


  1. 理解协议在通信中的作用;
  2. 掌握抓包软件的开发;
  3. 掌握协议解析的编程方法。
  4. 利用所学的知识,制作一款流量统计软件



  • 利用winpcap捕获数据包,并可根据要求进行数据包过滤。
  • 根据IP协议,解析每个数据包的PCI,展示其在不同网络层次所使用的协议结构和具体信息。
  • 根据IP地址,统计源自该IP地址的流量,即捕获到的数据包的数量。


1. 协议栈分析



1. 以太网协议







Internet控制信息协议(Internet Control Message Protocol),它提供了很多Internet的信息描述服务,能够检测网络的运行状况,通知协议有用的网络状态信息。ICMP是基于IP协议的,ICMP协议格式如图3.5 所示。





2. 协议处理




3. 流量统计




本软件采用C++实现,在VS 2017上编写










#ifndef _PAC_ANA_H
#define _PAC_ANA_H#ifdef _MSC_VER
/** we do not want the warnings about the old deprecated and unsecure CRT functions* since these examples can be compiled under *nix as well*/#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
#endif/*set the environment head files*/
#define WIN32
#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib")  //load ws2_32.dll/*set the C++ head files*/
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>/*set the wpcap head files*/
#include "pcap.h"
#include <WinSock2.h>#define DIVISION "--------------------"
#define B_DIVISION "==================="/* 4 bytes IP address */
typedef struct ip_v4_address ip_v4_address;/* 16 bytes IP address */
typedef struct ip_v6_address ip_v6_address;/*8 bytes MAC addresss*/
typedef struct mac_address mac_address;/*ethernet header*/
typedef struct ethernet_header ethernet_header;/* IPv4 header */
typedef struct ip_v4_header ip_v4_header;/*IPv6 header*/
typedef struct ip_v6_header ip_v6_header;/*arp header*/
typedef struct arp_header arp_header;/*TCP header*/
typedef struct tcp_header tcp_header;/* UDP header*/
typedef struct udp_header udp_header;/*ICMP header*/
typedef struct icmp_header icmp_header;/* prototype of the packet handler */
void packet_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);/*analysis the ethernet packet*/
void ethernet_package_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);/*analysis the IPv4 packet*/
void ip_v4_package_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);/*analysis the IPv6 packet*/
void ip_v6_package_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);/*analysis the arp packet*/
void arp_package_handler(u_char* param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);/*analysis the udp packet*/
void udp_package_handler(u_char* param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);/*analysis the tcp packet*/
void tcp_package_handler(u_char* param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);/*analysis the icmp packet*/
void icmp_package_handler(u_char* param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);/*count the package with c++ std::map*/
void add_to_map(std::map<std::string, int> &counter, ip_v4_address ip);
void add_to_map(std::map<std::string, int> &counter, ip_v6_address ip);/*print the map info*/
void print_map(std::map<std::string, int> counter);#endif // !_PAC_ANA_H


