
by Rebecca Radding

由丽贝卡·拉丁(Rebecca Radding)

我内心低声说:“成为建设者” (Something within me whispered: “Be the builder”)

加沙代码学院前任主持人Yasmin Hillis(自称嬉皮士)是一个内心的嬉皮士,她谈到了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫如何激发她开始编写代码 (Former Gaza Code Academy facilitator Yasmin Hillis, a self-declared hippie at heart, talks about how Virginia Woolf inspired her to begin writing code)

Yasmin Hillis studied English literature and taught English to children before shifting gears and studying web development with Founders and Coders, a peer-led coding bootcamp, where she recently finished her term as course facilitator. For several years, she’s been an avid practitioner of meditation and vegetarianism. In her spare time, Yasmin volunteers for local nonprofits and is teaching herself mathematics.

Yasmin Hillis学习英语文学,并向孩子们教英语,然后才换档,并与Founders and Coders (同等领导的编码训练营)一起学习网络开发,她最近在这里完成了课程辅导员的任期。 几年来,她一直是冥想和素食主义者的狂热练习者。 在业余时间,Yasmin志愿为当地的非营利组织做志愿者,并在自学数学。

If Yasmin lived in London, where Founders and Coders is based, her story as a self-taught female programmer would still stand out. But the fact that Yasmin was born in Gaza, the most populous of the Gaza Strip’s five governorates, makes her accomplishments, and her relentless positivity, all the more extraordinary. In fact, with the Israeli border crossing mostly closed since 2007, and the Egyptian border crossing effectively closed since 2014, Yasmin has never left Gaza, a narrow strip of land just 25 miles long.

如果Yasmin住在创始人和编码员所在的伦敦,她作为自学成才的女程序员的故事仍然会脱颖而出。 但是Yasmin出生在加沙地带五个省中人口最多的加沙地带,这一事实使她的成就和无情的积极性更加非凡。 实际上,自2007年以来以色列边境口岸基本关闭,而埃及边境口岸自2014年以来实际上已关闭,Yasmin从未离开加沙,这片狭长的土地只有25英里。

Yasmin, who graduated from the Gaza Code Academy, a joint project of Gaza Sky Geeks and London-based Founders and Coders, grew up under the thumb of the blockade, in circumstances most aspiring developers can hardly fathom: Gazans have, on average, only four hours of electricity a day, and 90% of Gaza’s water is unsafe to drink. According to the World Bank, Gaza’s unemployment rate, 43.9%, is the highest in the world. Unemployment among women stands at 55.2%, and workforce participation by women is just 19.7%.

雅斯敏(Yasmin)从加沙密码学院 ( Gaza Sky Geeks与伦敦创始人和编码员的联合项目)毕业,在封锁的背景下长大,在大多数有抱负的开发人员几乎无法理解的情况下:加沙平均而言,每天需要四个小时的电力,加沙90%的水都不安全饮用。 根据世界银行的数据, 加沙的失业率为 43.9%,是世界上最高的。 妇女的失业率为55.2%,妇女的劳动力参与率仅为19.7%。

Rebecca: Yasmin, I understand that before you decided to become a web developer, you studied English.

Rebecca :Yasmin,我了解您决定成为一名Web开发人员之前,您已经学习过英语。

Yasmin: That’s right. I graduated from Al-Azhar University in 2016, where I studied English literature and fell in love with literary criticism, especially of poems by William Wordsworth.

Yasmin :是的。 我于2016年毕业于阿尔·阿扎尔大学(Al-Azhar University),在那里我学习了英语文学,并爱上了文学批评,尤其是威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)的诗歌。

When I finished, I worked as an English teacher for a number of organisations and for a summer camp organised by Amideast.


Rebecca: Reading novels in your second language isn’t for the faint of heart! Tell me about your first experience reading a novel in English.

丽贝卡(Rebecca):用第二语言看小说不是为了胆小! 告诉我您第一次阅读英文小说的经历。

Yasmin: Actually, it was Robinson Crusoe.


Rebecca: Your first novel in English was an about a man shipwrecked on a desert island?


Yasmin: I know, ironic, right? When I read about his life on the deserted island, his experience being cut off from society, I felt like every sentence could have been describing me. Maybe that’s what motivated me to persevere through the book. After reading the first two chapters, and looking up every other word in the dictionary, I resolved to sit for twelve hours a day with my nose in the book until I felt like I understood the whole story, and not just the individual words. It took me two weeks, but I did it!

