收藏——CodeProject - 使用特性(attributes)和激活机制来实现工厂模式

分类: .NetDelphi2005-03-24 09:57496人阅读评论(0)收藏举报

原文 http://www.cnblogs.com/wdxinren/archive/2004/11/25/68775.html

翻译:小新0574 审校:Allen Lee (非常感谢Allen细致地审校) 



The basic rule for a factory pattern is that the factory should create an instance of an object with a known ancestor, and an unknown implementation behind. Which object to be created is decided by the factory based on the criteria’s passed to the factory’s method that shall instantiate the object.


I would also like to share some rules that I usually follow when I am writing a factory.

  1. If you need the factory to be able to create more classes than it was originally designed for, you should not have to modify the factory code.

  2. The factory should be equally unknowing as the caller about the implementation behind the classes that it can instantiate.

  3. The factory should provide a fixed mechanism how to decide which class to instantiate. The class itself should provide some information to the factory, which the factory should base it’s decision on.


  1. 如果你希望工厂比它原先设计时能创建出更多的类,你就不应该(随意)修改(或改变)工厂的代码。

  2. 工厂应该跟调用方一样对其背后用于实例化对象的实现一无所知。

  3. 工厂必须提供一种固定的机制来决定哪个类被实例化。类自身应该向工厂提供一些信息,以便工厂能够根据这些信息来作出判断。

One way solve the issues presented in rules 1 and 2 is to let the factory have an internal list of types it could instantiate, and to provide a register mechanism so that it’s possible to tell the factory which classes it can instantiate.


To solve the third rule it would require the classes which the factory can instantiate to override a static abstract method from the ancestor class, since you need information from the class before it’s instantiated and you need to override it’s behaviour in descendent classes. This is not possible in .NET since there is no meaning by having an static abstract method in .NET, therefore we must solve this with a different approach: Attributes.

为了解决第三个规则的问题,就需要这样的类,工厂可以实例化这些类来覆盖一个祖先类的静态抽象方法 ,因为你需要在类实例化之前从类里得到信息,然后在它的派生类里覆盖他的行为。这在.NET里是不可能的,因为在.NET里并没有一个静态抽象方法的概念,于是我们就需要用另外一种途径来解决这个问题:特性。

In this article I will show you how to implement a factory, which uses attributes to decide which class to instantiate. To fully understand this article you need to have some basic knowledge about attributes.




Why do I think these three rules are so important?


Let's say the factory is part of a plug in architecture and could not be modified because it’s compiled into a host application or a separate DLL. A third party should easily be able to write a plug in without modifying the factory code. Even if the current situation is not requiring this at the moment. If you use these three rules when developing your system this could easily be accomplished if the requirements changes later on


I also strongly believe that a class should be an expert on itself. Since a class obviously knows about it’s own implementation, why shouldn’t the class be a part of the decision making process that decides when to use it? If the class provide the factory with information to base it’s decision on, we could state that the class is an expert on itself since it knows what it does and when to be used.


About the code


To illustrate how to build such a factory, I have decided to use the following case:


The mission is to create an ASP.NET page which says: "Hello World" when a client is requesting the page. The problem is that the page should be available to various types of clients, like HTML browsers, XML Spy and other XML based tools, mobile phones and other WML browsers. The page should also be able to be requested manually by a GET from a telnet client.

任务是创建一个ASP.NET页面,在客户端请求这个页面的时候说:“Hello World”。问题是这个页面必须对各种各样的客户端可用,像HTML浏览器,XML Spy和其他基于XML的工具,移动电话和其他WML浏览器。从一个telnet客户端手动地发出一个Get也能请求这个页面。

Depending on the User Agent, the page should be generated differently, either in HTML, XML, WML or in plain text for the telnet client.


To simplify the demonstration, the application will actually be an ordinary windows application with an input field where to enter the "User Agent", and a textbox to display the output.


The basic idea how to solve this task is to have an abstract class


public abstract class ResponseFormatter
public abstract string FormatResponse(string Text);

which is inherited by several classes and implemented in different ways. For example one class is implemented to format the text using HTML and another class is formatting the text using WML etc. These classes are the classes that the factory is responsible for instantiating.


