
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;namespace RobvanderWoude
{class GetMyPID{static int Main( string[] args ){#region Command Line Parsingbool doCheck = false;bool verbose = false;Int64 check = -1;foreach ( string arg in args ){switch ( arg.ToLower( ) ){case "/v":case "/verbose":case "-v":case "--verbose":if ( verbose ){return WriteError( "Duplicate command line switch /Verbose" );}verbose = true;break;case "?":case "/?":case "-?":case "/h":case "-h":case "/help":case "--help":return WriteError( string.Empty );default:if ( doCheck ){return WriteError( "Invalid or duplicate command line argument " + arg.ToUpper( ) );}if ( !Int64.TryParse( arg, out check ) ){return WriteError( "Invalid command line argument " + arg.ToUpper( ) );}if ( check < 1 ){return WriteError( "Invalid process ID " + arg );}doCheck = true;break;}}if ( args.Length > 2 ){return WriteError( "Invalid command line argument(s)" );}#endregion Command Line Parsingtry{int pid = ParentProcess.ParentProcess.ProcessId;if ( verbose ){Console.WriteLine( "Parent name  : {0}", ParentProcess.ParentProcess.ProcessName );Console.WriteLine( "Parent path  : {0}", ParentProcess.ParentProcess.FullPath );Console.WriteLine( "Parent PID   : {0}", pid );if ( doCheck ){Console.WriteLine( "Expected PID : {0}", check );Console.WriteLine( "Match        : {0}", ( pid == check ? "Yes" : "No" ) );}}else{Console.WriteLine( pid.ToString( ) );}if ( doCheck ){return ( pid == check ? 0 : 2 );}else{return pid;}}catch ( Exception e ){return WriteError( e );}}#region Error Handlingpublic static int WriteError( Exception e ){return WriteError( e == null ? null : e.Message );}public static int WriteError( string errorMessage ){string exeName = Process.GetCurrentProcess( ).ProcessName;GetMyPID,  Version 1.00Return or check the parent's (caller's) Process IDUsage:    GETMYPID  [ pid ]  [ /V ]Where:    pid   is the expected PID to check the actual PID against/V    display verbose information on the parent processNotes:    With an expected PID specified, this program returns 'errorlevel'0 if the actual PID matches the expected value, or 2 if not;otherwise, it returns an 'errorlevel' equal to the PID.So to get a batch file's PID, use the following commands:GETMYPID.EXESET PID=%ErrorLevel%Credits:  ParentProcess class by Jared Barneck www.rhyous.com/2010/04/30/how-to-get-the-parent-process-that-launched-a-c-application/Written by Rob van der Woudeif ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( errorMessage ) == false ){Console.Error.WriteLine( );Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;Console.Error.Write( "ERROR: " );Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;Console.Error.WriteLine( errorMessage );Console.ResetColor( );}Console.Error.WriteLine( );Console.Error.WriteLine( "GetMyPID,  Version 1.00" );Console.Error.WriteLine( "Return or check the parent's (caller's) Process ID" );Console.Error.WriteLine( );Console.Error.Write( "Usage:    " );Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;Console.Error.WriteLine( "{0}  [ pid ]  [ /v ]", exeName.ToUpper( ) );Console.ResetColor( );Console.Error.WriteLine( );Console.Error.Write( "Where:    " );Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;Console.Error.Write( "pid" );Console.ResetColor( );Console.Error.WriteLine( "   is the expected PID to check the actual PID against" );Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;Console.Error.Write( "          /V" );Console.ResetColor( );Console.Error.WriteLine( "    display verbose information on the parent process" );Console.Error.WriteLine( );Console.Error.WriteLine( "Notes:    With an expected PID specified, this program returns 'errorlevel'" );Console.Error.WriteLine( "          0 if the actual PID matches the expected value, or 2 if not;" );Console.Error.WriteLine( "          otherwise, it returns an 'errorlevel' equal to the PID." );Console.Error.WriteLine( "          So to get a batch file's PID, use the following commands:" );Console.Error.WriteLine( );Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;Console.Error.WriteLine( "              GETMYPID.EXE" );Console.Error.WriteLine( "              SET PID=%ErrorLevel%" );Console.ResetColor( );Console.Error.WriteLine( );Console.Error.Write( "Credits:  ParentProcess class by Jared Barneck " );Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;Console.Error.WriteLine( "www.rhyous.com/2010/04/30" );Console.Error.WriteLine( "          /how-to-get-the-parent-process-that-launched-a-c-application/" );Console.ResetColor( );Console.Error.WriteLine( );Console.Error.WriteLine( "Written by Rob van der Woude" );return 1;}#endregion Error Handling}
}       复制代码


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