Yasmin:我知道,具有讽刺意味,对吗? 当我读到他在荒岛上的生活,他的经历与社会隔绝时,我感到每句话都可以形容我。 也许正是这促使我坚持不懈地坚持读这本书。 在阅读了前两章并查找字典中的每个其他单词之后,我决定每天坐在鼻子上十二个小时,直到我感觉自己能理解整个故事,而不仅仅是单个单词。 我花了两个星期,但我做到了!

Rebecca: You mentioned that you fell in love with Wordsworth’s poetry during university. Do you have a favorite poem?

丽贝卡:您提到您在大学期间爱上了华兹华斯的诗歌。 你有最喜欢的一首诗吗?

Yasmin: It’s so hard to choose, but probably “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (Daffodils)” by Wordsworth. When I read it, I feel like I’m right there with him in the field of flowers, even though I’ve never visited a daffodil field myself before. His writing…it gives me the sense that I can smell something I’ve never smelled before, and it lifts me up whenever I’m feeling down and longing to connect with nature. The final stanza particularly resonates with me:

Yasmin:很难选择,但是可能是华兹华斯的《我如云中的寂寞(水仙花)》。 当我阅读它时,即使我以前从未去过水仙花领域,我仍觉得我和他在一起就在鲜花领域。 他的作品……给我一种感觉,我可以闻到以前从未闻到的东西,每当我感到沮丧并渴望与大自然联系时,它就会使我振奋。 最后的节特别引起我的共鸣:

“They flash upon that inward eye


Which is the bliss of solitude;


And then my heart with pleasure fills,


And dances with the daffodils.”


Rebecca: So help me understand how you went from reading novels to writing code.


Yasmin: As a literature student, I spent lots of time searching the web for answers to the seemingly infinite questions sparked by the novels and literary criticism I was reading. At some point I realised that the websites I was using for my research had themselves been built by software engineers. Something inside me whispered, “Be the builder,” so I decided to take a gamble on learning to code.

Yasmin:作为文学系学生,我花了很多时间在网络上寻找我正在阅读的小说和文学批评引发的看似无限的问题的答案。 在某个时候,我意识到我用于研究的网站本身是由软件工程师建立的。 我内心深处低声说:“成为构建者”,所以我决定赌博学习编码。

Not long after, I saw an advertisement for She Codes, a short-term course run by Gaza Sky Geeks, on social media, and signed up right away. I joined the course and immediately started learning everything I could about coding, spending most of my free time reading articles and watching YouTube videos about programming as I worked my way through the prerequisites for the Code Academy.

不久之后,我在社交媒体上看到了由加沙天极客(Gaza Sky Geeks)开设的短期课程She Codes的广告,并立即注册。 我参加了该课程,并立即开始学习有关编码的一切知识,花了我的大部分空闲时间阅读文章,并观看了有关编程学院的先决条件的有关编程的YouTube视频。

I still remember how in my interview to join the Code Academy, after the technical questions, one of the panelists asked, if I could invite anyone to dinner, who would that person be. I said Virginia Woolf because from her novels you can see how enlightened she was in a time when women had so many rules imposed upon them by society, and as a fellow feminist living in a traditional society, I find her really inspiring.

我仍然记得,在进行技术性提问后,其中一位小组成员问我在采访中如何加入Code Academy,我是否可以邀请任何人共进晚餐,那个人会是谁。 我之所以说弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf),是因为从她的小说中,您可以看到她在女性对社会施加了如此多的规则的时代所获得的启发,而作为生活在传统社会中的女权主义者,我发现她的确令人鼓舞。

Rebecca: Obviously you’re not one to let rules stand in your way! Tell me about your experience on the course as someone with a non-technical background.

丽贝卡(Rebecca):显然,您不是让规则妨碍自己的人! 告诉我您作为非技术背景课程的经验。

Yasmin: In the beginning, I had a hard time coping with so many new technical topics, especially since everyone else on my cohort had studied computer science or information systems. But one thing I did know how to do was to google, and I spent every scrap of time looking up the new terms and topics I encountered.

Yasmin :一开始,我很难应付这么多新技术主题,尤其是因为我这个队列中的其他所有人都学习过计算机科学或信息系统。 但是我确实知道该怎么做的一件事就是去谷歌搜索,我花了很多时间查找遇到的新术语和主题。

There were times when learning code felt like learning another language — something I’m familiar with, having learned English and conversational French. But I had a hard time wrapping my mind around concepts like code modularisation, because I just couldn’t accept the idea that a certain block of code is getting/sending its input/output from/to another block of code living somewhere else on the project.

