77GHz 和24GHz Radar性能解析

一.77GHz MRR

77GHz MRR Automotive Collision Warning Radar Application

MRR – Forward Collision Warning (FCW)

Forward collision warning according to the in-lane moving or stationary targets Satisfy ISO15623 requirements. The warning zone of FCW could be customized.

二.77GHz SRR

77GHz SRR Automotive Collision Warning Radar Application

  1. SRR – Blind Spot Detection (BSD)

Function: When the vehicle changes lane, alert the
moving target in the warning zone.
Satisfy ISO17387 LCDAS Type I (BSD) requirement.
The warning zone of BSD could be customized.

  1. SRR – Line Change Alert (LCA)

Function: When the vehicle changes lane, alert the
moving target in the warning zone.
Satisfy ISO17387 LCDAS Type III (LCA) requirement.
The warning zone of LCA could be customized.

  1. SRR – Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)

Function: When the vehicle backward moving out the
parking lot, this mode provides alerts of the cross moving target. The
vehicle can be stop or moving.
Only alert the closing target.
The warning zone of RCTA could be customized.

  1. SRR – Door Open Warning (DOW)

When the vehicle stop and open the door, only alert the moving target such as cars, motorcycles and passengers, in the warning zone.
Door Open Warning last within 3 minutes after the engine stop.
The warning zone of DOW could be customized.

  1. SRR – Rear Cross Traffic Alert/Backward Alert (RCTA/BKA)

Function: When the vehicle backward moving out the
parking lot, this mode provides alerts of the cross moving target. The
vehicle can be stop or moving.
Only alert the closing target.
The warning zone of RCTA could be customized.

  1. SRR – Rear Closing Warning (RCW)

Function: When the vehicle is moving, only alert the
fast approaching moving target such as cars, motorcycles and passengers, in the warning zone.
Start the RCW when the vehicle speed is faster than 70km/hr.
The warning zone of RCW could be customized.

三.24GHz Radar

24GHz Automotive Collision Warning Radar – Short Range Radar (SRR)

24GHz Automotive Collision Warning Radar Application

  1. SRR – Blind Spot Detection (BSD)

When the vehicle changes lane, alert the moving target in the warning
ISO17387 LCDAS Type I (BSD) requirement.
The warning zone of BSD could be customized.

  1. SRR – Lane Change Alert (LCA)

When the vehicle changes lane, alert the fast approaching target in the
warning zone.
ISO17387 LCDAS Type III (LCA) requirement.
warning zone of LCA could be customized.

  1. SRR – Rear Crossing Traffic Alert (RCTA)

Alert the crossing target in the warning zone when the vehicle is stop or
Only alert the approaching target
The warning zone of RCTA could be customized.

  1. SRR – Door Open Warning (DOW)

Alert the approaching target including vehicle, motorcycle, bike and
passenger in the warning zone when the vehicle is stop and opens the door.
in 3 minutes after the engine is turn off.
warning zone of DOW could be customized.

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