The factory class looks like this:


public sealed class ResponseFormatterFactory
private ArrayList RegisteredImplementations;
public ResponseFormatterFactory()
RegisteredImplementations = new ArrayList();

public void RegisterResponseFormatter(Type ResponseFormatterImpl)
if (!ResponseFormatterImpl.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ResponseFormatter)))
throw new ResponseFactoryError("Response Formatter 
must inherit from class ResponseFormatter");


public ResponseFormatter CreateResponseFormatter(string UserAgent)


To make the factory aware of the classes it can instantiate, it has an ArrayList that containins the System.Type for each ResponseFormatter implementation registered. You must therefor register all implementations with the factory using the method RegisterResponseFormatter in order to make it aware of them. The method RegisterResponseFormatter checks that theResponseFormatter parameter actually is a type subclassed from the abstract class ResponseFormatter.

为让工厂知道它能实例化的类,它有一个ArrayList来为每一个注册的ResponseFormatter实现保存System.Type。于是你必须使用RegisterResponseFormatter方法注册所有使用工厂的实现以使工厂知道它们(保存的类型)。RegisterResponseFormatter 方法检查ResponseFormatter参数是否真是一个由抽象类 ResponseFormatter继承来的子类。

Each class that the factory should manage should be "tagged" with one or more UserAgentAttribute which looks like this:


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=true)]
public class UserAgentAttribute : Attribute
private string UserAgentText;
private bool ExactMatch;

public UserAgentAttribute(string UserAgentText, bool ExactMatch)
this.UserAgentText = UserAgentText;
this.ExactMatch = ExactMatch;

public virtual bool MatchesUserAgent(string UserAgent)
if (!ExactMatch)
return (UserAgent.ToLower().IndexOf(UserAgentText.ToLower()) != -1);
return UserAgent.ToLower().Equals(UserAgentText.ToLower());

The AttributeUsage attribute says that this attribute is applicable to classes only, and it's okay to use several of these attributes on the same class.


When applying this attribute to a class you must supply two parameters: UserAgentText and ExactMatch. The first parameter is the string that is tested with the useragent you supply when you invoke the factory's CreateResponseFormatter method. The next parameter defines how the match should be performed: exact match (true) or partial match (false).

当给类使用这个特性的时候你必须提供两个参数:UserAgentText 和ExactMatch。第一个参数是一格字符串,当你调用工厂的CreateResponseFormatter 方法时,根据你提供的用户代理来被测试。第二个参数定义了将执行怎样的匹配:完全匹配(true)还是部分匹配(false)。

The method MatchesUserAgent performes the actual test and based on those two parameters it decides whether this class could serve the the specified UserAgent.

MatchesUserAgent 方法执行实际测试,根据两个参数,它决定是否这个类能够适合指定的UserAgent。

Let's have a look at a class that implements the abstract ResponseFormatter


[UserAgent("Mozilla", false)]
public class HTMLResponseFormatter : ResponseFormatter
public HTMLResponseFormatter() {}
public override string FormatResponse(string Text)
System.Text.StringBuilder Response = new System.Text.StringBuilder();


return Response.ToString();

First of all we have the attribute which says that this class should be used when the useragent contains (partial matching) the string "Mozilla".


The method FormatResponse is overidden to return the string in the variable Text formatted as HTML.

FormatResponse 方法被覆盖来返回使用HTML格式化后的Text变量中的字符串。

Now let's check inside the method CreateResponseFormatter in the ResponseFormatterFactory class:

现在然我们来检查一下在ResponseFormatterFactory类里的CreateResponseFormatter 方法的内部:

public ResponseFormatter CreateResponseFormatter(string UserAgent)
// loop thru all registered implementations
foreach (Type impl in RegisteredImplementations)
// get attributes for this type
object[] attrlist = impl.GetCustomAttributes(true);

// loop thru all attributes for this class
foreach (object attr in attrlist)

if (attr is UserAgentAttribute)
// okay, we found an useragent attribute
// lets check if it matches our useragent
if (((UserAgentAttribute) attr).MatchesUserAgent(UserAgent))
// okay, this ResponseFormatter could be
// used with the specified UserAgent
// created instance and return
return (ResponseFormatter)

// if we got this far, no ResponseFormatter implementation
// could be used with this UserAgent
throw new ResponseFactoryError("Could not find a ResponseFormatter 
implementation for this UserAgent");

This method consists of two nested loops: the first loop iterate through all the registered types. The second loop iterates through all attributes for the current type.


If the attribute is a UserAgentAttribute it calls the attributes MatchesUserAgent method to find out if this class could serve the specified UserAgent. If the MatchesUserAgent returnedtrue we simply instantiate the class behind the type using activation and returns it. If the loop's have finished without finding a implementation to use, an exception is raised.

