

NAME: zfb2
TASK: friday
*/#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;int sun=0, mon=0, tue=0, wed=0, thu=0, fri=0, sat=0;bool
leap(int n)
{if((n%4==0&&n%100!=0)||n%400==0)return true;elsereturn false;
fun(int tol)
{   switch(tol%7){case 0: sun++; break;case 1: mon++; break;case 2: tue++; break;case 3: wed++; break;case 4: thu++; break;case 5: fri++; break;case 6: sat++; break;}
{freopen("friday.in", "r", stdin);freopen("friday.out", "w", stdout);int N;cin>>N;int sum=0;for(int i=1900; i<=1900+N-1; i++){for(int j=1; j<=12; j++){switch(j){case 1:case 3:case 5:case 7:case 8:case 10:case 12: {fun(sum+13); sum+=31;} break;case 4:case 6:case 9:case 11: {fun(sum+13); sum+=30;} break;case 2:{if(leap(i)){fun(sum+13); sum+=29;}else{fun(sum+13); sum+=28;}    }break;}}}cout<<sat<<" "<<sun<<" "<<mon<<" "<<tue<<" "<<wed<<" "<<thu<<" "<<fri<<endl;/*int i=1900;/*while(i<=1920){cout<<i<<"    "<<leap(i)<<endl;i++;}*///cin>>N;return 0;


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