
this代码在我的Tkinter上创建一个简单的日历.当我在主根窗口上放置日历时,日历显示正常.因此,我决定放置另一个按钮,它将创建一个Tkinter顶层窗口并在顶层窗口上放置另外一个日历.但这次它无法显示日历,而是它给了我这个错误,“TclError:无法打包. 18913120里面.18912200.18912400“.任何人都可以解释为什么我收到此错误消息.


import calendar

import sys


import Tkinter

import tkFont

except ImportError: # py3k

import tkinter as Tkinter

import tkinter.font as tkFont

import ttk

def get_calendar(locale, fwday):

# instantiate proper calendar class

if locale is None:

return calendar.TextCalendar(fwday)


return calendar.LocaleTextCalendar(fwday, locale)

class Calendar(ttk.Frame):

# XXX ToDo: cget and configure

datetime = calendar.datetime.datetime

timedelta = calendar.datetime.timedelta

def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):



locale, firstweekday, year, month, selectbackground,



# remove custom options from kw before initializating ttk.Frame

fwday = kw.pop('firstweekday', calendar.MONDAY)

year = kw.pop('year', self.datetime.now().year)

month = kw.pop('month', self.datetime.now().month)

locale = kw.pop('locale', None)

sel_bg = kw.pop('selectbackground', '#ecffc4')

sel_fg = kw.pop('selectforeground', '#05640e')

self._date = self.datetime(year, month, 1)

self._selection = None # no date selected

ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw)

self._cal = get_calendar(locale, fwday)

self.__setup_styles() # creates custom styles

self.__place_widgets() # pack/grid used widgets

self.__config_calendar() # adjust calendar columns and setup tags

# configure a canvas, and proper bindings, for selecting dates

self.__setup_selection(sel_bg, sel_fg)

# store items ids, used for insertion later

self._items = [self._calendar.insert('', 'end', values='')

for _ in range(6)]

# insert dates in the currently empty calendar


# set the minimal size for the widget

self._calendar.bind('', self.__minsize)

def __setitem__(self, item, value):

if item in ('year', 'month'):

raise AttributeError("attribute '%s' is not writeable" % item)

elif item == 'selectbackground':

self._canvas['background'] = value

elif item == 'selectforeground':

self._canvas.itemconfigure(self._canvas.text, item=value)


ttk.Frame.__setitem__(self, item, value)

def __getitem__(self, item):

if item in ('year', 'month'):

return getattr(self._date, item)

elif item == 'selectbackground':

return self._canvas['background']

elif item == 'selectforeground':

return self._canvas.itemcget(self._canvas.text, 'fill')


r = ttk.tclobjs_to_py({item: ttk.Frame.__getitem__(self, item)})

return r[item]

def __setup_styles(self):

# custom ttk styles

style = ttk.Style(self.master)

arrow_layout = lambda dir: (

[('Button.focus', {'children': [('Button.%sarrow' % dir, None)]})]


style.layout('L.TButton', arrow_layout('left'))

style.layout('R.TButton', arrow_layout('right'))

def __place_widgets(self):

# header frame and its widgets

hframe = ttk.Frame(self)

lbtn = ttk.Button(hframe, style='L.TButton', command=self._prev_month)

rbtn = ttk.Button(hframe, style='R.TButton', command=self._next_month)

self._header = ttk.Label(hframe, width=15, anchor='center')

# the calendar

self._calendar = ttk.Treeview(show='', selectmode='none', height=7)

# pack the widgets

hframe.pack(in_=self, side='top', pady=4, anchor='center')


self._header.grid(in_=hframe, column=1, row=0, padx=12)

rbtn.grid(in_=hframe, column=2, row=0)

self._calendar.pack(in_=self, expand=1, fill='both', side='bottom')

def __config_calendar(self):

cols = self._cal.formatweekheader(3).split()

self._calendar['columns'] = cols

self._calendar.tag_configure('header', background='grey90')

self._calendar.insert('', 'end', values=cols, tag='header')

# adjust its columns width

font = tkFont.Font()

maxwidth = max(font.measure(col) for col in cols)

for col in cols:

self._calendar.column(col, width=maxwidth, minwidth=maxwidth,


def __setup_selection(self, sel_bg, sel_fg):

self._font = tkFont.Font()

self._canvas = canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(self._calendar,

background=sel_bg, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)

canvas.text = canvas.create_text(0, 0, fill=sel_fg, anchor='w')

canvas.bind('', lambda evt: canvas.place_forget())

self._calendar.bind('', lambda evt: canvas.place_forget())

self._calendar.bind('', self._pressed)

def __minsize(self, evt):

width, height = self._calendar.master.geometry().split('x')

height = height[:height.index('+')]

self._calendar.master.minsize(width, height)

def _build_calendar(self):

year, month = self._date.year, self._date.month

# update header text (Month, YEAR)

header = self._cal.formatmonthname(year, month, 0)

self._header['text'] = header.title()

# update calendar shown dates

cal = self._cal.monthdayscalendar(year, month)

for indx, item in enumerate(self._items):

week = cal[indx] if indx < len(cal) else []

fmt_week = [('%02d' % day) if day else '' for day in week]

self._calendar.item(item, values=fmt_week)

def _show_selection(self, text, bbox):

"""Configure canvas for a new selection."""

x, y, width, height = bbox

textw = self._font.measure(text)

canvas = self._canvas

canvas.configure(width=width, height=height)

canvas.coords(canvas.text, width - textw, height / 2 - 1)

canvas.itemconfigure(canvas.text, text=text)

canvas.place(in_=self._calendar, x=x, y=y)

# Callbacks

def _pressed(self, evt):

"""Clicked somewhere in the calendar."""

x, y, widget = evt.x, evt.y, evt.widget

item = widget.identify_row(y)

column = widget.identify_column(x)

if not column or not item in self._items:

# clicked in the weekdays row or just outside the columns


item_values = widget.item(item)['values']

if not len(item_values): # row is empty for this month


text = item_values[int(column[1]) - 1]

if not text: # date is empty


bbox = widget.bbox(item, column)

if not bbox: # calendar not visible yet


# update and then show selection

text = '%02d' % text

self._selection = (text, item, column)

self._show_selection(text, bbox)

def _prev_month(self):

"""Updated calendar to show the previous month."""


self._date = self._date - self.timedelta(days=1)

self._date = self.datetime(self._date.year, self._date.month, 1)

self._build_calendar() # reconstuct calendar

def _next_month(self):

"""Update calendar to show the next month."""


year, month = self._date.year, self._date.month

self._date = self._date + self.timedelta(

days=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] + 1)

self._date = self.datetime(self._date.year, self._date.month, 1)

self._build_calendar() # reconstruct calendar

# Properties


def selection(self):

"""Return a datetime representing the current selected date."""

if not self._selection:

return None

year, month = self._date.year, self._date.month

return self.datetime(year, month, int(self._selection[0]))

def myfunction():


ttkcal = Calendar(root2,firstweekday=calendar.SUNDAY)

ttkcal.pack(expand=1, fill='both')




button=Tkinter.Button(root,text="Top level",command=myfunction)


ttkcal = Calendar(frame,firstweekday=calendar.SUNDAY)

ttkcal.pack(expand=1, fill='both')


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