
WP7的支持多点触摸,有两种不同的编程模式: 1、低级别使用Touch.FrameReported事件 2、高级别的使用UIElement类中定义三个事件:ManipulationStarted,ManipulationDelta和ManipulationCompleted。下面就对不同的事件进行说明和写Demo。


多点触控事件不与其他 Silverlight 输入事件(如 MouseLeftButtonDown)使用相同的事件模型。多点触控输入事件是在应用程序级别处理的单一事件,而不是公开为可能通过 UI 的对象树路由的特定于元素的事件。然后通过事件,使用 TouchFrameEventArgs 并调用 GetPrimaryTouchPoint 和特定 UI 元素及其边界。这将确定应用程序 UI 布局中的特定触控点参考框架。



Touch.FrameReported += OnTouchFrameReported;

  OnTouchFrameReported 方法格式如下:

  void OnTouchFrameReported(object sender, TouchFrameEventArgs args)  {    //…  }

FrameReported事件:当输入系统为 Silverlight 提升 Windows 7 多点触控消息时发生,可以通过对事件进行处理并调用TouchFrameEventArgs事件数据中的GetTouchPoints或其他 API 查看详情。

TouchFrameEventArgs为 FrameReported 事件提供数据。其主要有三个方法:

  • GetTouchPoints(refElement) :返回一个TouchPointCollection 获取多个接触点的集合,当传递null的时候,GetTouchPoints得到Position属性相对于应用程序的左上角。

  • GetPrimaryTouchPoint(refElement):返回一个TouchPoint 获取第一个手指接触点。

  • SuspendMousePromotionUntilTouchUp(): 禁止该时间被提升为鼠标事件。这个方法来自桌面的Silverlight,很多桌面程序只有鼠标按键,现在有触摸屏了,点一下触摸屏,一小下,就不好区分,这个事件是鼠标点的还是触控事件呢?这个函数就是在处理触控的时候防止同时触发鼠标的点击事件.因此,这个函数只能在,只有在处理第一个触摸事件,并且是在处理按下事件的时候才能调用.否则会抛出异常. 详细解析点击这里查看CSDN一位同学解析。



  • Action:动作类型,枚举TouchAction有Down, Move和Up三个值表示手指的按下、移动和离开。

  • Position:位置类型,Point的位置,以左上角为参考点。

  • Size:大小类型,支持接触面积(手指的压力大小),但Windows 7不会返回电话有用的值。

  • TouchDevice: 接触设备的类型TouchDevice。TouchDevice对象有两个得到只读属性:

    1. ID: int类型,用来区分手指,一个特定的手指有一个唯一测ID来触发所有的上下移动的事件。

    2. DirectlyOver: UIElement的类型,你手指的最顶层元素。



<TextBlock Name="tbTouchPoint" Text=""  />


        public MainPage()        {            InitializeComponent();

//FrameReported事件            Touch.FrameReported += OnTouchFrameReported;        }

void OnTouchFrameReported(object sender, TouchFrameEventArgs args)        {
           //取得第一个接触点            TouchPoint primaryTouchPoint = args.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(null);

            tbTouchPoint.Text = string.Format(@"    Action: {0};      Position: X={1}, Y={2};      Size: Width={3}, Height={4};      TouchDevice: Id={5};    ",                 primaryTouchPoint.Action,                primaryTouchPoint.Position.X,                primaryTouchPoint.Position.Y,                primaryTouchPoint.Size.Width,                primaryTouchPoint.Size.Height,                primaryTouchPoint.TouchDevice.Id);

//SuspendMousePromotionUntilTouchUp()的用法            if (primaryTouchPoint != null && primaryTouchPoint.Action == TouchAction.Down)            {                args.SuspendMousePromotionUntilTouchUp();            }






    // Summary://     Provides a lightweight control for displaying small amounts of text..    [ContentProperty("Inlines", true)]public sealed class TextBlock : FrameworkElement    {//省略...    }

// Summary://     Provides a framework of common APIs for objects that participate in Silverlight//     layout. System.Windows.FrameworkElement also defines APIs related to data//     binding, object tree, and object lifetime feature areas in Silverlight.    public abstract class FrameworkElement : UIElement    {//省略...    }

  •   ManipulationStarted事件:当手指按下触摸屏时发生,可以通过事件并调用ManipulationStartedEventArgs的相关方法进行处理。

ManipulationStartedEventArgs为 ManipulationStarted事件提供数据,其属性和方法如下:


    public sealed class ManipulationStartedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs    {// Summary://     Initializes a new instance of the System.Windows.Input.ManipulationStartedEventArgs//     class.        public ManipulationStartedEventArgs();

// Summary://     Gets or sets a value that marks the routed event as handled. Setting to true//     prevents most handlers along the event route from handling the same event//     again.//// Returns://     true to mark the routed event handled; false to leave the routed event unhandled,//     which permits the event to potentially route further. The default is false.        public bool Handled { get; set; }//// Summary://     Gets the container that defines the coordinates for the manipulation.//// Returns://     The container element.        public UIElement ManipulationContainer { get; set; }//// Summary://     Gets the point from which the manipulation originated.//// Returns://     The point from which the manipulation originated.        public Point ManipulationOrigin { get; }

// Summary://     Completes the manipulation without inertia.        public void Complete();    }