#include "pac_ana.h"using namespace std;/*ip counter*/
std::map<std::string, int> counter;/*header structure*/
struct ip_v4_address
{u_char byte1;u_char byte2;u_char byte3;u_char byte4;
};struct ip_v6_address
{u_short part1;u_short part2;u_short part3;u_short part4;u_short part5;u_short part6;u_short part7;u_short part8;
};struct mac_address
{u_char byte1;u_char byte2;u_char byte3;u_char byte4;u_char byte5;u_char byte6;
};struct ethernet_header
{mac_address des_mac_addr;mac_address src_mac_addr;u_short type;
};struct ip_v4_header
{u_char ver_ihl;        // Version (4 bits) + Internet header length (4 bits)u_char    tos;            // Type of service u_short tlen;            // Total length u_short identification; // Identificationu_short flags_fo;      // Flags (3 bits) + Fragment offset (13 bits)u_char    ttl;            // Time to liveu_char   proto;          // Protocolu_short checksum;            // Header checksumip_v4_address src_ip_addr;        // Source addressip_v4_address  des_ip_addr;        // Destination addressu_int op_pad;         // Option + Padding
};struct ip_v6_header
{u_int32_t ver_trafficclass_flowlabel;u_short payload_len;u_char next_head;u_char ttl;ip_v6_address src_ip_addr;ip_v6_address dst_ip_addr;
};struct arp_header
{u_short hardware_type;u_short protocol_type;u_char hardware_length;u_char protocol_length;u_short operation_code;mac_address source_mac_addr;ip_v4_address source_ip_addr;mac_address des_mac_addr;ip_v4_address des_ip_addr;
};struct tcp_header
{u_short sport;u_short dport;u_int sequence;u_int acknowledgement;u_char offset;u_char flags;u_short windows;u_short checksum;u_short urgent_pointer;
};struct udp_header
{u_short sport;         // Source portu_short dport;            // Destination portu_short len;         // Datagram lengthu_short checksum;         // Checksum
};struct icmp_header
{u_char type;u_char code;u_short checksum;u_short id;u_short sequence;
};int main()
{pcap_if_t *alldevs;pcap_if_t *d;int inum;int i = 0;int pktnum;pcap_t *adhandle;char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];u_int netmask = 0xffffff;;struct bpf_program fcode;if (pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs, errbuf) == -1){fprintf(stderr, "Error in pcap_findalldevs: %s\n", errbuf);exit(1);}for (d = alldevs; d; d = d->next){cout << ++i << "." << d->name;if (d->description)cout << d->description << endl;elsecout << " (No description available)" << endl;}if (i == 0){cout << "\nNo interfaces found! Make sure WinPcap is installed." << endl;return -1;}cout << "Enter the interface number (1-" << i << "): ";cin >> inum;if (inum < 1 || inum > i){cout << "\nInterface number out of range." << endl;pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);return -1;}for (d = alldevs, i = 0; i < inum - 1; d = d->next, i++);if ((adhandle = pcap_open_live(d->name,    // name of the device65536,         // portion of the packet to capture. // 65536 grants that the whole packet will be captured on all the MACs.1,              // promiscuous mode (nonzero means promiscuous)1000,            // read timeouterrbuf           // error buffer)) == NULL){fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n", d->name);pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);return -1;}cout << "listening on " << d->description << "...." << endl;pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);if (pcap_compile(adhandle, &fcode, "ip or arp", 1, netmask) < 0){fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to compile the packet filter. Check the syntax.\n");pcap_close(adhandle);return -1;}if (pcap_setfilter(adhandle, &fcode) < 0){fprintf(stderr, "\nError setting the filter.\n");pcap_close(adhandle);return -1;}cout << "please input the num of packets you want to catch(0 for keeping catching): ";cin >> pktnum;cout << endl;pcap_loop(adhandle, pktnum, packet_handler, NULL);pcap_close(adhandle);getchar();return 0;
}/* Callback function invoked by libpcap for every incoming packet */
void packet_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{struct tm *ltime;char timestr[16];time_t local_tv_sec;/* convert the timestamp to readable format */local_tv_sec = header->ts.tv_sec;ltime = localtime(&local_tv_sec);strftime(timestr, sizeof timestr, "%H:%M:%S", ltime);cout << B_DIVISION << "time:" << timestr << ","<< header->ts.tv_usec << "  len:" << header->len << B_DIVISION<<endl;ethernet_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);
