
利用 当 n > k 时只能向后走,优化结果

using namespace std;
const int maxn = 100005;
int n, k;
bool vis[maxn];
struct node {int n, step;
};int check(node h){if(h.n < 0 || h.n > 100001) return 0;else if(vis[h.n]) return 0;return 1;
}int bfs(){node now, next;queue<node> Q;now.n = n;now.step = 0;Q.push(now);while(!Q.empty()){now = Q.front();Q.pop();if(now.n == k) { return now.step; }next = now;for(int i = 1; i <= 3; i++){if(i == 1) next.n = now.n + 1;else if(i == 2) next.n = now.n - 1;else if(i == 3) next.n = now.n * 2;if(check(next)) {next.step = now.step + 1;vis[next.n] = 1;Q.push(next);}}}return 0;
}int main(){while(scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) == 2){memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));if(n > k) {cout << n-k << endl;}else {int ans = bfs();cout << ans << endl;}}return 0;

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