ffmpeg text relocations



--disable-asm 或者--disable-asm --enable-pic might be needed.

comment:14in reply to:↑ 13 Changed 18 months ago by ioeir2

Replying to cehoyos:

--disable-asm or --disable-asm --enable-pic might be needed.

--disable-asm fixed the issue. Thanks!

comment:15Changed18 months ago by cehoyos

It should be emphasized that --disable-asm does not fix anything, it just creates horribly slow FFmpeg binaries.


1 down vote


This should be fixed already (since commit https://git.libav.org/?p=libav.git;a=commitdiff;h=f963f80399d, December 2014), so make sure you build a new enough version and it should be fine.

arm, aarch64 and x86_64 should all work fine without text relocations, but for 32 bit x86, you can't easily avoid it. (For x86, the simplest way around it is to do--disable-asm, but that does give quite a bit of performance loss.)

You can check if your shared lbirary has text relocations by doing this:

readelf -a path/to/yourlib.so | grep TEXTREL

If it has text relocations, it will show you something like this:

0x00000016 (TEXTREL)                    0x0

If this is the case, you may recompile your shared library with the latest NDK version available:

ndk-build -B -j 8

And if you check it again, the grep command will return nothing.

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