如果特性是一个UserAgentAttribute 就调用特性的MatchesUserAgent方法来找出是否这个了能够匹配指定的UserAgent。如果MatchesUserAgent返回true 我们就使用激活器简单地实例化这个类型背后的类,然后返回它。如果这个循环结束并没有找到一个可以使用的实现,就抛出一个异常。

Well let's put everything together and have a look where the factory is used. First we'll create an instance of the factory and register our implementation with it.


// create factory 
factory = new ResponseFormatterFactory();

// register implementations

Next up is to finally use the factory:


private void btnHello_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
tbResponse.Text = 
factory.CreateResponseFormatter(cobxUserAgent.Text).FormatResponse("Hello World!!");
catch (ResponseFactoryError error)
MessageBox.Show(error.Message, "Error");

And that's it!


Points of Interest


Since I am an old Delphi coder I am used to the fact that it's possible to utilize static abstract methods, or as it's called in Delphi: an abstract class function. When I found out that this wasn't possible in .NET i was very depressed for a couple of days, until I stumbled upon attributes! Attributes is a very powerful tool for the programmer and could in a way mimic the behaviour of abstract static methods since you can derive attributes as well.

因为我是一个长久使用Delphi的程序员,我习惯于有可能使用静态抽象方法(static abstract methods),在Delphi里它是这么叫的:一个抽象类函数(an abstract class function)。当我发现在.NET里是不可能的时候,我失落了好几天,直到我发现特性!特性对程序员来说是一个强有力的工具,可以使用一种方法模拟抽象静态方法的行为,因为你也可以继承特性。

原文作者:John Gunnarsson

public abstract class ResponseFormatter
public abstract string FormatResponse(string Text);

which is inherited by several classes and implemented in different ways. For example one class is implemented to format the text using HTML and another class is formatting the text using WML etc. These classes are the classes that the factory is responsible for instantiating.


The factory class looks like this:


public sealed class ResponseFormatterFactory
private ArrayList RegisteredImplementations;
public ResponseFormatterFactory()
RegisteredImplementations = new ArrayList();

public void RegisterResponseFormatter(Type ResponseFormatterImpl)
if (!ResponseFormatterImpl.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ResponseFormatter)))
throw new ResponseFactoryError("Response Formatter 
must inherit from class ResponseFormatter");


public ResponseFormatter CreateResponseFormatter(string UserAgent)


To make the factory aware of the classes it can instantiate, it has an ArrayList that containins the System.Type for each ResponseFormatter implementation registered. You must therefor register all implementations with the factory using the method RegisterResponseFormatter in order to make it aware of them. The method RegisterResponseFormatter checks that theResponseFormatter parameter actually is a type subclassed from the abstract class ResponseFormatter.

为让工厂知道它能实例化的类,它有一个ArrayList来为每一个注册的ResponseFormatter实现保存System.Type。于是你必须使用RegisterResponseFormatter方法注册所有使用工厂的实现以使工厂知道它们(保存的类型)。RegisterResponseFormatter 方法检查ResponseFormatter参数是否真是一个由抽象类 ResponseFormatter继承来的子类。

Each class that the factory should manage should be "tagged" with one or more UserAgentAttribute which looks like this:


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=true)]
public class UserAgentAttribute : Attribute
private string UserAgentText;
private bool ExactMatch;

public UserAgentAttribute(string UserAgentText, bool ExactMatch)
this.UserAgentText = UserAgentText;
this.ExactMatch = ExactMatch;

public virtual bool MatchesUserAgent(string UserAgent)
if (!ExactMatch)
return (UserAgent.ToLower().IndexOf(UserAgentText.ToLower()) != -1);
return UserAgent.ToLower().Equals(UserAgentText.ToLower());

The AttributeUsage attribute says that this attribute is applicable to classes only, and it's okay to use several of these attributes on the same class.


When applying this attribute to a class you must supply two parameters: UserAgentText and ExactMatch. The first parameter is the string that is tested with the useragent you supply when you invoke the factory's CreateResponseFormatter method. The next parameter defines how the match should be performed: exact match (true) or partial match (false).

当给类使用这个特性的时候你必须提供两个参数:UserAgentText 和ExactMatch。第一个参数是一格字符串,当你调用工厂的CreateResponseFormatter 方法时,根据你提供的用户代理来被测试。第二个参数定义了将执行怎样的匹配:完全匹配(true)还是部分匹配(false)。

The method MatchesUserAgent performes the actual test and based on those two parameters it decides whether this class could serve the the specified UserAgent.

