

  • 目录
  • 前言
  • System Level
  • Interface
    • Add NIC into VPP as Interface
    • Interface State
    • Hardware Interface State
    • Interface MTU
    • Interface Promiscuous Mode(混杂模式)
  • Interface 类型
    • Sub Interface(VLAN 子接口)
    • loopback Interface
    • memif Interface
    • vhost-user Interface
    • Tap Interface
    • veth Interface
    • pipe Interface
    • bond Interface
  • Trace pkts
    • Trace the path if pkt loss
    • Trace path for 500 pkts per thread in vpp node
  • Pcap
    • tcpdump 800 pkts for tx or rx into /tmp/XXX.pcap
    • tcpdump dispatch
  • DPDK 参数设置


  • 官方文档 Debug CLI:https://docs.fd.io/vpp/20.09/d5/d57/clicmd.html

System Level

# 查看版本
show version# 查看线程运行情况
show threads# 查看插件加载情况
show plugin# 查看 CPU 亲和
show cpu affinity# 查看内存运行情况
show memory verbose# 查看 CPU 运行情况
show run# 查看图节点
show vlib graph# 设置日志级别
# class 有 vfio、fib、mfib、igmp、dhcp、nat、tap 等
set logging class <class> [rate-limit <int>] [level <level>] [syslog-level <level>]


Add NIC into VPP as Interface

since NIC should be managed by dpdk PMD rather than kernel, we should ifconfig down this NIC, and unbind kernel driver with dpdk-devbind tool in linux terminal.

$ lspci
00:07.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Virtual Function 700 Series (rev 01)
00:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Virtual Function 700 Series (rev 01)
00:09.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Virtual Function 700 Series (rev 01)
00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Virtual Function 700 Series (rev 01)$ ip a
11: ens10: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000link/ether fa:16:3e:b2:1e:98 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
12: ens8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000link/ether fa:16:3e:34:c5:5b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
13: ens9: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000link/ether fa:16:3e:78:0b:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
14: ens7: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000link/ether fa:16:3e:88:79:52 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff# fa:16:3e:b2:1e:98 => ens10 => 00:0a.0 => N3
# fa:16:3e:78:0b:00 => ens9 => 00:09.0 => N4
# fa:16:3e:34:c5:5b => ens8 => 00:08.0 => N6
# fa:16:3e:88:79:52 => ens7 => 00:07.0 => N9$ ifconfig ens10 down
$ ifconfig ens9 down
$ ifconfig ens8 down$ /root/upf-astri/build-root/install-vpp-native/external/sbin/dpdk-devbind --bind=vfio-pci 00:0a.0
$ /root/upf-astri/build-root/install-vpp-native/external/sbin/dpdk-devbind --bind=vfio-pci 00:09.0
$ /root/upf-astri/build-root/install-vpp-native/external/sbin/dpdk-devbind --bind=vfio-pci 00:08.0
$ /root/upf-astri/build-root/install-vpp-native/external/sbin/dpdk-devbind -s# NOTE: UPF 通过编辑 startup.conf 纳管 interfaces。

then restart VPP, switch vpp cli to check if the NIC found and link status.

show hardware-interfaces brief

Interface State


# 查看指定接口的信息
show interface [address|addr|features|feat] [<interface> [<interface> [..]]]# 查看该接口使能了那些 features。
show int GigabitEthernet3c/0/0 features # 设置指定接口的状态信息
set interface state <interface> [up|down|punt|enable].# 查看 Ingress 接口清单
show interface rx-placement

Hardware Interface State

显示操作系统层面的物理信息,包括:驱动,物理 Link 连通性状态等。

# 查看硬件接口统计信息
show hardware-interfaces [brief|verbose|detail] [bond] [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [<sw_idx> [<sw_idx> [..]]].# EXAMPLE
show hardware-interfaces
show hardware-interfaces brief
show hardware-interfaces GigabitEthernet7/0/0 2 verbose# 清除硬件接口统计信息
clear hardware-interfaces [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [<sw_idx> [<sw_idx> [..]]]# EXAMPLE
clear hardware-interfaces
clear hardware-interfaces GigabitEthernet7/0/0 2