有时候,学习代码就像学习另一种语言一样,这是我所熟悉的,学过英语和法语会话。 但是我很难集中精力处理诸如代码模块化之类的概念,因为我无法接受这样的想法,即某个代码块正在/从另一个代码块获取/发送其输入/输出到另一个代码块,该代码块位于/项目。

Maybe it’s because in literature we don’t have the same concept — we usually deal with the piece of literature as a whole. So, coming to programming and finding that some files depend on others — my head was spinning!

也许是因为在文学中我们没有相同的概念-我们通常将文学整体视为一个整体。 因此,开始编程并发现某些文件依赖于其他文件-我的头在旋转!

Rebecca: I take it eventually things got easier. How did you find your footing?

丽贝卡 :最终我觉得事情变得容易了。 您是如何找到立足点的?

Yasmin: It all comes down to peer-led learning. Unlike traditional learning methods, which focus on what students lack, peer-led learning gives us as learners the responsibility to teach each other. Through this process we also become more self-aware of our strong and weak points. Peer-led learning has taught me that no matter how much I know, I can always learn something from the process of working with someone else.

Yasmin :这一切都归结为同行领导的学习。 与传统的学习方法侧重于学生缺乏的东西不同,同伴主导的学习使我们作为学习者有责任互相教teach。 通过这个过程,我们也变得更加了解自己的优缺点。 同行主导的学习告诉我,无论我多少了解,我总能从与他人合作的过程中学到一些东西。

Rebecca: I’d love to hear about your first experience with peer-led learning.


Yasmin: My first experience with peer-led learning was during a pair programming exercise on the very first day of the course. The mentors paired us up and told us to work on a challenge on Codewars. I remember how just three days before the course started, I was working at home on a similar challenge, and it took me ages, and so much searching, to find the answer. When I paired, my classmate used a different pattern, naming the variables and dealing with the code in a way that helped me see the problem in a new light, and we got to the solution in a fraction of the time it had taken me before. Afterwards, I remember telling our mentors that when two minds focus on one single problem, there’s nothing we can’t solve.

Yasmin:我在同伴主导学习方面的第一次经验是在课程的第一天进行一对编程练习。 导师将我们配对,并告诉我们应对Codewars的挑战。 我记得课程开始三天前,我正在家里应对类似的挑战,花了我很多年的时间和大量的搜索才能找到答案。 当我配对时,我的同学使用了一种不同的模式,命名变量并以一种可以帮助我从新的角度看待问题的方式处理代码,并且我们花了很短的时间才找到解决方案。 之后,我记得告诉导师,当两个人将注意力集中在一个问题上时,没有什么是我们无法解决的。

Rebecca: And what was the best part of the course?

丽贝卡 :那课程的最好部分是什么?

Yasmin: Our final project, which we worked on while mentoring the following cohort, was hands down the highlight of the course. We built an application to showcase the portfolios of Founders and Coders students, with Joe Tanner, Founders and Coders commercial manager, as our client.

Yasmin :我们在指导下一批学生时所做的最后一个项目,是该课程的重点。 我们创建了一个应用程序来展示创始人和编码员学生的投资组合,创始人和编码员商业经理Joe Tanner是我们的客户。

Rebecca: Speaking of technical skills, in what ways would you say that coming from a non-technical background was an asset on your journey?


Yasmin: It’s interesting you ask that. I guess you could say I brought the ability to think through projects both technically and emotionally, you know, from the user’s perspective. Some of my classmates, who were so strong technically, would forget to think through the project from the perspective of the user.

Yasmin:你问这很有趣。 我想您可以说,从用户的角度来看,我带来了从技术上和情感上对项目进行思考的能力。 我的一些同学在技术上如此强大,却忘记了从用户的角度来思考项目。

Rebecca: You mentioned that you worked on this project while mentoring the next cohort. Many of our alumni say that they grow as much, if not more, while mentoring as they did when they were a student. Tell me about your experience as a mentor.

