SAP MM 中级之事务代码MICN的相关逻辑

1, 事务代码MICN的初始界面:

2, 相关逻辑说明。OSS note 518418

2.1), In principle, the program calculates the planned date of physical inventory according to the following formula:

planned date = base date + Interval (Trans.OMCO/Tab.XT159C-ININV)

Usually, the base date is the 'date of the last physical inventory'.
Depending on the type of the stock or the batch management requirement, this date is read from one of the following table fields:

MARD-DLINL (Normal materials)
MCHB-CHDLL (Batch materials, separately valuated materials)

If no physical inventory has been carried out yet and if this date field is therefore empty, the system uses the creation date of the material as basis date. The basis date then comes from one of the following table fields:

MSTA-ERSDA (Normal materials)
MCHB-ERSDA (Batch materials, separately valuated materials)

Since the cycle counting physical inventory always runs for the current fiscal year, the earliest possible physical inventory date is the 01.01. and the latest possible physical inventory date is the 31.12 of the current year.

The selection screen for MICN allows you to do further selections like storage location and material type and planned count date.

2.2), It will create more work while creating the documents but selection variants can help you to organize it.

If it is too much to count all material due to be counted in one day then you need to manual organize the count.
Like storage location from aaaa to cccc in week one, dddd to gggg in week two......
material type ROH in week one, FERT in week two, HAWA in week 3.....
by date, select only materials due to be counted in week one of a month and so on....



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