
by freeCodeCamp


流媒体的7种方式使您成为更好的编码器 (7 Ways Streaming Makes you a Better Coder)

After coding live on twitch.tv for dozens of hours, I’m convinced that streaming makes you a better coder. Here’s why.

在twitch.tv上进行了数十小时的编码后,我相信流媒体可以使您成为更好的编码器。 这就是为什么。

1)享受结对编程的好处,但需要自己的时间 (1) Get the benefits of pair programming, but on your own time)

Pair programming, the staple of agile development, focuses on working through problems with a partner at your side.


The goal is for one person to take the lead while the other person checks for details and slip-ups that the main person may miss. Think of it as a big picture/small picture work balance.

目标是让一个人带头,而另一个人检查主要人可能错过的细节和失误。 可以将其视为大图/小图工作的平衡点。

Streaming sets this up naturally. You will work on the big picture, and the chat will keep an eye on the details.

流媒体自然地设置了它。 您将在大局上工作,而聊天将关注细节。

Why is streaming more convenient than pairing? You don’t need to play the scheduling game with your pair or worry about mismatched dev environments. You can start streaming and let the audience come to you.

为什么流媒体比配对更方便? 您无需与同伴一起玩调度游戏,也不必担心开发环境不匹配。 您可以开始流式传输,让听众来找您。

2)在Twitch聊天中获得免费的即时帮助 (2) Get free, immediate help in Twitch chat)

One of the most frustrating parts of learning to code is learning where to look for help.


When you stream from the Free Code Camp channel, users of all skill levels tune in. Once you let them know you’re open to their help, it’s like having a free personal coding lesson.

当您从Free Code Camp频道进行直播时,各种技能的用户都可以收听。一旦您让他们知道您愿意接受他们的帮助,就好像在上一堂免费的个人编码课。

You’ll also get help staying on track — an audience will indirectly keep you on track because you feel accountable for the topic cohesiveness of the stream.


Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses so your viewers can feel comfortable giving you candid feedback.


3)增强信心 (3) Boost your confidence)

Being honest on the stream about things that are difficult for me always inspires encouraging words from the chat.


Most coders struggle with the same things that you do and are happy to share what has worked for them. Hearing from your viewers will remind you that all coders encounter difficulties.

大多数编码人员都在为您做同样的事情而苦苦挣扎,并乐于分享对他们有用的东西。 观众的声音会提醒您所有编码人员都会遇到困难。

Just like going to the gym, streaming requires initial motivation. But you always walk away feeling happy that you did it.

就像去体育馆一样,流媒体需要最初的动力。 但是,您总是走开感到高兴,因为您做到了。

4)感觉与其他编码员的联系更加紧密 (4) Feel more connected with other coders)

Many new coders have taken advantage of local coding events, which are a great way to socialize while you’re learning on your own.


Sometimes, you want some interaction but there aren’t any events in your city, or you don’t feel like leaving the house. Streaming will allow you to connect, work with, and learn from coders from all over the world.

有时,您需要互动,但是您的城市没有任何活动,或者您不想离开家。 通过流技术,您可以与世界各地的编码人员联系,合作并向他们学习。

You’re not the only person on earth who’s learning to code, and streaming can be a huge reminder of that.


5)练习你的沟通技巧 (5) Practice your communication skills)

Before you can write good code, you need to articulate your problem and how you plan to solve it.


Streaming gives you a chance to practice talking about your code with fast, low-stakes feedback.


6)也帮助其他程序员学习 (6) Help other coders learn, too)

People who tune into your coding stream will range from beginner to expert.


They’ll get exposure to new approaches and see how you go about solving problems.


Watching you will also reinforce the fact that it’s normal to look things up and ask other coders for help.


7)建立团队合作心态 (7) Build teamwork mentality)

Most coders work as part of a team.


In case you haven’t heard, software is eating the world. There won’t be a shortage of software development jobs any time soon.

如果您没有听说过, 软件正在吞噬整个世界 。 很快就不会缺少软件开发工作。

Instead of worrying about competition, focus on helping yourself and others get ready to fill those jobs as soon as possible.


Streaming and interacting with the chat is a perfect way to practice a teamwork mentality while you code.


尝试在Free Code Camp的Twitch频道上流式传输 (Try streaming on Free Code Camp’s Twitch channel)

Dozens of campers from our open source community have improved their coding by streaming on our Twitch.tv channel.


You should stream on our channel. Don’t worry about your English proficiency or how advanced a coder you are — our audience of nearly 3,000 subscribers is really chill and supportive.

您应该在我们的频道上直播。 不用担心您的英语水平或您的编码水平如何—我们将近3,000名订户的听众确实很冷静和支持。

Reach out to me (Briana) on Twitter or Gitter and I’ll help you get set up to stream.

在Twitter或Gitter上与我联系(Briana),我将帮助您进行设置 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/7-ways-streaming-makes-you-a-better-coder-b1be71ce7c7e/



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