
内核链表详细信息见 include/ linux / list.h 。

1. 定义和初始化内核链表

struct list_head {

struct  list_head *prev, *next ;

} ;



struct my_struct {

struct list_head list ;

unsigned long dog ;

void *cat ;

} ;


struct my_struct *p ;

p = kmalloc( sizeof(struct my_struct) , GFP_KERNEL) ;

if ( !p )

return -ENOMEM ;

p->dog = 0 ;

p->cat = NULL ;

p->list = LIST_HEAD_INIT( p->list ) ; // #define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }


struct my_struct mine = {

.list = LIST_HEAD_INIT( mine->list ) ;

.dog = 0 ;

.cat = NULL ;

} ;


static LIST_HEAD( list ) ; //定义加初始化

#define LIST_HEAD(name) \
        struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)


struct my_struct *p ;


INIT_LIST_HEAD( &p->list ) ;


static inline void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)
 list->next = list;
 list->prev = list;

2. 操作链表



*list_empty - test whether a list is empty

*@head : the list to test


static inline int list_empty( const struct list_head * head )


return head->next == head ;



* list_is_last - test whether @list is the last entry in list @head

* @list : the entry to test

* @head : the head of the list


static inline int list_is_last( const struct list_head *list ,

const struct list_head *head )


return list->next == head ;




*Insert a new entry between two known consecutive entries.

*This is only for internal list manipulation where we know

*the prev/next entries already!


static inline void __list_add( struct list_head *new ,

struct list_head *prev ,

struct list_head *next )


next->prev = new ;

new->next = next ;

new->prev = prev ;

prev->next = new ;



*list_add - add a new entry

*@new : new entry to be added

*@head : list head to add it after


*Insert a new entry after the specified head .

*This is good for implementing stacks .


static inline void list_add( struct list_head * new ,struct list_head *new )


__list_add( new , head , head->next ) ;



* list_add_tail - add a new entry

* @new : new entry to be added

* @head : list head to add it before


* Insert a new entry before the specified head .

* This is useful for implementing queues .


static inline void list_add_tail ( struct list_head *new , struct list_head *head )


__list_add( new , head->prev , head ) ;




struct my_struct new_my_struct ;

/* 初始化new_my_struct */

LIST_HEAD(list) ;

list_add ( &new_my_struct . list , &list ) ;

2.3 删除


* Delete a list entry by making the prev / next entries

* point to each other.


* This is only for internal list manipulation where we know

* the prev/next entries already!


static inline void __list_del( struct list_head * prev , struct list_head * next )


next->prev = prev ;

prev->next = next ;



* list_del - deletes entry from list.

* @entry : the element to delete from the list.

* Note : list_empty() on entry does not return true after this , the entry is

* in an undefined state.


static inline void list_del( struct list_head *entry )


__list_del( entry->prev , entry->next ) ;

entry->next = LIST_POISON1 ;

entry->prev = LIST_POISON2 ;



list_del ( &new_my_struct . list ) ;

2.4 替换


* list_replace - replace old entry by new one

* @old : the element to be replaced

* @new : the new element to insert


* If @old was empty , it will be overwritten. ?不会oops?


static inline void list_replace( struct list_head *old ,

struct list_head *new)


new->next = old->next ;

new->next->prev = new ;

new->prev = old->prev ;

new->prev->next = new ;


static inline void list_replace_init ( struct list_head *old ,

struct list_head *new )


list_replace( old , new ) ;




* list_del_init - deletes entry from list and reinitialize it .

* @entry : the element to delete from the list .


static inline void list_del_init ( struct list_head *entry )


__list_del( entry->prev , entry->next ) ;

INIT_LIST_HEAD( entry ) ;


2.5 搬移


* list_move - delete from the list and add as another's head

* @list : the entry to move

* @head : the head that will precede our entry


static inline void list_move ( struct list_head *list , struct list_head *head )


__list_del( list->prev , list->next ) ;

list_add( list , head ) ;



* list_move_tail - delete from one list and add as another's tail

* @list : the entry to move

* @head : the head that will follow our entry


static inline void list_move_tail(struct list_head *list ,

struct list_head *head )


__list_del(list->prev , list->next ) ;

list_add_tail( list , head ) ;





* list_splice - join two lists , this is designed for stacks

* @list : the new list to add.

* @head : the place to add the first list.


static inline void list_splice( const struct list_head *list ,

struct list_head *head )


if( !list_empty( list ) )

__list_splice( list , head , head->next ) ;


static inline void __list_splice( const struct list_head *list ,

struct list_head *prev ,

struct list_head *next )


struct list_head *first = list->next ;

struct list_head *last = list->prev ;

first->prev = prev ;

prev->next = first ;

last->next = next ;

next->prev = last ;



* list_splice_tail - join two lists , each list being a queue

* @list : the new list to add.

