使用 NLTK 对文本进行清洗,索引工具

EN_WHITELIST = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ' # space is included in whitelist
EN_BLACKLIST = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\''FILENAME = 'data/chat.txt'limit = {'maxq' : 20,'minq' : 0,'maxa' : 20,'mina' : 3}UNK = 'unk'
VOCAB_SIZE = 6000import random
import sysimport nltk
import itertools
from collections import defaultdictimport numpy as npimport pickledef ddefault():return 1'''read lines from filereturn [list of lines]'''
def read_lines(filename):return open(filename).read().split('\n')[:-1]'''split sentences in one lineinto multiple linesreturn [list of lines]'''
def split_line(line):return line.split('.')'''remove anything that isn't in the vocabularyreturn str(pure ta/en)'''
def filter_line(line, whitelist):return ''.join([ ch for ch in line if ch in whitelist ])'''read list of words, create index to word,word to index dictionariesreturn tuple( vocab->(word, count), idx2w, w2idx )'''
def index_(tokenized_sentences, vocab_size):# get frequency distributionfreq_dist = nltk.FreqDist(itertools.chain(*tokenized_sentences))# get vocabulary of 'vocab_size' most used wordsvocab = freq_dist.most_common(vocab_size)# index2wordindex2word = ['_'] + [UNK] + [ x[0] for x in vocab ]# word2indexword2index = dict([(w,i) for i,w in enumerate(index2word)] )return index2word, word2index, freq_dist'''filter too long and too short sequencesreturn tuple( filtered_ta, filtered_en )'''
def filter_data(sequences):filtered_q, filtered_a = [], []raw_data_len = len(sequences)//2for i in range(0, len(sequences), 2):qlen, alen = len(sequences[i].split(' ')), len(sequences[i+1].split(' '))if qlen >= limit['minq'] and qlen <= limit['maxq']:if alen >= limit['mina'] and alen <= limit['maxa']:filtered_q.append(sequences[i])filtered_a.append(sequences[i+1])# print the fraction of the original data, filteredfilt_data_len = len(filtered_q)filtered = int((raw_data_len - filt_data_len)*100/raw_data_len)print(str(filtered) + '% filtered from original data')return filtered_q, filtered_a'''create the final dataset : - convert list of items to arrays of indices- add zero paddingreturn ( [array_en([indices]), array_ta([indices]) )'''
def zero_pad(qtokenized, atokenized, w2idx):# num of rowsdata_len = len(qtokenized)# numpy arrays to store indicesidx_q = np.zeros([data_len, limit['maxq']], dtype=np.int32) idx_a = np.zeros([data_len, limit['maxa']], dtype=np.int32)for i in range(data_len):q_indices = pad_seq(qtokenized[i], w2idx, limit['maxq'])a_indices = pad_seq(atokenized[i], w2idx, limit['maxa'])#print(len(idx_q[i]), len(q_indices))#print(len(idx_a[i]), len(a_indices))idx_q[i] = np.array(q_indices)idx_a[i] = np.array(a_indices)return idx_q, idx_a'''replace words with indices in a sequencereplace with unknown if word not in lookupreturn [list of indices]'''
def pad_seq(seq, lookup, maxlen):indices = []for word in seq:if word in lookup:indices.append(lookup[word])else:indices.append(lookup[UNK])return indices + [0]*(maxlen - len(seq))def process_data():print('\n>> Read lines from file')lines = read_lines(filename=FILENAME)# change to lower case (just for en)lines = [ line.lower() for line in lines ]print('\n:: Sample from read(p) lines')print(lines[121:125])# filter out unnecessary charactersprint('\n>> Filter lines')lines = [ filter_line(line, EN_WHITELIST) for line in lines ]print(lines[121:125])# filter out too long or too short sequencesprint('\n>> 2nd layer of filtering')qlines, alines = filter_data(lines)print('\nq : {0} ; a : {1}'.format(qlines[60], alines[60]))print('\nq : {0} ; a : {1}'.format(qlines[61], alines[61]))# convert list of [lines of text] into list of [list of words ]print('\n>> Segment lines into words')qtokenized = [ wordlist.split(' ') for wordlist in qlines ]atokenized = [ wordlist.split(' ') for wordlist in alines ]print('\n:: Sample from segmented list of words')print('\nq : {0} ; a : {1}'.format(qtokenized[60], atokenized[60]))print('\nq : {0} ; a : {1}'.format(qtokenized[61], atokenized[61]))# indexing -> idx2w, w2idx : en/taprint('\n >> Index words')idx2w, w2idx, freq_dist = index_( qtokenized + atokenized, vocab_size=VOCAB_SIZE)print('\n >> Zero Padding')idx_q, idx_a = zero_pad(qtokenized, atokenized, w2idx)print('\n >> Save numpy arrays to disk')# save themnp.save('idx_q.npy', idx_q)np.save('idx_a.npy', idx_a)# let us now save the necessary dictionariesmetadata = {'w2idx' : w2idx,'idx2w' : idx2w,'limit' : limit,'freq_dist' : freq_dist}# write to disk : data control dictionarieswith open('metadata.pkl', 'wb') as f:pickle.dump(metadata, f)def load_data(PATH=''):# read data control dictionarieswith open(PATH + 'metadata.pkl', 'rb') as f:metadata = pickle.load(f)# read numpy arraysidx_ta = np.load(PATH + 'idx_q.npy')idx_en = np.load(PATH + 'idx_a.npy')return metadata, idx_q, idx_aif __name__ == '__main__':process_data()

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