MatchesUserAgent 方法执行实际测试,根据两个参数,它决定是否这个类能够适合指定的UserAgent。

Let's have a look at a class that implements the abstract ResponseFormatter


[UserAgent("Mozilla", false)]
public class HTMLResponseFormatter : ResponseFormatter
public HTMLResponseFormatter() {}
public override string FormatResponse(string Text)
System.Text.StringBuilder Response = new System.Text.StringBuilder();


return Response.ToString();

First of all we have the attribute which says that this class should be used when the useragent contains (partial matching) the string "Mozilla".


The method FormatResponse is overidden to return the string in the variable Text formatted as HTML.

FormatResponse 方法被覆盖来返回使用HTML格式化后的Text变量中的字符串。

Now let's check inside the method CreateResponseFormatter in the ResponseFormatterFactory class:

现在然我们来检查一下在ResponseFormatterFactory类里的CreateResponseFormatter 方法的内部:

public ResponseFormatter CreateResponseFormatter(string UserAgent)
// loop thru all registered implementations
foreach (Type impl in RegisteredImplementations)
// get attributes for this type
object[] attrlist = impl.GetCustomAttributes(true);

// loop thru all attributes for this class
foreach (object attr in attrlist)

if (attr is UserAgentAttribute)
// okay, we found an useragent attribute
// lets check if it matches our useragent
if (((UserAgentAttribute) attr).MatchesUserAgent(UserAgent))
// okay, this ResponseFormatter could be
// used with the specified UserAgent
// created instance and return
return (ResponseFormatter)

// if we got this far, no ResponseFormatter implementation
// could be used with this UserAgent
throw new ResponseFactoryError("Could not find a ResponseFormatter 
implementation for this UserAgent");

This method consists of two nested loops: the first loop iterate through all the registered types. The second loop iterates through all attributes for the current type.


If the attribute is a UserAgentAttribute it calls the attributes MatchesUserAgent method to find out if this class could serve the specified UserAgent. If the MatchesUserAgent returnedtrue we simply instantiate the class behind the type using activation and returns it. If the loop's have finished without finding a implementation to use, an exception is raised.

如果特性是一个UserAgentAttribute 就调用特性的MatchesUserAgent方法来找出是否这个了能够匹配指定的UserAgent。如果MatchesUserAgent返回true 我们就使用激活器简单地实例化这个类型背后的类,然后返回它。如果这个循环结束并没有找到一个可以使用的实现,就抛出一个异常。

Well let's put everything together and have a look where the factory is used. First we'll create an instance of the factory and register our implementation with it.


// create factory 
factory = new ResponseFormatterFactory();

// register implementations

Next up is to finally use the factory:


private void btnHello_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
tbResponse.Text = 
factory.CreateResponseFormatter(cobxUserAgent.Text).FormatResponse("Hello World!!");
catch (ResponseFactoryError error)
MessageBox.Show(error.Message, "Error");

And that's it!


Points of Interest


Since I am an old Delphi coder I am used to the fact that it's possible to utilize static abstract methods, or as it's called in Delphi: an abstract class function. When I found out that this wasn't possible in .NET i was very depressed for a couple of days, until I stumbled upon attributes! Attributes is a very powerful tool for the programmer and could in a way mimic the behaviour of abstract static methods since you can derive attributes as well.

因为我是一个长久使用Delphi的程序员,我习惯于有可能使用静态抽象方法(static abstract methods),在Delphi里它是这么叫的:一个抽象类函数(an abstract class function)。当我发现在.NET里是不可能的时候,我失落了好几天,直到我发现特性!特性对程序员来说是一个强有力的工具,可以使用一种方法模拟抽象静态方法的行为,因为你也可以继承特性。

原文作者:John Gunnarsson

public abstract class ResponseFormatter
public abstract string FormatResponse(string Text);

which is inherited by several classes and implemented in different ways. For example one class is implemented to format the text using HTML and another class is formatting the text using WML etc. These classes are the classes that the factory is responsible for instantiating.


The factory class looks like this:


public sealed class ResponseFormatterFactory
private ArrayList RegisteredImplementations;
public ResponseFormatterFactory()
RegisteredImplementations = new ArrayList();

public void RegisterResponseFormatter(Type ResponseFormatterImpl)
if (!ResponseFormatterImpl.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ResponseFormatter)))
throw new ResponseFactoryError("Response Formatter 
must inherit from class ResponseFormatter");


public ResponseFormatter CreateResponseFormatter(string UserAgent)


To make the factory aware of the classes it can instantiate, it has an ArrayList that containins the System.Type for each ResponseFormatter implementation registered. You must therefor register all implementations with the factory using the method RegisterResponseFormatter in order to make it aware of them. The method RegisterResponseFormatter checks that theResponseFormatter parameter actually is a type subclassed from the abstract class ResponseFormatter.