* @head : the place to add it in the first list .


static inline void list_splice_tail( struct list_head *list ,

struct list_head *head )


if( ! list_empty( list ) )

__list_splice( list , head ->prev , head ) ;


3. 遍历


* list_entry - get the struct for this entry

* @ptr : the &struct list_head pointer

* @type : the type of the struct this is embedded in.

* @member : the name of the list_struct within the struct


#define list_entry( ptr , type , member ) \

container_of( ptr , type , member )


// mine为初始化了得my_struct结构体

struct my_struct *p = list_entry( &mine . list , my_struct , list ) ;

#define container_of ( ptr , type , member ) ( {   \

const typeof( ( ( type *)0)->member) *__mptr = (ptr) ;  \

(type *) ( ( char *) __mptr - offsetof (type , member) ) ;

#define offsetof( TYPE , MEMBER) ( ( size_t) & ( (TYPE *) 0)->MEMBER)


container_of()和offsetof()并不仅用于链表操作,这里最有趣的地方是((type *)0)->member,它将0地址强制"转换"为type结构的指针,再访问到type结构中的member成员。在container_of宏中,它用来给typeof()提供参数(typeof()是gcc的扩展,和sizeof()类似),以获得member成员的数据类型;在offsetof()中,这个member成员的地址实际上就是type数据结构中member成员相对于结构变量的偏移量。


* list_for_each - iterate over a list

* @pos : the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.

* @head : the  head for your list.


#define list_for_each( pos , head ) \

for( pos = (head)->next ; prefetch(pos->next ) , pos != head ; \

pos = pos->next )




struct list_head *p ;

list_for_each( p , &mine . list ) {

struct my_struct *ptr = list_entry ( p , my_struct , list ) ;

printk(KERN_ALERT" the number of dog : %ld " , ptr->dog ) ;




* list_for_each_entry - iterate over list of given type

* @pos : the type * to use as a loop cursor.

* @head : the head for your list.

* @member : the name of the list_struct within the struct.


#define list_for_each_entry ( pos , head , member )

for ( pos = list_entry ( (head)->next , typeof(*pos) , member ) ; \

&pos->member != (head) ; \

pos = list_entry (pos-> , typeof(*pos) , member ))


4. 安全性考虑


a) list_empty()判断


b) 遍历时节点删除


当然,调用者完全可以自己缓存next指针使遍历操作能够连贯起来,但为了编程的一致性,Linux链表仍然提供了两个对应于基本遍历操作的"_safe"接口:list_for_each_safe(pos, n, head)、list_for_each_entry_safe(pos, n, head, member),它们要求调用者另外提供一个与pos同类型的指针n,在for循环中暂存pos下一个节点的地址,避免因pos节点被释放而造成的断链。


1. hlist

图6 list和hlist

精益求精的Linux链表设计者(因为list.h没有署名,所以很可能就是Linus Torvalds)认为双头(next、prev)的双链表对于HASH表来说"过于浪费",因而另行设计了一套用于HASH表应用的hlist数据结构--单指针表头双循环链表,从上图可以看出,hlist的表头仅有一个指向首节点的指针,而没有指向尾节点的指针,这样在可能是海量的HASH表中存储的表头就能减少一半的空间消耗。

因为表头和节点的数据结构不同,插入操作如果发生在表头和首节点之间,以往的方法就行不通了:表头的first指针必须修改指向新插入的节点,却不能使用类似list_add()这样统一的描述。为此,hlist节点的prev不再是指向前一个节点的指针,而是指向前一个节点(可能是表头)中的next(对于表头则是first)指针(struct list_head **pprev),从而在表头插入的操作可以通过一致的"*(node->pprev)"访问和修改前驱节点的next(或first)指针。

2. read-copy update

在Linux链表功能接口中还有一系列以"_rcu"结尾的宏,与以上介绍的很多函数一一对应。RCU(Read-Copy Update)是2.5/2.6内核中引入的新技术,它通过延迟写操作来提高同步性能。

我们知道,系统中数据读取操作远多于写操作,而rwlock机制在smp环境下随着处理机增多性能会迅速下降。针对这一应用背景,IBM Linux技术中心的Paul E. McKenney提出了"读拷贝更新"的技术,并将其应用于Linux内核中。RCU技术的核心是写操作分为写-更新两步,允许读操作在任何时候无阻访问,当系统有写操作时,更新动作一直延迟到对该数据的所有读操作完成为止。

参考: 很详细的一个帖子



  1. Linux 内核链表剖析(二十)

    上节博客中,我们讲到了 Linux 中的宏定义 offsetof 与 container_of 宏.那么本节我们的课程目标就是一直 Linux 内核链表,使其适用于非 GNU 编译器,分析 Linux ...

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  5. Linux内核链表交换节点,[笔记]Linux内核链表:结点的插入、删除以及链表的遍历...

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  6. 深入分析 Linux 内核链表--转

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  7. 第六天2017/04/11(2:Linux内核链表Demo、顺序表、链表的开发与设计)

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