

A B 5结果

A C 2结果

A D 4结果


public class search {

public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {

try {

Scanner user_input = new Scanner(System.in); // for user input

System.out.println("Enter the file name: ");

String filename1 = user_input.next();

File file = new File(filename1);

search bd = new search();

Node[] nodes;

nodes = bd.getNodes(file);



catch(Exception e) {

System.out.println("Error reading file " + e.getMessage());



public Node[] getNodes(File file) throws IOException {

FileReader bd = new FileReader(file);

BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(bd);

String line;

ArrayListlist = new ArrayList();

while ((line = bufferReader.readLine()) != null) {

String[] token = line.split(" "); // create string of tokens

list.add(new Node(token[0], token[1], Integer.parseInt(token[2])));



return list.toArray(new Node[list.size()]); // converting list to array


public void printNodes(Node[] nodes) {


for(Node node : nodes) {





class Node {

String leftchild;

String rightchild;

int cost;

public Node(){


public Node(String firstchild, String secondchild, int cost){

this.leftchild = firstchild;

this.rightchild = secondchild;

this.cost = cost;


public Node(String firstchild, String secondchild) {

this.leftchild = firstchild;

this.rightchild = secondchild;


public ArrayList getChildren(){

ArrayList childNodes = new ArrayList();

if(this.leftchild != null)




if(this.rightchild != null) {



return childNodes;


public boolean removeChild(Node n){

return false;



public String toString() {

return leftchild +" "+ rightchild;



error reading file 1



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