本文翻译自:The superclass “javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet” was not found on the Java Build Path [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案:

  • How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project? 如何在Eclipse项目中导入javax.servlet API? 15 answers 15个答案

I have a project created by Maven integration in Eclipse. 我有一个由Eclipse中的Maven集成创建的项目。 All work fine, but in the work space in all JSP files have this: 一切正常,但在所有JSP文件的工作空间中都有这样的:

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

To the first string where place: 到第一个字符串所在的位置:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

When I create a basic dynamic web project and JSP in - all is fine, no errors. 当我创建一个基本的动态Web项目和JSP时 - 一切都很好,没有错误。




Include servlet-api-3.1.jar in your dependencies. 在依赖servlet-api-3.1.jar中包含servlet-api-3.1.jar

  • Maven Maven的

     <dependency> <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId> <artifactId>javax.servlet-api</artifactId> <version>3.1.0</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> 
  • Gradle 摇篮

     configurations { provided } sourceSets { main { compileClasspath += configurations.provided } } dependencies { provided 'javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.1.0' } 


Select project → PropertiesProject FacetsTarget RuntimesVMware Server . 选择项目→ 属性项目构面目标运行时VMware服务器

It worked for me. 它对我有用。


Project → PropertiesTarget RuntimesApache Tomcat worked for me. 项目→ 属性目标运行时Apache Tomcat为我工作。 There is no Target Runtimes under Facets (I'm on Eclipse v4.2 (Juno)). Facets下没有Target Runtimes(我在Eclipse v4.2 (Juno)上)。


As this is unanswered, I am guessing something other than Maven dependencies are wrong with the ops build. 由于这是没有答案的,我猜测除了Maven依赖项之外的其他东西是ops构建错误的。

While not using Maven, I have the same problem from time to time when re-creating my development environment from svn, and I always forget why and have to figure it out. 虽然不使用Maven,但是当我从svn重新创建我的开发环境时,我经常会遇到同样的问题,而且我总是忘记原因并且必须弄明白。 Unfortunately it seems this is a problem with Eclipse. 不幸的是,这似乎是Eclipse的一个问题。

I am able to remove all such errors from once working projects by picking just one of the dynamic web projects, or just tomcat dependent projects, and move a dependency in the build order. 我可以通过选择一个动态Web项目或仅仅依赖于tomcat的项目从一次工作项目中删除所有此类错误,并在构建顺序中移动依赖项。 This seems to force all projects to rebuild properly and all of the errors are then resolved. 这似乎迫使所有项目正确重建,然后解决所有错误。

Right click on a web project, select "build Path" -> "Configure Build Path". 右键单击Web项目,选择“构建路径” - >“配置构建路径”。 Go to the tab "Order and Export", then pick a library or jar entry and move it up or down. 转到“订购和导出”选项卡,然后选择库或罐子条目并向上或向下移动。 I used the JRE System Library and moved it to the top. 我使用了JRE系统库并将其移到了顶部。

Click OK, and all that red goes away! 单击确定,所有红色消失!



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