inHeight : targetWidth / (float) inWidth;float scale = widthRatio < heightRatio ? widthRatio : heightRatio;if (shouldResize(onlyScaleDown, inWidth, inHeight, targetWidth, targetHeight)) {matrix.preScale(scale, scale);}}


  1. config 配置图片的格式,可以是ARGB_8888,RGB_565等
//调用链式方法,可配置,最终其实是传到`Request`对象中public RequestCreator config(@NonNull Bitmap.Config config) {data.config(config);return this;}//-------RequestHandler.java--------static BitmapFactory.Options createBitmapOptions(Request data) {final boolean justBounds = data.hasSize();final boolean hasConfig = data.config != null;BitmapFactory.Options options = null;if (justBounds || hasConfig || data.purgeable) {options = new BitmapFactory.Options();options.inJustDecodeBounds = justBounds;options.inInputShareable = data.purgeable;options.inPurgeable = data.purgeable;if (hasConfig) {//最终其实是在创建 BitmapFactory.Options的时候当作参数传入,这样子生成的图片就会按照配置,如果不对图片质量有很高要求的话可以选择RGB_565,节省了一半的内存options.inPreferredConfig = data.config;}}return options;}//---------BitmapFactory.java----------/*** If this is non-null, the decoder will try to decode into this* internal configuration. If it is null, or the request cannot be met,* the decoder will try to pick the best matching config based on the* system's screen depth, and characteristics of the original image such* as if it has per-pixel alpha (requiring a config that also does).* * Image are loaded with the {@link Bitmap.Config#ARGB_8888} config by* default.*/public Bitmap.Config inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;


  1. hasRotationPivot,rotationDegrees,rotationPivotX,rotationPivotY
//----------Request.java------------public Builder rotate(float degrees, float pivotX, float pivotY) {rotationDegrees = degrees;rotationPivotX = pivotX;rotationPivotY = pivotY;hasRotationPivot = true;return this;}

其实这里就可以看出4个参数的作用 hasRotationPivot:是否设置了旋转参数 rotationDegrees:旋转角度 rotationPivotX,rotationPivotY:旋转中心点x,y


 if (shouldResize(onlyScaleDown, inWidth, inHeight, targetWidth, targetHeight)) {matrix.preScale(scaleX, scaleY);}....private static boolean shouldResize(boolean onlyScaleDown, int inWidth, int inHeight,int targetWidth, int targetHeight) {return !onlyScaleDown || (targetWidth != 0 && inWidth > targetWidth)|| (targetHeight != 0 && inHeight > targetHeight);}


  1. priority 这个其实就是优先级的意思
//-------Picasso.java--------public enum Priority {LOW,NORMAL,HIGH}


public Request build() {...if (priority == null) {priority = Priority.NORMAL;}...


PicassoExecutorService() {super(DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT, DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,new PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new Utils.PicassoThreadFactory());}


@Overridepublic Future<?> submit(Runnable task) {//每次执行的是一个PicassoFutureTask任务PicassoFutureTask ftask = new PicassoFutureTask((BitmapHunter) task);execute(ftask);return ftask;}private static final class PicassoFutureTask extends FutureTask<BitmapHunter>implements Comparable<PicassoFutureTask> {private final BitmapHunter hunter;PicassoFutureTask(BitmapHunter hunter) {super(hunter, null);this.hunter = hunter;}//任务提交之后,线程池会一个个进行处理,会对加入的对象做下对比,看哪个优先级高,就先执行哪个@Overridepublic int compareTo(PicassoFutureTask other) {Picasso.Priority p1 = hunter.getPriority();Picasso.Priority p2 = other.hunter.getPriority();return (p1 == p2 ? hunter.sequence - other.hunter.sequence : p2.ordinal() - p1.ordinal());}}
  1. purgeable
public Builder purgeable() {purgeable = true;return this;}

其实在第5点的config里面是有涉及到purgeable这个的,其实也是BitmapFactory.Options的一个参数。 这里我把另外一个参数合起来一起说,就是inInputShareable,这里我把源码的注释贴出,然后解释下。