为让工厂知道它能实例化的类,它有一个ArrayList来为每一个注册的ResponseFormatter实现保存System.Type。于是你必须使用RegisterResponseFormatter方法注册所有使用工厂的实现以使工厂知道它们(保存的类型)。RegisterResponseFormatter 方法检查ResponseFormatter参数是否真是一个由抽象类 ResponseFormatter继承来的子类。

Each class that the factory should manage should be "tagged" with one or more UserAgentAttribute which looks like this:


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=true)]
public class UserAgentAttribute : Attribute
private string UserAgentText;
private bool ExactMatch;

public UserAgentAttribute(string UserAgentText, bool ExactMatch)
this.UserAgentText = UserAgentText;
this.ExactMatch = ExactMatch;

public virtual bool MatchesUserAgent(string UserAgent)
if (!ExactMatch)
return (UserAgent.ToLower().IndexOf(UserAgentText.ToLower()) != -1);
return UserAgent.ToLower().Equals(UserAgentText.ToLower());

The AttributeUsage attribute says that this attribute is applicable to classes only, and it's okay to use several of these attributes on the same class.


When applying this attribute to a class you must supply two parameters: UserAgentText and ExactMatch. The first parameter is the string that is tested with the useragent you supply when you invoke the factory's CreateResponseFormatter method. The next parameter defines how the match should be performed: exact match (true) or partial match (false).

当给类使用这个特性的时候你必须提供两个参数:UserAgentText 和ExactMatch。第一个参数是一格字符串,当你调用工厂的CreateResponseFormatter 方法时,根据你提供的用户代理来被测试。第二个参数定义了将执行怎样的匹配:完全匹配(true)还是部分匹配(false)。

The method MatchesUserAgent performes the actual test and based on those two parameters it decides whether this class could serve the the specified UserAgent.

MatchesUserAgent 方法执行实际测试,根据两个参数,它决定是否这个类能够适合指定的UserAgent。

Let's have a look at a class that implements the abstract ResponseFormatter


[UserAgent("Mozilla", false)]
public class HTMLResponseFormatter : ResponseFormatter
public HTMLResponseFormatter() {}
public override string FormatResponse(string Text)
System.Text.StringBuilder Response = new System.Text.StringBuilder();


return Response.ToString();

First of all we have the attribute which says that this class should be used when the useragent contains (partial matching) the string "Mozilla".


The method FormatResponse is overidden to return the string in the variable Text formatted as HTML.

FormatResponse 方法被覆盖来返回使用HTML格式化后的Text变量中的字符串。

Now let's check inside the method CreateResponseFormatter in the ResponseFormatterFactory class:

现在然我们来检查一下在ResponseFormatterFactory类里的CreateResponseFormatter 方法的内部:

public ResponseFormatter CreateResponseFormatter(string UserAgent)
// loop thru all registered implementations
foreach (Type impl in RegisteredImplementations)
// get attributes for this type
object[] attrlist = impl.GetCustomAttributes(true);

// loop thru all attributes for this class
foreach (object attr in attrlist)

if (attr is UserAgentAttribute)
// okay, we found an useragent attribute
// lets check if it matches our useragent
if (((UserAgentAttribute) attr).MatchesUserAgent(UserAgent))
// okay, this ResponseFormatter could be
// used with the specified UserAgent
// created instance and return
return (ResponseFormatter)

// if we got this far, no ResponseFormatter implementation
// could be used with this UserAgent
throw new ResponseFactoryError("Could not find a ResponseFormatter 
implementation for this UserAgent");

This method consists of two nested loops: the first loop iterate through all the registered types. The second loop iterates through all attributes for the current type.


If the attribute is a UserAgentAttribute it calls the attributes MatchesUserAgent method to find out if this class could serve the specified UserAgent. If the MatchesUserAgent returnedtrue we simply instantiate the class behind the type using activation and returns it. If the loop's have finished without finding a implementation to use, an exception is raised.