丽贝卡(Rebecca) :您提到您在指导下一个同类时从事了这个项目。 我们的许多校友都说,他们在辅导的过程中成长的程度与他们在学生时期一样,甚至更多。 告诉我您作为导师的经历。

Yasmin: Mentoring taught me so much, starting with the fact that the best way to learn something is by explaining the concept to someone else. I remember standing up in front of the class explaining something about Node, even though I still hadn’t figured out the logic behind it myself. During my explanation, one of the students stopped me and asked me a question to the tune of, “Why does it work that way?” I found myself providing the answer and noticed another student nodding and saying, “Yeah, that’s right.” So I went back to my searching and saw that the answer I came up with, on the spot, was actually the right one.

Yasmin :辅导对我有很多启发,首先要学习的最好方法是向其他人解释这个概念。 我记得站在教室前解释关于Node的一些知识,尽管我自己仍然没有弄清楚它背后的逻辑。 在我解释时,其中一个学生拦住了我,并问我一个问题,“为什么它会那样工作?” 我发现自己提供了答案,并注意到另一个学生点头说:“是的,没错。” 所以我回到搜索中,发现当场想出的答案实际上是正确的答案。

Just yesterday, I was at home working through a mathematical problem. I found the problem hard and just could not find a solution to it, so I went to my mom, my mentor in self-learning math. I told her, “Mom, I can’t find a solution to this problem!” She asked me to explain the problem to her before thinking together about a solution. Lo and behold, as I was explaining the problem to my mom, I found the solution.

就在昨天,我在家中解决一个数学问题。 我发现这个问题很困难,无法找到解决方案,于是我去找妈妈,我的自学数学导师。 我告诉她,“妈妈,我找不到解决这个问题的方法!” 她要求我在考虑解决方案之前先向她解释这个问题。 瞧,当我向妈妈解释问题时,我找到了解决方案。

Rebecca: You said your mother is your mentor in self-learning mathematics. Would you consider her a role model?

丽贝卡(Rebecca) :您说您的母亲是您自学数学的导师。 你会认为她是榜样吗?

Yasmin: Absolutely. My mother studied mathematics at IUG, Islamic University of Gaza, and is currently a teacher of mathematics for middle schoolers at a school for UNRWA in Gaza.

亚斯敏 :绝对。 我的母亲在加沙伊斯兰大学的IUG学习数学,目前在加沙近东救济工程处的一所学校担任中学数学老师。

I guess it’s no accident that I became first a teacher, and then a facilitator. You could say that education is kind of a family tradition. My grandfather, rest in peace, who is originally from Gaza, studied English literature in Egypt before returning to Gaza to work as English teacher. He was eventually promoted to school principal, and then served as director of the UNRWA Education Department, Gaza area. My grandmother is also a teacher at an UNRWA school.

我想我首先成为一名老师,然后成为一名主持人并非偶然。 您可以说教育是一种家庭传统。 我的祖父安息于和平,他来自加沙,曾在埃及学习英语文学,然后返回加沙担任英语老师。 他最终被提升为学校校长,然后担任加沙地区近东救济工程处教育部主任。 我的祖母还是近东救济工程处学校的老师。

Having a strong female role models has been essential in my journey, as so many people here think women aren’t smart enough for work in tech.


Rebecca: Tell me about these naysayers.


Yasmin: Well, the dominant view in our society is that women are not made for tech and mathematics and science, and to put it bluntly, that women just aren’t intelligent. After growing up hearing this, some women even start to believe this and behave like it’s true. I’m grateful that my family has been so supportive of my educational and professional aspirations and that I have strong women as role models in my mother and grandmother.

Yasmin:嗯,在我们的社会中,主流观点是,女性并不是为科技,数学和科学而生,直率地说,女性只是不聪明。 长大后听到这些,有些女人甚至开始相信这一点,并表现得像是真的。 我很高兴我的家人一直支持我的教育和职业志向,并且我有坚强的女性在我的母亲和祖母中树立了榜样。

Rebecca: I understand that while there are only a handful of women working as developers in Gaza, women make up half of the students at the Code Academy.


Yasmin: That’s right. We believe that women and men are equally well-equipped for technical work, and envision a Gazan tech sector that one day employs as many women as men.

Yasmin:是的。 我们认为,男女在技术工作上都具有同等的条件,并设想加沙有一个高科技部门,有一天,女性的就业人数将与男性一样多。

Rebecca: You were the course facilitator for the fifth cohort of the Code Academy, which began during summer 2018. In your experience, how is facilitating different than teaching?

丽贝卡(Rebecca) :您是Code Academy第五届课程的课程主持人,该课程始于2018年夏季。根据您的经验,便利与教学有何不同?