}void ethernet_package_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{ethernet_header* eh = (ethernet_header*)pkt_data;cout << DIVISION << "以太网协议分析结构" << DIVISION << endl;u_short type = ntohs(eh->type);cout << "类型:0x" <<  hex << type;cout << setbase(10);switch (type){case 0x0800:cout << " (IPv4)" << endl;break;case 0x86DD:cout << "(IPv6)" << endl;break;case 0x0806:cout << " (ARP)" << endl;break;case 0x0835:cout << " (RARP)" << endl;default:break;}cout << "目的地址:" << int(eh->des_mac_addr.byte1) << ":"<< int(eh->des_mac_addr.byte2) << ":"<< int(eh->des_mac_addr.byte3) << ":"<< int(eh->des_mac_addr.byte4) << ":"<< int(eh->des_mac_addr.byte5) << ":"<< int(eh->des_mac_addr.byte6) << endl;cout << "源地址:" << int(eh->src_mac_addr.byte1) << ":"<< int(eh->src_mac_addr.byte2) << ":"<< int(eh->src_mac_addr.byte3) << ":"<< int(eh->src_mac_addr.byte4) << ":"<< int(eh->src_mac_addr.byte5) << ":"<< int(eh->src_mac_addr.byte6) << endl;switch (type){case 0x0800:ip_v4_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;case 0x0806:arp_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;case 0x86DD:ip_v6_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;default:break;}cout << endl << endl;
}void arp_package_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{arp_header* ah;ah = (arp_header*)(pkt_data + 14);cout << DIVISION << "ARP协议分析结构" << DIVISION << endl;u_short operation_code = ntohs(ah->operation_code);cout << "硬件类型:" << ntohs(ah->hardware_type) << endl;cout << "协议类型:0x" << hex << ntohs(ah->protocol_type) << endl;cout << setbase(10);cout << "硬件地址长度:" << int(ah->hardware_length) << endl;cout << "协议地址长度:" << int(ah->protocol_length) << endl;switch (operation_code){case 1:cout << "ARP请求协议" << endl;break;case 2:cout << "ARP应答协议" << endl;break;case 3:cout << "ARP请求协议" << endl;break;case 4:cout << "RARP应答协议" << endl;break;default:break;}cout << "源IP地址:"<< int(ah->source_ip_addr.byte1) << "."<< int(ah->source_ip_addr.byte2) << "."<< int(ah->source_ip_addr.byte3) << "."<< int(ah->source_ip_addr.byte4) << endl;cout << "目的IP地址:"<< int(ah->des_ip_addr.byte1) << "."<< int(ah->des_ip_addr.byte2) << "."<< int(ah->des_ip_addr.byte3) << "."<< int(ah->des_ip_addr.byte4) << endl;add_to_map(counter, ah->source_ip_addr);print_map(counter);
}void ip_v4_package_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{ip_v4_header *ih;ih = (ip_v4_header *)(pkt_data + 14); //14 measn the length of ethernet headercout << DIVISION << "IPv4协议分析结构" << DIVISION << endl;cout << "版本号:" << ((ih->ver_ihl & 0xf0) >> 4) << endl;cout << "首部长度:" << (ih->ver_ihl & 0xf) << "("<< ((ih->ver_ihl & 0xf)<<2) << "B)" << endl;cout << "区别服务:" << int(ih->tos) << endl;cout << "总长度:" << ntohs(ih->tlen) << endl;cout << "标识:" << ntohs(ih->identification) << endl;cout << "标志:" << ((ih->flags_fo & 0xE000) >> 12) << endl;cout << "片偏移:" <<  (ih->flags_fo & 0x1FFF) << "("<< ((ih->flags_fo & 0x1FFF) << 3) << "B)" <<endl;cout << "生命周期:" << int(ih->ttl) << endl;cout << "协议:";switch (ih->proto){case 6:cout << "TCP" << endl;break;case 17:cout << "UDP" << endl;break;case 1:cout << "ICMP" << endl;break;default:cout <<  endl;break;}cout << "校验和:" << ntohs(ih->checksum) << endl;cout << "源IP地址:" << int(ih->src_ip_addr.byte1) << "."<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.byte2) << "."<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.byte3) << "."<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.byte4) <<  endl;cout << "目的IP地址:" << int(ih->des_ip_addr.byte1) << "."<< int(ih->des_ip_addr.byte2) << "."<< int(ih->des_ip_addr.byte3) << "."<< int(ih->des_ip_addr.byte4) << endl;switch (ih->proto){case 6:tcp_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;case 17:udp_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;case 1:icmp_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;default:break;}add_to_map(counter, ih->src_ip_addr);print_map(counter);
