
bpo-31949: Fixed several issues in printing tracebacks


bpo-30696: Fix the interactive interpreter looping endlessly when no


bpo-20047: Bytearray methods partition() and rpartition() now accept only

bytes-like objects as separator, as documented. In particular they now raise

TypeError rather of returning a bogus result when an integer is passed as a


bpo-31852: Fix a segmentation fault caused by a combination of the async

soft keyword and continuation lines.

bpo-21720: BytesWarning no longer emitted when the fromlist argument of

__import__() or the __all__ attribute of the module contain bytes instances.

bpo-28603: Print the full context/cause chain of exceptions on interpreter

exit, even if an exception in the chain is unhashable or compares equal to later

ones. Patch by Zane Bitter.

bpo-28556: Two minor fixes for typing module: allow shallow copying

instances of generic classes, improve interaction of __init_subclass__with

generics. Original PRs by Ivan Levkivskyi.

bpo-27240: The header folding algorithm for the new email policies has been

rewritten, which also fixes bpo-30788, bpo-31831, and bpo-32182. In particular,

RFC2231 folding is now done correctly.

bpo-32186: io.FileIO.readall() and io.FileIO.read() now release the GIL

when getting the file size. Fixed hang of all threads with inaccessible NFS

server. Patch by Nir Soffer.


bpo-31380: Skip test_httpservers test_undecodable_file on macOS: fails on


bpo-31705: Skip test_socket.test_sha256() on Linux kernel older than 4.5.

The test fails with ENOKEY on kernel 3.10 (on ppc64le). A fix was merged into

the kernel 4.5.

bpo-31174: Fix test_tools.test_unparse: DirectoryTestCase now stores the

names sample to always test the same files. It prevents false alarms when

hunting reference leaks.

bpo-30695: Add the set_nomemory(start, stop) and remove_mem_hooks()

functions to the _testcapi module.


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