Tsinghua University School of Software Certificate Program on “Innovation & Entrepreneurship”


This course is designed for young entrepreneurs and experienced professional to get a deeper understanding of “digital economy” challenges and opportunity and build leadership expertise to be more effective in leading and building future organizations. The course will be taught by experienced leaders from industry, academia, research and government organizations and will discuss the case studies of various industries and how successful industries have transformed to the new “digital economy”.

Course Objectives:

  • Teach students about the fast changing digital global economy and discuss opportunities and challenges of major sectors of economy

  • New skills and expertise required to build a successful career

  • Teach entrepreneurship and how to solve problems and build solutions

  • Interdisciplinary program open to students from all majors

  • Connect students to internship jobs with major companies in China and around the world

为培养创新创业人才,近期清华大学将开办海外学者短期课程“Innovation & Entrepreneurship”(创新创业发展课程),课程云集来自世界各地不同领域的领军人物,展开物联网、工业大数据、智慧城市、创新医疗、教育创业、农业创新等多个领域的深入交流,研究多个行业的具体案例,探讨“数码革命”如何转变全球经济的主要行业。现面向全校招收100名学员,包括高年级本科生、硕士生、博士生,感兴趣的同学可以通过链接报名。


  • 让学生了解快速变化的全球数字经济的主要板块以及其中的机会和挑战;

  • 为发展成功的职业生涯做好新的技能与专业储备;

  • 为学生提供围绕问题提出解决方案的创业思路;

  • 面向全校的专业的跨学科交流机会;

  • 同时提供国内外知名企业的实习机会。

Course Timelines:

Course Duration: 2 Weeks/ 10 classes/ 2 hrs each class, Spet.17th - Spet. 28th 2018

Course lectures will include several invited speakers from key industry and related subjects



Performance Evaluation: 

Group exercise, classroom presentation and an individual final report (one-credit course)



Course Certification: 

After successful completion of the program students will be awarded a formal Certificate.




click"Read more" to fill out the applicaiton form OR long press the QR code down below, then click on extract QR code


点击文末左下角的 “阅读原文”,或长按下方二维码

The course agenda includes the following:

Evolution of Digital Economy:

  • Agriculture Economy

  • Industrial Economy

  • Internet Economy

  • Knowledge Economy

Digital Economy: Challenges & Opportunities

  • Innovating Manufacturing Economy

  • Innovating Healthcare Services

  • Innovating Financial Services

  • Innovating Mobile Commerce

  • Innovating Government Services

  • Innovating Smart City

  • Innovating Agriculture & Food Security

  • Innovating Education & Entrepreneurship

Major advances in Digital


  • Cloud Computing

  • Big data analytics

  • Machine Learning/ Artificial Intelligence

  • Mobile Services

  • Security

  • Social Networking

  • Internet of Things

Innovation process/methodology/strategy

Startups Ecosystem/Funding models

Innovating Global Ecosystem: Industry, Academia, Government partnership

Course Instructor/Invited Speakers:

Course Instructor: 

Kris Singh

President & CEO at SRII.

Silicon Valley, CA   (www.thesrii.org)


Kris Singh is the founder and CEO of SRII located in Silicon Valley, California. SRII mission is to "drive digital economy innovation for a better world". SRII provides advisory and consulting services to major organizations on the subject of “innovating digital economy for major sectors of economy”. SRII members include key leaders from industry, academia, research, startups and government organizations from around the world (www.thesrii.org).

Kris has been a senior leader in the Silicon Valley for more than 30 years and has worked with major IT companies such as IBM Research, Intel , AMD and National Semiconductor. Kris has also been working closely with academia to help drive “Innovation in Education & Entrepreneurship”.   Currently he is a visiting professor at Tsinghua University in China and has been an Industry Fellow in the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley and an adjunct professor in the Electrical Engineering & Computer Science department at Santa Clara University, CA.

Kris is also on the board and advisory member of several startup companies and he is a regular speaker at major forums and conferences around the world.

Invited Speakers will include:

Anant Jhingran

Products at Google


Anurag Gupta

Vice President, Amazon Web Services

Silicon Valley, CA


Jonathan Reichental

CIO of Palo Alto City, CA


Yan Chow

Medical Director at Amgen, CA


Dan Riskin

CEO, Vanguard Medical Techologies, Palo Alto, CA


Xiaowei Shen

CTO of IBM China, Beijin


Dong Liu

Managing Director, Accenture, Beijing


Rajeeb Hazra

Vice President, Technical Computing, Intel,  Santa Clara, CA


Krijn Poppe

Senior Economist & Research Head,  Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherland


Truls Berg

Open Innovation Lab of Norway


Jim Wilson

President & CEO of AgGateway Global Network


Geng Lin

Chief Development Officer & Head of Engineering

JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Nick Koshnick

Entrepreneur and Technologist, The Climate Corporation, Stanford University


Ashok Banerjee

CTO & VP Engineering Enterprise Security Products, Symantec, Silicon Valley, CA.


Jim Miller



Christopher Kitts

Associate Dean and Professor of Engineering, School of Engineering, Santa Clara University


Partha Pratim Das

Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIT Kharagpur


Ian Ferguson

VP, Ecosystem Development, IoT Services Group at Arm


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