}void ip_v6_package_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{ip_v6_header *ih;ih = (ip_v6_header *)(pkt_data + 14); //14 measn the length of ethernet headerint version = (ih->ver_trafficclass_flowlabel & 0xf0000000) >> 28;int traffic_class = ntohs((ih->ver_trafficclass_flowlabel & 0x0ff00000) >> 20);int flow_label = ih->ver_trafficclass_flowlabel & 0x000fffff;cout << "版本号:" << version << endl;cout << "通信量类:" << traffic_class << endl;cout << "流标号:" << flow_label << endl;cout << "有效载荷:" << ntohs(ih->payload_len) << endl;cout << "下一个首部:" << int(ih->next_head) << endl;cout << "跳数限制:" << int(ih->ttl) << endl;cout << "源IP地址:"<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.part1) << ":"<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.part2) << ":"<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.part3) << ":"<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.part4) << ":"<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.part5) << ":"<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.part6) << ":"<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.part7) << ":"<< int(ih->src_ip_addr.part8) << endl;cout << "目的IP地址:"<< int(ih->dst_ip_addr.part1) << ":"<< int(ih->dst_ip_addr.part2) << ":"<< int(ih->dst_ip_addr.part3) << ":"<< int(ih->dst_ip_addr.part4) << ":"<< int(ih->dst_ip_addr.part5) << ":"<< int(ih->dst_ip_addr.part6) << ":"<< int(ih->dst_ip_addr.part7) << ":"<< int(ih->dst_ip_addr.part8) << endl;switch (ih->next_head){case 6:tcp_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;case 17:udp_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;case 58:icmp_package_handler(param, header, pkt_data);break;default:break;}add_to_map(counter, ih->src_ip_addr);print_map(counter);
}void udp_package_handler(u_char* param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{udp_header *uh;uh = (udp_header *)(pkt_data + 20 + 14);cout << DIVISION << "UDP协议分析结构" << DIVISION << endl;cout << "源端口:" << ntohs(uh->sport) << endl;cout << "目的端口:" << ntohs(uh->dport) << endl;cout << "长度:" << ntohs(uh->len) << endl;cout << "检验和:" << ntohs(uh->checksum) << endl;
}void tcp_package_handler(u_char* param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{tcp_header* th;th = (tcp_header*)(pkt_data + 14 + 20);cout << DIVISION << "TCP协议分析结构" << DIVISION << endl;cout << "源端口:" <<  ntohs(th->sport) << endl;cout << "目的端口:" << ntohs(th->dport) << endl;cout << "序号:" << ntohl(th->sequence) << endl;cout << "确认号:" << ntohl(th->acknowledgement) << endl;cout << "数据偏移:" << ((th->offset & 0xf0) >> 4) << "("<< ((th->offset & 0xf0) >> 2) << "B)"<< endl;cout << "标志:" ;if (th->flags & 0x01) {cout << "FIN ";}if (th->flags & 0x02) {cout << "SYN ";}if (th->flags & 0x04){cout << "RST ";}if (th->flags & 0x08){cout << "PSH ";}if (th->flags & 0x10){cout << "ACK ";}if (th->flags & 0x20){cout << "URG ";}cout << endl;cout << "窗口:" << ntohs(th->windows) << endl;cout << "检验和:" << ntohs(th->checksum) << endl;cout << "紧急指针:" << ntohs(th->urgent_pointer) << endl;
}void icmp_package_handler(u_char* param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{icmp_header* ih;ih = (icmp_header*)(pkt_data + 14 + 20);cout << DIVISION << "ICMP协议分析结构" << DIVISION << endl;cout << "ICMP类型:" << ih->type;switch (ih->type){case 8:cout << "ICMP回显请求协议" << endl;break;case 0:cout << "ICMP回显应答协议" << endl;break;default:break;}cout << "ICMP代码:" << ih->code << endl;cout << "标识符:" << ih->id << endl;cout << "序列码:" << ih->sequence << endl;cout << "ICMP校验和:" << ntohs(ih->checksum) << endl;
}void add_to_map(map<string, int> &counter, ip_v4_address ip)
{string ip_string;int amount = 0;map<string,int>::iterator iter;ip_string = to_string(ip.byte1) + "."+ to_string(ip.byte2) + "."+ to_string(ip.byte3) + "."+ to_string(ip.byte4);iter = counter.find(ip_string);if (iter != counter.end()){amount = iter->second;}counter.insert_or_assign(ip_string, ++amount);
}void add_to_map(map<string, int> &counter, ip_v6_address ip)
{string ip_string;int amount = 0;map<string, int>::iterator iter;ip_string = to_string(ip.part1) + ":"+ to_string(ip.part2) + ":"+ to_string(ip.part3) + ":"+ to_string(ip.part4) + ":"+ to_string(ip.part5) + ":"+ to_string(ip.part6) + ":"+ to_string(ip.part7) + ":"+ to_string(ip.part8);iter = counter.find(ip_string);if (iter != counter.end()){amount = iter->second;}counter.insert_or_assign(ip_string, ++amount);
}void print_map(map<string, int> counter)
{map<string, int>::iterator iter;cout << DIVISION << "流量统计" << DIVISION << endl;cout << "IP" << setfill(' ')<<setw(45) << "流量" << endl;for (iter = counter.begin(); iter != counter.end(); iter++){cout << iter->first  << setfill('.') << setw(45-iter->first.length()) << iter->second<<endl;}


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