
At RISE Conf in Hong Kong, Gary Vaynerchuk was asked:

在香港的RISE Con​​f会议上, 加里·韦纳楚克被问到:

How do I make a living off my passion?


The answer from the marketing mogul was straightforward and brilliant:


Put it in a box and sell it.


That is it. Everyone’s got knowledge, or a passion. You can share it or sell it.

这就对了。 每个人都有知识或激情。 您可以分享或出售。

All you need to do is package it.


Toolbox are the way to package your knowledge and sell it.


Below is a snap of why you would want to put together a toolbox.


首先-什么是工具箱? (Firstly — what’s a Toolbox?)

其次-对您有什么帮助? (And secondly — what’s in it for you?)

In other words, why should you spend a sheer amount of time putting together a valuable set of information and/or tools for free to be shared.


什么是工具箱? (What is a toolbox?)

If you type “toolbox” into DuckDuckGo (yeah, I care about privacy) you get this definition from Wikipedia:

如果您在DuckDuckGo中输入“ toolbox”(是的,我关心隐私),您将从Wikipedia中获得以下定义

A toolbox (also called toolkit, tool chest or workbox) is a box to organize, carry, and protect the owner’s tools. They could be used for trade, a hobby or DIY, and their content vary with the craft of the owner.

工具箱 (也称为工具箱工具箱箱里 )是一个盒子 ,组织,实施,保护所有者的工具 。 它们可以用于贸易,业余爱好或DIY ,它们的内容随所有者的Craft.io而变化。

Er, kind of— at least we have some interesting keywords here: organize, tools, use for trade (I like that one), DIY (sounds right), and craft of the owner.

嗯,至少在这里我们有一些有趣的关键字: 组织工具贸易使用 (我喜欢那个), DIY (听起来不错)和所有者的Craft.io

这种感觉很合理,但是启动工具箱并不是什么 (That kind of make senses but it is not quite what a startup toolbox is)

So far, we’ve seen two kinds of toolbox in the startup space:


  • Informational toolbox信息工具箱
  • Product & service toolbox产品和服务工具箱

信息工具箱: (Informational toolbox:)

Those ones are covering startups ecosystems, like Singapore or Hong Kong, and about 50 other ecosystems. You can find resources such as macro data, influencers, investors, majors events and startups — useful to promote an ecosystems and its main players.

这些涵盖了新加坡或香港等初创企业生态系统,以及约50个其他生态系统 。 您可以找到诸如宏观数据,影响者,投资者,专业活动和初创公司之类的资源,这些资源对于促进生态系统及其主要参与者非常有用。

There are also the ones for you to get into a new field — such as crypto.

还有一些供您进入新领域的工具,例如crypto 。

The definition could be something along these lines:


A set of information and resources to help your audience understand the environment and opportunities.


产品(或计算)工具箱: (Product — or computing — toolbox:)

Those are the coder’s toolbox type aggregating apps, Saas or commands for you to build your own products or learn a few javascript quick-to-write algorithms.


And that is definition from Oxford dictionary:


A set of software tools


谢谢你,但是对我有什么帮助呢? (Thanks for that, but what’s in it for me?)

Below is what’s in it for you if you spend time putting together a toolbox:


  • Build up your credibility in that field — ecosystem expert, UX expert, etc.建立您在该领域的信誉-生态系统专家,UX专家等。
  • Become an influencer in that field — speak on panels, prepare a keynote based on your toolbox.成为该领域的影响者-在面板上发言,根据您的工具箱准备主题演讲。
  • Become the point of contact — Arnaud Bonzom with his Singapore’s ecosystem toolbox got over 150,000 views (V1&2) . If someone wants to know something about Singapore ecosystem, he will be the first person they think of. Fun fact: you might also become a toolbox influencer, 6 other decks have used Arnaud Bonzom’s framework to publish their toolbox.

    成为接触 - 阿尔诺Bonzom与他的新加坡生态系统工具箱有超过15万的访问量(V1&2)。 如果有人想了解新加坡的生态系统,他将是他们想到的第一个人。 有趣的事实:您也可能成为工具箱的影响者 ,另外6个平台已经使用Arnaud Bonzom的框架发布了他们的工具箱。

  • Generate leads (collect email addresses, and get direct inquiries) — you can have people to download your toolbox freely if you wish, you can also collect their email address for each download.生成销售线索(收集电子邮件地址,并获得直接查询)-您可以让人们免费下载工具箱,也可以为每次下载收集他们的电子邮件地址。
  • Build your brand awareness — remember — Singapore’s ecosystem toolbox: over 150,000 views of Arnaud Bonzom’s face and name.建立品牌知名度-记住-新加坡的生态系统工具箱:Arnaud Bonzom的面Kong和名字超过15万次浏览。
  • Build a community around you, get people to engage conversation with you, build your business, leverage on that toolbox.在您周围建立一个社区,吸引人们与您进行对话,建立您的业务,并利用该工具箱。

Thanks for reading. I write about community, growth, online privacy and other topics related to my time spent in Asia’s startup ecosystems.

谢谢阅读。 我撰写有关社区,成长,在线隐私以及与我在亚洲新兴生态系统中度过的时间有关的其他主题的文章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/startup-content-toolbox-ecosystem-community-92a0825b8178/



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