Job Description:


Do you want to design and build the services and solutions that are the foundation for Microsoft’s next generation intranet? Our goal is to connect employees to the people & information they need in their jobs using the latest advances in search, social computing, and enterprise content management. This is an opportunity to impact the productivity of MS employees and the direction of the Office Server platform.

Foundation Services SharePoint is responsible for internal development on the SharePoint platform, designing and building reusable solutions, patterns and services for the Corporate Intranet. The applications we build are customer showcases for how to integrate custom development with SharePoint out of the box features and address such areas as social computing, collaboration strategies, information discovery, content distribution, portal design and governance, and enterprise content publishing and management.

The Foundation Services SharePoint (FSS) team is looking for a solid developer to join the team.  Working closely with PM, test, operations, and business peers, you will design and build extensible, enterprise applications that connect users to the information they need by leveraging personalization, social, and governance strategies. Assignments in this role would include architecture, design, development, testing, and implementation of applications using the .NET Framework, RIA (SharePoint/, Silverlight, WPF, Ajax), C#, and Office Server/Client/Office 365.

Primary Responsibilities

· Own clear translation of functional specifications into technical designs, architecture diagrams, and specification.

· Collaborate with internal and external application, development, test, and business teams

· Design and build extensible applications for the SharePoint platform, on premises and online.

· Prototype custom solutions on future releases of SharePoint.


· B.S. in Computer Science or equivalent

· 5+ years of solid development experiences

· Strong design, coding and debugging skills in C# or other OO languages

· Strong knowledge of application development which solves business needs in a web environment. Experience in specific Microsoft web technologies including ASP.Net and SharePoint.

· Real-world working experience on Microsoft SQL Server.

· Systems experience in environments that utilize IIS, SharePoint,  and Active Directory

· Attention to detail and the ability to master new applications and technologies quickly

· Fluent verbal and written language skills in both Mandarin Chinese and US English.

· Preferred: Proven ability to design large scale system architecture with Microsoft technologies, and make sound trade-offs without compromising quality and schedule.

· Preferred: Knowledge or prior experience of Windows Azure.

· Preferred: Knowledge or prior experience of Microsoft SQL Server BI stack (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS.)

· Preferred: Experience working with geo-distributed teams.


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