  •  Manipulationdelta事件:当手指在触摸屏移动时发生,可以通过事件并调用ManipulationDeltaEventArgs的相关方法进行处理。

           ManipulationDeltaEventArgs为 Manipulationdelta事件提供数据,其属性和方法如下:

ManipulationDeltaEventArgs 属性和方法

    // Summary://     Provides data for the System.Windows.UIElement.ManipulationDelta event.    public sealed class ManipulationDeltaEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs    {// Summary://     Initializes a new instance of the System.Windows.Input.ManipulationDeltaEventArgs//     class.        public ManipulationDeltaEventArgs();

// Summary://     Gets the accumulated changes of the current manipulation, as a System.Windows.Input.ManipulationDelta.//// Returns://     The accumulated changes of the current manipulation.        public ManipulationDelta CumulativeManipulation { get; }//// Summary://     Gets the most recent changes of the current manipulation, as a System.Windows.Input.ManipulationDelta.//// Returns://     The most recent changes of the current manipulation.        public ManipulationDelta DeltaManipulation { get; }//// Summary://     Gets or sets a value that marks the routed event as handled. Setting to true//     prevents most handlers along the event route from handling the same event//     again.//// Returns://     true to mark the routed event handled; false to leave the routed event unhandled,//     which permits the event to potentially route further. The default is false.        public bool Handled { get; set; }//// Summary://     Gets whether the System.Windows.UIElement.ManipulationDelta event occurs//     during inertia.//// Returns://     true if the System.Windows.UIElement.ManipulationDelta event occurs during//     inertia; false if the event occurs while the user's input device has contact//     with the element.        public bool IsInertial { get; }//// Summary://     Gets the container that defines the coordinates for the manipulation.//// Returns://     The container element.        public UIElement ManipulationContainer { get; }//// Summary://     Gets the point from which the manipulation originated.//// Returns://     The point from which the manipulation originated.        public Point ManipulationOrigin { get; }//// Summary://     Gets the rates of the most recent changes to the manipulation.//// Returns://     The rates of the most recent changes to the manipulation.        public ManipulationVelocities Velocities { get; }

// Summary://     Completes the manipulation without inertia.        public void Complete();    }






  •  ManipulationCompleted事件:当手指释放触摸屏时发生,可以通过事件并调用ManipulationCompletedEventArgs的相关方法进行处理。

    // Summary://     Provides data for the System.Windows.UIElement.ManipulationCompleted event.    public sealed class ManipulationCompletedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs    {// Summary://     Initializes a new instance of the System.Windows.Input.ManipulationCompletedEventArgs//     class.        public ManipulationCompletedEventArgs();

// Summary://     Gets the velocities that are used for the manipulation.//// Returns://     The velocities that are used for the manipulation.        public ManipulationVelocities FinalVelocities { get; }//// Summary://     Gets or sets a value that marks the routed event as handled. Setting to true//     prevents most handlers along the event route from handling the same event//     again.//// Returns://     true to mark the routed event handled; false to leave the routed event unhandled,//     which permits the event to potentially route further. The default is false.        public bool Handled { get; set; }//// Summary://     Gets whether the System.Windows.UIElement.ManipulationCompleted event occurs//     during inertia.//// Returns://     true if the System.Windows.UIElement.ManipulationCompleted event occurs during//     inertia; false if the event occurs while the user's input device has contact//     with the element.        public bool IsInertial { get; }//// Summary://     Gets the container that defines the coordinates for the manipulation.//// Returns://     The container element.        public UIElement ManipulationContainer { get; }//// Summary://     Gets the point from which the manipulation originated.//// Returns://     The point from which the manipulation originated.        public Point ManipulationOrigin { get; }//// Summary://     Gets the total transformation that occurs during the current manipulation.//// Returns://     The total transformation that occurs during the current manipulation.        public ManipulationDelta TotalManipulation { get; }    }





<phone:PhoneApplicationPage>     <Grid x:Name="ContentPanel"   ManipulationStarted="ContentPanel_ManipulationStarted">        <TextBox Name="tbShow" ManipulationCompleted="tbShow_ManipulationCompleted>        </TextBox>     </Grid></phone:PhoneApplicationPage>


        private void tbShow_ManipulationStarted(object sender, ManipulationStartedEventArgs e)        {//记录事件触发,调试是Output窗口可以看到打印信息,//如果没有打开Output窗口,在VS顶部菜单Deubug/Windows/Output可以打开。            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " tbShow_ManipulationStarted \r\n");        }

/// <summary>/// TextBlock外层Grid的ManipulationStarted事件/// </summary>/// <param name="sender"></param>/// <param name="e"></param>        private void ContentPanel_ManipulationStarted(object sender, ManipulationStartedEventArgs e)        {            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " ContentPanel_ManipulationStarted \r\n");   //记录事件触发        }

/// <summary>/// 重写Page的OnManipulationStarted事件/// </summary>/// <param name="e"></param>        protected override void OnManipulationStarted(ManipulationStartedEventArgs e)        {            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " OnManipulationStarted \r\n");   //记录事件触发        }


10/15/2011 5:25:53 PM tbShow_ManipulationStarted 

10/15/2011 5:25:53 PM ContentPanel_ManipulationStarted 

10/15/2011 5:25:53 PM OnManipulationStarted 






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