

[134] - MRI Inflammation in the Sacroiliac Joints Is Associated with CTX-II and Changes in Systemic Inflammation during TNFα Inhibitor Therapy.

Susanne Juhl Pedersen1,Inge Juul Sørensen2,Robert Lambert3,Kay-Geert Hermann4,Patrick Garnero5,Julia S Johansen6,Ole Rintek Madsen7,Annette Hansen8,Michael Sejer Hansen9,Gorm Thamsborg10,Lis Smedegaard Andersen11,Ole Majgaard12,Anne Gitte Loft13,Jon Erlendsson14,Karsten Asmussen15,Anne Grethe Jurik16,Jakob Møller17,Maria Hasselquist17,Dorrit Mikkelsen18,Thomas Skjødt19,Mikkel Østergaard20. 1Dep. of Rheumatology, Gentofte and Herlev Hospitals, Copenhagen, Denmark,2Dep. of Rheumatology, Hvidovre and Glostrup Hospitals and DANBIO, Copenhagen, Denmark,3Dep. of Radiology, University of Alberta, Canada,4Departments of Radiology, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, Germany,5INSERM Unit 664, Lyon, and Cisbio Bioassays Bagnols/Cèze, France,6Dep. of Internal Medicine, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,7Dep. of Rheumatology, Gentofte Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,8Dep. of Rheumatology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark,9Dep. of Rheumatology, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,10Dep. of Rheumatology, Glostrup Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,11Rheumatism Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Graasten, Denmark,12Dep. of Rheumatology, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,13Dep. of Rheumatology, Vejle Hospital, Denmark,14Dep. of Rheumatology, Horsens Hospital, Denmark,15Dep. of Rheumatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,16Dep. of Radiology, Aarhus University Hospitals, Aarhus, Denmark,17Dep. of Radiology, Herlev University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,18Dep. of Radiology, Aabenraa Hospital, Aabenraa, Denmark,19Dep. of Radiology, Vejle Hospital, Vejle, Denmark,20Dep. of Rheumatology, Hvidovre and Glostrup Hospitals, Copenhagen, Denmark

Objectives: To investigate the relation between inflammation in the sacroiliac joints (SIJ) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and biomarkers of inflammation (C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), YKL-40), angiogenesis (vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)), cartilage turnover (CTX-II, matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3), total aggrecan, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP)) and bone turnover (CTX-I, total osteocalcin) in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (SpA) treated with TNFα inhibitors.
Methods: Forty-three patients (34 men, 9 women; median age 40 yrs (range 21-62); disease duration 14 yrs (1-45)) initiated treatment with TNFα inhibitors (infliximab (n=31), etanercept (n=9) and adalimumab (n=3)) and were followed for 46 weeks. MR images were evaluated according to the Berlin SIJ inflammation scoring method at baseline, week 22 and 46. Biomarker levels of the patients were compared to these scores and biomarker levels of healthy subjects.
Results: The patients had a pretreatment MRI SIJ score of median 5 (range: 0-23) and SIJ inflammation was seen in 33 (77%) patients. The SIJ scores correlated with CTX-II (rho=0.57, p<0.0001) and COMP (inversely, -0.36, p=0.02), whereas no correlations were seen with the other 8 biomarkers. Compared to patients without pretreatment SIJ inflammation, patients with SIJ inflammation (MRI score ≥1) had higher baseline urine CTX-II levels (median 490 ng/mmol (IQR: 396-766) vs. 245 (128-345), p=0.003), and higher time-integrated mean concentrations of CTX-II from baseline to week 22 (461 ng/mmol (313-665) vs. 311 (185-404), p=0.04) and to week 46 (418 ng/mmol (286-610) vs. 214 (175-306) p=0.009) and lower YKL-40 from baseline to week 46 (41 µg/l (25-62) vs. 69 (46-106), p=0.03). After 22 weeks of anti-TNFα therapy 17 (52%) patients with SIJ inflammation on baseline MRI decreased in score, whereas 16 (48%) patients were unchanged or increased in score. A decrease in SIJ scores after 22 weeks was associated with larger percentage decreases in CRP (-84% (-94;-67) vs. -45% (-65;-18), p=0.008) and IL-6 (-76% (-88;-73) vs. -43% (-84;15), p=0.03) but not with any other biomarker as compared to unchanged/increased SIJ score. CRP and IL-6 frequently normalized after 22 weeks (i.e. CRP ≤8 mg/l and IL-6 ≤3.3 ng/l) in patients with a decrease in SIJ score as compared to patients with unchanged/increased SIJ score (Table 1).
Conclusion: Inflammation in SIJ on baseline MRI was associated with higher urine levels of the cartilage degradation biomarker CTX-II. Decrease in MRI inflammation during treatment with TNFα inhibitors was associated with decrease in systemic inflammation.



Pedersen SJ, et al. ACR 2010. Present No: 134.




结果:治疗前患者的MRI SIJ平均评分为5(0-23),33例患者(77%)可见SIJ炎症。SIJ评分与CTX-II呈正相关(rho=0.57, p<0.0001),与COMP呈负相关 (-0.36, p=0.02),而与其他8种生物标记物无相关性。与治疗前无SIJ炎症的患者相比,有SIJ炎症的患者(MRI评分≥1)在基线期尿CTX-II水平更高(平均490 ng/mmol [IQR: 396-766] vs. 245 [128-345], p=0.003),从基线期到第22周的CTX-II时间积分平均浓度更高(461 ng/mmol [313-665] vs. 311[185-404], p=0.04),从基线期到第46周的CTX-II时间积分平均浓度更高(418 ng/mmol [286-610] vs. 214 [175-306], p=0.009),从基线期到第46周的YKL-40更低(41 µg/l [25-62] vs. 69 [46-106], p=0.03)。在TNF拮抗剂治疗22周后,17例(52%)基线期MRI有SIJ炎症的患者评分降低,而另外16例(48%)患者评分没有变化或者升高。22周后SIJ评分降低的患者与SIJ评分没有变化或升高的患者相比,CRP(-84% [-94;-67] vs. -45% [-65;-18], p=0.008)和IL-6(-76% [-88;-73] vs. -43% [-84;15], p=0.03)降低百分比更大。在SIJ评分降低的患者中,CRP和IL-6在22周后多降至正常水平(即CRP ≤8 mg/l和IL-6 ≤3.3 ng/l)。

结论:基线期MRI SIJ炎症与尿中软骨降解生物标记物CTX-II水平较高相关。TNF拮抗剂治疗后MRI炎症降低与全身炎症降低相关。



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