​​​​​​​(仅仅从STK文档中摘出了传感器类型,覆盖分析的光照分析已经完成http:// ,该软件可以从gitee下载:https://gitee.com/enigma19971/EOMS。后续开发中会用到这些类型传感器的参数,留着参考。)

Sensor Definition

The Definition page enables you to set parameters defining a sensor's field of view.

Sensor Type Description
Complex conic Defined by specified inner and outer half angles and minimum and maximum clock angles.
Custom Import a custom sensor pattern file.
EOIR Models electro-optical and infrared sensors.
Half Power Models a parabolic antenna.
Rectangular Specify vertical and horizontal half-angles that will be used to model the field of view of an instrument.
SAR Synthesizes the aperture of a larger antenna than is actually present, using SAR pattern definitions designed to model the field of regard of a SAR sensor onto the surface of the earth.
Simple Conic Defined by a specified cone half angle.
  • If you are not licensed for a given sensor type, it will appear dimmed in the sensor type drop-down list box. Find out more on the license help page.
  • In the absence of terrain, a sensor on a vehicle will use either a reference ellipsoid if it is above it, or a scaled ellipsoid that passes through its current location if it is below the reference ellipsoid. This ensures that the sensor projection appears even if the sensor is below the reference ellipsoid, as can be the case, for example, when a ship is placed at zero MSL attitude.

Complex Conic Sensor Patterns

Complex Conic sensor patterns are defined by the inner and outer half angles and minimum and maximum clock angles of the sensor's cone.

Half Angles

Use Inner and Outer Half Angles to define the angular radius of the cone measured from the boresight. When an inner cone is specified, the inner region (the unshaded cone in the diagram on the right below) is considered to be a region of exclusion.

Clock Angles

Use Minimum and Maximum Clock Angles to define the range of rotation about the boresight relative to the up vector. The clock angles correspond to azimuth angles, which are defined in the sendor pointing direction. The angles are positive in a right-handed sense about the boresight vector for satellites and aircraft (see illustration below). For facilities and targets, the angles are positive in a left-handed sense about the boresight vector.

Figure 1. Complex Sensor Angles

Custom Sensor Patterns

The Custom sensor type lets you create and import your own sensor pattern files. You can:

It is possible to define the boresight of a sensor that isn't in the sensor's field of view. If you target a sensor with a boresight defined outside of the sensor's field of view, the sensor may appear to be targeting incorrectly. This is because the sensor targets along the boresight.

Use the  button in the Custom area to browse for a pattern file, then click OK or Apply in the Definition page to load the new sensor pattern.

Half Power Sensor Patterns

Half Power sensor patterns are designed to model parabolic antennas.

Value Description
Frequency (GHz) Specify the antenna's frequency in GigaHertz.
Diameter Specify the diameter of the antenna dish.
Half Angle Based on the values entered for Frequency and Diameter, STK calculates the half angle of the cone for you. The result appears after you click Apply on the Definition page.

The Frequency value is always expressed in GHz, regardless of the 。。。 set at the scenario level.

The two-sided beamwidth of a Half Power sensor is calculated as follows:

where  lamda is equal to the wavelength (m), which is equal to the speed of light (m/sec) divided by the frequency (Hz), and D is equal to the diameter of the transmit antenna (m). The coefficient of illumination is assumed to be 70.0 degrees, which represents nonuniform illumination. A coefficient of 58.5 degrees would represent uniform illumination. The beamwidth is divided by 2 to provide the effective half-angle.

Rectangular Sensor Patterns

Rectangular sensor types are typically used with satellites or aircraft for modeling the field of view of instruments such as 。。。 and star trackers. Rectangular sensors are defined according to specified vertical and horizontal half-angles.

Parameter Description
Vertical Half-angle The angle from the boresight (Z) direction to the edge of the sensor in the YZ plane of the sensor's coordinate system.
Horizontal Half-angle The angle from the boresight (Z) direction to the edge of the sensor in the XZ plane of the sensor's coordinate system.

The naming convention for the parameters used to specify the shape of a rectangular sensor assumes that the satellite to which the sensor is attached is geostationary with its X axis in the direction of the ECI velocity vector and its Z axis pointed toward nadir. The structure of a rectangular sensor is illustrated in the following diagram:

SAR Sensor Patterns

The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor type is designed to model the field of regard of a SAR sensor with respect to the surface of the Earth. A SAR sensor pattern synthesizes the aperture of a larger antenna than is actually present. Special signal processing that integrates data from multiple images collected over time generates a high-resolution image of the target.

Defining a SAR sensor requires that you specify elevation angles, exclusion angles, and the altitude of the parent object.

Option Description
Elevation Angle The minimum and maximum ground elevation angles to which the SAR sensor can provide coverage.
Exclusion Angles The minimum angle between the forward and aft projections of the velocity vector and the vector to the target.
Track Parent Altitude If enabled, the SAR sensor tracks the altitude of the parent object, rather than assuming a constant altitude.

SAR Pattern Definition

This pattern definition is appropriate only for a sensor whose parent object exists at some constant altitude above the surface (such as a satellite or an aircraft). The definition of the field of regard also relies on the velocity of the parent object in the Earth-centered fixed coordinate system. This fact places an implicit requirement on the parent object that the attitude of the parent object be defined with its X-axis along the Earth-fixed velocity vector (as is the case with the default attitudes for satellites and aircraft). SAR sensors should be pointed at nadir.

Field of Regard

The field of regard of the SAR sensor is constructed as a combination of the following four cones:

  • Inner exclusion cone
  • Outer inclusion cone
  • Forward exclusion cone
  • Aft exclusion cone

Elevation Angles

Define the inner exclusion cone and outer inclusion cone by specifying the Minimum (outer cone) and Maximum (inner cone) ground Elevation Angles, where the SAR sensor can provide coverage at the parent object's altitude.

Exclusion Angles

Define forward and aft exclusion cones with Forward and Aft Exclusion Angles. These exclusion angles represent the minimum angle between the forward or aft projection of the Earth-fixed velocity vector of the parent and the vector from the parent object to the target object. These exclusion angles are related to the maximum Doppler shift under which the SAR sensor can operate.

The effect of forward and aft exclusion cones is that they take "bites" out of the outer inclusion cone, which is defined by the minimum elevation angle. The pattern that is then projected to the plane is illustrated in the following diagram:

Simple Conic Sensor Patterns

A Simple Conic sensor pattern is defined by a simple cone angle, such as that shown in the illustration below. To define the simple cone, enter the Cone Half Angle.


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