Yasmin: Interesting question. Teaching is about delivering an idea. Facilitating, on the other hand, is mostly about observing — we only intervene when we don’t think students can sort things out for themselves, or when one student’s actions have become harmful to themselves or others. As a facilitator, I pay close attention to the environment and the students’ personalities, and make adjustments accordingly.

Yasmin :一个有趣的问题。 教学是关于传达想法。 另一方面,促进主要是观察–我们仅在我们认为学生无法自己解决问题或某个学生的行为对自己或他人有害时才进行干预。 作为主持人,我会密切关注环境和学生的个性,并做出相应的调整。

Being a facilitator was by far been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I was once floating around the room when students were working in pairs during a workshop. I noticed one student seemed particularly stressed and anxious. I approached her and asked what’s the matter but she assured me everything was fine. During the break, I decided to talk to her privately. This time, she admitted to me that she felt like an imposter, like she didn’t belong on the course and in the tech industry (which of course wasn’t true). I offered her advice and emotional support, which she later followed. A few weeks later, at the final project presentation, she displayed a firm grasp of the project as a whole. After the presentation, I talked to her and was so proud to hear her tell me she felt like she’d grown both personally and professionally.

到目前为止,成为主持人是我做过的最有意义的事情。 学生们在研讨会期间成对工作时,我曾经在房间里漂浮。 我注意到一位学生似乎特别压力和焦虑。 我走近她,问怎么了,但她向我保证一切都很好。 休息期间,我决定私下与她交谈。 这次,她向我承认,她觉得自己是个冒名顶替者,就像她不属于课程和技术行业一样(当然这不是事实)。 我向她提供了建议和情感上的支持,后来她又跟进了。 几周后,在最后的项目演示中,她对整个项目表现出了坚定的把握。 演讲结束后,我与她交谈,很高兴听到她告诉我,她觉得自己在个人和职业上都成长了。

Rebecca: And how did you grow from your experience as a facilitator?

丽贝卡(Rebecca) :作为主持人,您是如何成长的?

Yasmin: Even more than when I was a student, facilitating has taught me the value of teamwork. Now I’ve been a team member several times before, but witnessing how teams in the room work and observing where they get into trouble has made me so much more aware of the importance of collaboration and communication.

Yasmin :比起我还是学生的时候,促进更加教会了我团队合作的价值。 现在,我曾经几次成为团队成员,但是目睹会议室中的团队如何工作以及观察他们遇到的麻烦使我更加了解协作和沟通的重要性。

When you are on the team, you can get overwhelmed by the tiny things in front of you and forget to pay attention to more important things. When you are someone who is observing team dynamics, you can more clearly see the big picture, and thus help the teams refocus during daily standups on projects. I frequently remind the classroom as a whole that paying attention to the big picture is important. Sometimes the big picture is the communication within the team. Sometimes it is maintaining the longevity of relationships and other times it is prioritizing the project and the learning process of others.

当您在团队中时,您可能会被面前的细微事情淹没,而忘了注意更重要的事情。 当您观察团队动态时,您可以更清楚地看到全局,从而帮助团队在日常的项目站立时重新集中精力。 我经常提醒整个课堂,注意全局很重要。 有时,全局是团队内部的沟通。 有时它保持关系的寿命,而其他时候则优先考虑项目和他人的学习过程。

More than anything, this job taught me to be more patient. I learned to be patient with the rate of student progress, with team dynamics, with students who make the same mistake more than once. In life in general, I’m patient with my mind and body. I remind myself that everything takes time and if everything happens instantaneously, life loses one of its most interesting characteristics, suspense.

最重要的是,这份工作教会了我更多的耐心。 我学会了耐心地对待学生进步的速度,团队的动力以及不止一次犯同样错误的学生。 在一般的生活中,我对自己的思想和身体有耐心。 我提醒自己,一切都需要时间,而且如果一切瞬间发生,生命将失去其最有趣的特征之一,即悬念。

Rebecca: You say you’re patient with your mind and body. Outside of facilitation, how would you say you’ve learned the value of patience?

丽贝卡 :您说自己对自己的思想和身体有耐心。 除了便利之外,您如何说您已经学会了耐心的价值?

Yasmin: I’ve actually been practicing meditation for four years now. I’ve learned so much from my meditation practice, like how not to complain, compassion, patience, and self-awareness.