 /*** @deprecated As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP}, this is* ignored.** In {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} and below, if this* is set to true, then the resulting bitmap will allocate its* pixels such that they can be purged if the system needs to reclaim* memory. In that instance, when the pixels need to be accessed again* (e.g. the bitmap is drawn, getPixels() is called), they will be* automatically re-decoded.** <p>For the re-decode to happen, the bitmap must have access to the* encoded data, either by sharing a reference to the input* or by making a copy of it. This distinction is controlled by* inInputShareable. If this is true, then the bitmap may keep a shallow* reference to the input. If this is false, then the bitmap will* explicitly make a copy of the input data, and keep that. Even if* sharing is allowed, the implementation may still decide to make a* deep copy of the input data.</p>** <p>While inPurgeable can help avoid big Dalvik heap allocations (from* API level 11 onward), it sacrifices performance predictability since any* image that the view system tries to draw may incur a decode delay which* can lead to dropped frames. Therefore, most apps should avoid using* inPurgeable to allow for a fast and fluid UI. To minimize Dalvik heap* allocations use the {@link #inBitmap} flag instead.</p>** <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> This flag is ignored when used* with {@link #decodeResource(Resources, int,* android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options)} or {@link #decodeFile(String,* android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options)}.</p>*/@Deprecatedpublic boolean inPurgeable;

首先这是弃用的一个属性,注释里也说的很清楚,LOLLIPOP及以上版本就无效了,在KITKAT及以下版本,有效。 翻译下: 如果设置为true,那么生成bitmap而去申请的一块内存,会在系统需要内存的时候,被回收。如果说这个bitmap又被调用拿去使用了,那么就跟inInputShareable这个属性有关,如果这个属性设置了false,那么,就会对inputdata做一个深拷贝,如果是true的话,一开始就会先使用input的一个引用,但是最后真正要使用到bitmap的时候,还是会对inputdata做一次深拷贝。

当然,后面还有最后一句比较关键的话Therefore, most apps should avoid using inPurgeable to allow for a fast and fluid UI. 意思就是说,如果你想你的app比较流畅,比较快,那么你就不要去使用,因为重新去解码一张图片是要时间的,这样很可能就会造成你加载图片的时候白了几秒。


static BitmapFactory.Options createBitmapOptions(Request data) {...options.inInputShareable = data.purgeable;options.inPurgeable = data.purgeable;...return options;}


  1. resourceId 如果要直接加载R.mipmap.**,R.drawable.**这种资源的话,这个参数就!=0

  2. stableKey

//key-value存入LruCache中,这里就是key的生成规则static String createKey(Request data, StringBuilder builder) {//先看有没有设置stableKey,有设置的话,就直接生成跟stableKey有关的一段字符串,后面可以直接使用stableKey,获取到需要的value。if (data.stableKey != null) {builder.ensureCapacity(data.stableKey.length() + KEY_PADDING);builder.append(data.stableKey);} else if (data.uri != null) {//如果有说没有上面的stableKey,但是有uri,那么就直接根据uri生成对应的keyString path = data.uri.toString();builder.ensureCapacity(path.length() + KEY_PADDING);builder.append(path);} else {builder.ensureCapacity(KEY_PADDING);builder.append(data.resourceId);}builder.append(KEY_SEPARATOR);复制代码




  1. targetHeight,targetWidth 当调用了resize方法,重新定义宽高的话,targetHeight,targetWidth!=0 如:
  1. transformations 用来进行图片的一个变换的列表。 比如我要切成一个圆图
 Picasso.get().load("http://i.imgur.com/DvpvklR.png").transform(object : Transformation {override fun transform(source: Bitmap?): Bitmap {//重新创建一个新的bitmapval bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(source?.width!!, source?.height!!, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)val p = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG)canvas.drawCircle(100f, 100f, 100f, p)p.xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)canvas.drawBitmap(source, 0f, 0f, p)//这里必须要对原来的bitmap做recycle,不然会报错,后面source?.recycle()return bitmap}override fun key() = "test111"}).resize(200, 200).into(ivTest)//-------BitmapHunter.java---------
static Bitmap applyCustomTransformations(List<Transformation> transformations, Bitmap result) {for (int i = 0, count = transformations.size(); i < count; i++) {final Transformation transformation = transformations.get(i);Bitmap newResult;try {newResult = transformation.transform(result);} catch (final RuntimeException e) {Picasso.HANDLER.post(new Runnable() {@Override public void run() {throw new RuntimeException("Transformation " + transformation.key() + " crashed with exception.", e);}});return null;}if (newResult == null) {final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder() //.append("Transformation ").append(transformation.key()).append(" returned null after ").append(i).append(" previous transformation(s).\n\nTransformation list:\n");for (Transformation t : transformations) {builder.append(t.key()).append('\n');}Picasso.HANDLER.post(new Runnable() {@Override public void run() {throw new NullPointerException(builder.toString());}});return null;}//如果有转换,必须要对原来的bitmap做recycleif (newResult == result && result.isRecycled()) {Picasso.HANDLER.post(new Runnable() {@Override public void run() {throw new IllegalStateException("Transformation "+ transformation.key()+ " returned input Bitmap but recycled it.");}});return null;}
  1. uri 加载图片的uri,没有什么好介绍的。





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