


自然语言处理的领头人、LinguaSys Co-Founders 创始人Brian Garr 、Vadim Berman 对新书的贡献《Where Humans Meet Machines: Innovative Solutions of Knotty Natural Language Problems


LinguaSys co-founders, CEO Brian Garr and CTO Vadim Berman, share their expertise on Natural Language Processing in the just released book Where Humans Meet Machines: Innovative Solutions of Knotty Natural Language Problems edited by Amy Neustein and Judith Markowitz (Springer 2013). LinguaSys, Inc., is the international provider of human language technologies producing highly customized machine translation, multilingual text analytics and natural language processing software.

LinguaSys的创始人,CEOBrian Garr 和CTOVadim Berman ,就在刚刚出版的《Where Humans Meet Machines :Innovative Solution of Knotty Natural Language Problems 》分享了他们在自然语言处理领域的专业知识,这本书的编辑是Amy Neustein 和Judith Markowitz (Springer 出版社2013)。LinguaSys 有限公司是国际上的人类语言科技的提供者,生产了高度自定义的机器翻译,多语种的文本分析和自然语言处理软件。

Garr and Berman’s chapter in the book examines the value of, and future for, machine translation and natural language software in large multilingual and multicultural enterprises.

Garr and Berman的在这本书中的章节调查了机器翻译和自然语言软件在多语种文本和多元文化的企业中的价值和未来。

“LinguaSys provides linguistic software for blue-chip, government and military customers. With a combined 25+ years spent in the world of natural language processing, we bring a business centric view to technology that is just now starting to make inroads into mainstream business processes,” said Garr, who began his career with a startup called Globalink in the mid 1990s.

Garr 说:“LinguaSys公司为有钱人、政府和军队提供语言相关的软件。随着在自然语言处理这个领域有了25年以上的结合,我们已经带来了一个科技的商业中心视图,现在才开始在主流商业业务流程中有了进展。”,关于Garr ,是在90年代中期在Clobalink 开始的他的事业生涯。

LinguaSys’ core technology resolves the need for large investment and shortens time requirements for developing new languages. Rather than creating yet another ‘better’ algorithm, LinguaSys crafted a system that essentially mimics human linguistic processes with its interlingua based Carabao Linguistic Virtual Machine™.

LinguaSys的核心科技解决了大投资和短时间的新语言发展的需求的需要。而不是创建了另一个更好的算法,LinguaSys 公司制作了一个系统,这个系统在本质上模仿了人类语言处理,这种中间语言基于Carabao Linguistic Virtual Machine。

“We broke the mold by creating a language neutral semantically aware engine with industry-best language development tools that shorten the language building process drastically, and allow using the result for a variety of purposes, raising the value and reusability of the language models,” said Berman, who is the chief author of the ground breaking Carabao technology.

Carabao 技术的主要突破者Berman说,“我们用创建一个语言的中性语义感知机破坏了模型,而且,我们使用的是在行业当中最好的语言开发工具,大大的缩短了语言建立的进程,并且这种处理的结果允许用于多种途径,提高了这些语言模型的价值和重用性。”

Where Humans Meet Machines: Innovative Solutions of Knotty Natural Language Problems brings humans and machines closer together by showing how linguistic complexities that confound the speech systems of today can be handled effectively by sophisticated natural language technology.

《Where Humans Meet Machines: Innovative Solutions of Knotty Natural Language Problems 》这本书紧紧的把人类和机器变得更加进了。它展示了复杂的语言在困惑今天的语音系统的时候,语音系统可以使用精通自然语言的科技有效的处理和应对。

The anthology consists of entries by industry scientists and academicians working at major universities in North America and Europe, including researchers who played a central role in DARPA-funded programs and developers who craft real world solutions for corporations. Their contributions constitute diverse and multifaceted solutions for the natural language problems that permeate everyday human communications.


Editors Amy Neustein, Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Linguistic Technology Systems and Judith Markowitz, Ph.D., President of J. Markowitz Consultants, selected leaders in human language technologies to examine some of the most vexing natural language problems today. Where Humans Meet Machinesprovides an analysis of the role of natural language technology in the global marketplace and explores the need for natural language mapping tools that can cull important data from the vast array of social media postings. http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/book/978-1-4614-6933-9

编者Amy Neustein,博士,Linguistic 技术系统的创始者和CEO,Judith Markowitz,博士,J. Markowitz的顾问总裁,选了一些人类语言技术的领头者去检查一些令人烦恼的自然语言处理。《Where Humans Meet Machines》这本书提供了自然语言处理在全球商业界的地位的分析,探究了自然语言标注工具的需求,这种工具可以从社会各种媒体的帖子中挑选出重要的数据。http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/book/978-1-4614-6933-9

About LinguaSys, Inc.

LinguaSys solves human language challenges in Big Data and social media for blue chip clients around the world. Its natural language processing software provides real time multilingual text analysis and fast, cost-effective natural language interfaces (NLUI). The solutions are powered by LinguaSys’Carabao Linguistic Virtual Machine™, a proprietary interlingual technology, to deliver faster and more accurate results. Designed to be easily customized by clients, the solutions can be used via SaaS or behind the firewall. Headquartered in Boca Raton, FL, LinguaSys is an IBM Business Partner.www.linguasys.com @LinguaSys33431


LinguaSys为全世界的客户解决了人类语言在大数据还有社会中的媒体遇到的挑战。它的自然语言处理软件提供了实时的多语言文本分析和快速的、高效的自然语言接口(NLUI)。这些解决方案由LinguaSys’Carabao 语言虚拟机来完成,一种专有的语言技术,可以更快的提供,更准确的结果。客户可以很容易的自定义,这种解决方案也可以通过SaaS,穿过防火墙。总部设在了Boca Raton, FL,LinguaSys是IBM的合作伙伴。www.linguasys.com @LinguaSys33431


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