Interface MTU

# 设置接口的 MTU
set interface mtu [packet|ip4|ip6|mpls] <value> <interface>

Interface Promiscuous Mode(混杂模式)

# 设置接口是否开启混杂模式
set interface promiscuous [on|off] <interface>

Interface 类型

Sub Interface(VLAN 子接口)

# 创建指定接口的子接口
create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet7/0/0 100# 删除指定接口的子接口
delete sub-interface GigabitEthernet7/0/0.100

loopback Interface

create loopback interface mac 00:0c:29:1f:ce:07 instance 100
delete loopback interface intfc loop100

memif Interface

VPP 支持在同一个 Linux 主机中运行多个 Instance,并且 Instance 之间可以使用 memif 来进行通信。

memif 是一种高性能的 Direct Memory Interface(直连内存接口),VPP instnace 通过 memif 提供的 Control Channel 的 Socket file 来进行内存的共享。

create memif id 0 /run/vpp/contiv/memif1.sock
create interface memif id 0 socket-id 1 master mode ip secret vpp123
set int state memif0 up
set int ip address memif0
delete interface memif memif1/0
delete memif socket id 0

vhost-user Interface

# 创建 vhost 接口
create vhost socket /tmp/sock2.sock server# 查看 vhost 接口
show vhost-user [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [descriptors]

Tap Interface

# NOTE:Linux Host 必须先创建好 Tap 接口
# 创建 Tap 接口,name 参数必须对应 Linux Host 上的接口为 host。
create tap id 10 host-if-name host
set int state tap10 up
set int ip address tap10

veth Interface

# NOTE:Linux Host 必须先创建好 veth 接口
# 创建 veth 接口,name 参数必须对应 Linux Host 上的接口为 vpp1out。
create host-interface name vpp1out

pipe Interface

pipe 接口,是 VPP 内建的、类似于 veth 的接口,用于连接 VRF。instance 为 Number,最大支持 16384。

pipe create [instance <instance>]
pipe delete <interface># EXAMPLE
# 创建 pipe100 接口,两端为 pipe100.0、pipe100.1 分别接入不同的 VRF。
pipe create instance 100

bond Interface

# 创建 bond 接口
create bond mode lacp load-balance l34# 删除 bond 接口
delete bond BondEthernet0# 为 bond 接口添加 Slave 接口
bond add BondEthernet0 TenGigabitEthernet3d/0/0# 为 bond 接口删除 Slave 接口
bond del TenGigabitEthernet3d/0/0   # 查看 bond 接口详情
show bond details# 设置 bond 接口的权重
set interface bond BondEthernet weight 100

Trace pkts

Trace the path if pkt loss

  1. check the pkt lost in witch vpp node with cmd ‘trace’
  2. check the pkt lost in witch step in upf plugin by open the log
  3. compare detail info bewteen pkt’s 5 tuple and session’s pdr, far
  4. tcpdump the pkt if needed.

Trace path for 500 pkts per thread in vpp node

追踪 pkt 流经的图节点,以及在每个节点上的操作,在 pkt 接收端执行。

trace add dpdk-input 500
show trace max 500
clear trace


tcpdump 800 pkts for tx or rx into /tmp/XXX.pcap

pcap helptrace                          pcap trace [rx] [tx] [drop] [off] [max <nn>] [intfc <interface>|any][file <name>] [status] [max-bytes-per-pkt <nnnn>][filter][preallocate-data][free-data]# Step1 列出 VPP 纳管的 Network interfaces。
show interface address# Step2 选择要抓包的 Network interface 并开启 pcap 抓包。
pcap trace tx rx intfc VirtualFunctionEthernet0/6/0 max 10000 file XX-rxtx.pcap# Step3 查看当前抓包的状态。
pcap trace tx rx status# Step4 抓完包之后,记得一定要关闭。
pcap trace off

tcpdump dispatch

Dispatch 抓包模式会把 VPP 的 Dispatch Trace 也抓包到 pcap 中。

pcap dispatch trace on max 500
pcap dispatch trace off

DPDK 参数设置

# 设置此接口的 rx/tx 队列的大小。
set dpdk interface descriptors TenGigabitEthernet6/0/0 tx/rx 1024

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