本文翻译自:How do I strip all spaces out of a string in PHP? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: 可能重复:
To strip whitespaces inside a variable in PHP 在PHP中去除变量内的空格

How can I strip / remove all spaces of a string in PHP? 我怎么能剥夺 / 删除 PHP 字符串的所有空间

I have a string like $string = "this is my string"; 我有一个字符串,如$string = "this is my string";

The output should be "thisismystring" 输出应该是"thisismystring"

How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?




Do you just mean spaces or all whitespace? 你只是指空间或所有空格吗?

For just spaces, use str_replace : 对于空间,使用str_replace :

$string = str_replace(' ', '', $string);

For all whitespace (including tabs and line ends), use preg_replace : 对于所有空格(包括制表符和行尾),请使用preg_replace :

$string = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $string);

(From here ). (从这里开始 )。


If you want to remove all whitespace: 如果要删除所有空格:

$str = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $str);

See the 5th example on the preg_replace documentation . 请参阅preg_replace文档中的第5个示例。 (Note I originally copied that here.) (注意我最初在这里复制了。)

Edit: commenters pointed out, and are correct, that str_replace is better than preg_replace if you really just want to remove the space character. 编辑:评论者指出,并且是正确的,如果你真的只想删除空格字符, str_replacepreg_replace更好。 The reason to use preg_replace would be to remove all whitespace (including tabs, etc.). 使用preg_replace的原因是删除所有空格(包括制表符等)。



$new_str = str_replace(' ', '', $old_str);


If you know the white space is only due to spaces, you can use: 如果您知道空白区域仅由空格所致,您可以使用:

$string = str_replace(' ','',$string);

But if it could be due to space, tab...you can use: 但如果它可能是由于空间,标签......您可以使用:

$string = preg_replace('/\s+/','',$string);

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