Yasmin :我实际上已经练习冥想已有四年了。 我从冥想练习中学到了很多东西,例如如何不抱怨,有同情心,耐心和自我意识。

Rebecca: How did you get started with meditation?


Yasmin: Well, back in college, during exams, I was just so overwhelmed. I had the sense that my mind needed a rest, but I didn’t know how to provide that for myself. It felt like there were voices in my head, and they were fighting, but I couldn’t figure out how to quiet them down.

Yasmin:好吧,回到大学时,在考试期间,我真是太不知所措了。 我感觉自己的大脑需要休息,但我不知道该如何为自己提供休息。 感觉好像是我的脑海里有声音,它们在战斗,但是我不知道该如何使它们安静下来。

I decided to sit in my bedroom, on the floor, and close my eyes — instinctively, I think, we all know how to be mindful. I sat there, still and silent, for about fifteen minutes. When I finished, my mind felt more organised, I was calm, and my mood had improved. When I went to study I found my comprehension was so improved that I decided I had to research to find out what it was that I did.

我决定坐在卧室的地板上,闭上眼睛-本能地,我认为,我们都知道如何保持警惕。 我坐在那里,寂静无声,大约十五分钟。 当我结束时,我的思想变得更有条理,我很平静,心情得到了改善。 当我去学习时,我发现自己的理解能力得到了很大的提高,以至于我决定必须进行研究以了解自己的理解。

I found a YouTube video with instrumental music for relaxing and I continued with meditating for a few months, almost every day, and eventually I learned about how controlling your breathing makes it easier and faster to relax and improves the mood. I still meditate whenever I can, using music, guided meditation, or mindfulness apps like Calm and Headspace. To be honest it’s hard to find a place to be alone and meditate, because houses here are crowded. But I steal moments for myself, because if I want to practice meditation and connect with nature, it doesn’t have to be a special place or time, just any place or time that I need it.

我找到了一部带有器乐的YouTube视频,可以放松,几乎每天,我都进行了几个月的冥想,最终我了解了如何控制呼吸使放松和改善心情变得更加轻松快捷。 我仍然会尽可能地使用音乐,引导式冥想或Calm和Headspace等正念应用程序进行冥想。 老实说,很难找到一个人独处和打坐的地方,因为这里的房子很拥挤。 但是我会为自己争取一些时间,因为如果我想练习冥想并与大自然保持联系,那么它不一定是一个特殊的地方或时间,而不必是我需要的任何地方或时间。

People here think I’m crazy for meditating, but what can I say, I guess I’m just a hippie at heart.


Rebecca: So where do you go when you want to be alone, to relax or to study?


Yasmin: Growing up, my favorite place to study was the balcony of my bedroom in our old house, where I’d read and sip a cup of tea in the fresh air. Today, I’d have to say I love visiting the sea. It’s where I feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and connected to nature.

Yasmin:长大后,我最喜欢读书的地方是我老房子里卧室的阳台,我在那里读书,在新鲜的空气中喝杯茶。 今天,我不得不说我喜欢海上旅行。 在这里,我感到轻松,恢复活力并与大自然息息相关。

Rebecca: What about your career goals? What’s your dream job?

丽贝卡 :您的职业目标呢? 你理想的工作是什么?

Yasmin: I loved working with the team at Gaza Sky Geeks, and I’m now looking for a role as a developer on an equally well-functioning team. I’d like to keep doing some project management, as I enjoyed the organisational aspect of facilitating.

Yasmin :我喜欢在Gaza Sky Geeks与团队合作,现在我正在寻找一个功能相同的团队中的开发人员的角色。 我喜欢继续进行组织工作,因此希望继续进行一些项目管理。

Rebecca: Dream big for me. Imagine the blockade ends today and you can get a job anywhere in the world. Where would you go?

丽贝卡 :对我来说梦Dream以求。 想象一下,封锁今天结束了,您可以在世界任何地方找到工作。 你会去哪里?

Yasmin: LONDON, of course!

Yasmin :伦敦,当然!

To learn more about hiring developers in Gaza, visit agency.gazaskygeeks.com.

要了解有关在加沙招聘开发人员的更多信息,请访问agency.gazaskygeeks.com 。

To apply to the Gaza Code Academy, visit www.gazaskygeeks.com/code.

要申请加沙代码学院,请访问www.gazaskygeeks.com/code 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/something-within-me-whispered-be-the-builder-9a47fcc013f/



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