如果特性是一个UserAgentAttribute 就调用特性的MatchesUserAgent方法来找出是否这个了能够匹配指定的UserAgent。如果MatchesUserAgent返回true 我们就使用激活器简单地实例化这个类型背后的类,然后返回它。如果这个循环结束并没有找到一个可以使用的实现,就抛出一个异常。

Well let's put everything together and have a look where the factory is used. First we'll create an instance of the factory and register our implementation with it.


// create factory 
factory = new ResponseFormatterFactory();

// register implementations

Next up is to finally use the factory:


private void btnHello_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
tbResponse.Text = 
factory.CreateResponseFormatter(cobxUserAgent.Text).FormatResponse("Hello World!!");
catch (ResponseFactoryError error)
MessageBox.Show(error.Message, "Error");

And that's it!


Points of Interest


Since I am an old Delphi coder I am used to the fact that it's possible to utilize static abstract methods, or as it's called in Delphi: an abstract class function. When I found out that this wasn't possible in .NET i was very depressed for a couple of days, until I stumbled upon attributes! Attributes is a very powerful tool for the programmer and could in a way mimic the behaviour of abstract static methods since you can derive attributes as well.

因为我是一个长久使用Delphi的程序员,我习惯于有可能使用静态抽象方法(static abstract methods),在Delphi里它是这么叫的:一个抽象类函数(an abstract class function)。当我发现在.NET里是不可能的时候,我失落了好几天,直到我发现特性!特性对程序员来说是一个强有力的工具,可以使用一种方法模拟抽象静态方法的行为,因为你也可以继承特性。

原文作者:John Gunnarsson


收藏——CodeProject - 使用特性(attributes)和激活机制来实现工厂模式相关推荐

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    1.C++或Java中的异常处理机制的简单原理和应用. 当JAVA程序违反了JAVA的语义规则时,JAVA虚拟机就会将发生的错误表示为一个异常.违反语义规则包括2种情况.一种是JAVA类库内置的语义检 ...

  6. 值得永久收藏的 C# 设计模式套路(三)

    设计模式套路,完结篇. 今天写写设计模式套路中的最后一部分:行为设计模式. 这是这个系列的最后一篇.前两篇在: 值得永久收藏的 C# 设计模式套路(一) 值得永久收藏的 C# 设计模式套路(二) 如果 ...

  7. 万字长文丨7个经典问题,助你拿下Java面试(建议收藏)

    擅长领域:execl.word.ppt 等 今日重点: ①  掌握面试的基本素质: ②  学会7个典型的java面试问题. 有问题的小伙伴欢迎加我主页vx.评论.点赞.收藏是对我最大的支持!!! 目录 ...

  8. C/C++入门的精髓!太全了吧,收藏夹的必备

    随着互联网及互联网+深入蓬勃的发展,经过40余年的时间洗礼,C/C++俨然已成为一门贵族语言,出色的性能使之成为高级语言中的性能王者.而在今天,它又扮演着什么样重要的角色呢?请往下看: 后端服务器,移 ...

  9. Hibernate面试题收藏

    hibenate的面试总结.  可能现在大家常常还会遇到一个些面试的时候问一些关于hibernate的问题,我个人觉得,这些东西一般做过开发的人在使用上没有任何的问题的,但是如果是要你来说就不一定能够 ...


  1. ViT作者、谷歌大脑研究员翟晓华:大规模视觉表征学习
  2. Java中的显示锁 ReentrantLock 和 ReentrantReadWriteLock
  3. mysql5_pn卸载_windows mySql(5.7.30) 卸载及重装
  4. Scala学习 -- 基础语法
  5. 【分割模型解读】感受野与分辨率的控制术—空洞卷积
  6. boost::spirit模块从不同序列中元素的解析输入填充单个融合序列
  7. php 记录报错,php报错自己记录
  8. Android 动画的分类
  9. mybatis---知识点复习
  10. 每个开发人员应该拥有的K8S工具
  11. 关于电感元件的反电动势
  12. opencv中step[i],step1(i),elemsize,elemsize1
  13. 【Web】CSS(No.33)Css页面布局经典案例(三)《京东首页》
  14. 浅谈什么是大数据?大数据可以做什么?
  15. 哈工大移动互联网复习
  16. 2019 Google Developder Days(GDD)
  17. 2021年学web前端需要什么学历?
  18. L0,L1,L2正则化浅析
  19. 通过freemarker模板,使用jsoup将html转换为word,包含图片
  20. AlexNet论文阅读总结及代码


  1. 我的android studio开发环境搭建历程(一部辛酸史)
  2. iOS 与OS X多线程和内存管理 笔记 ARC与所有权修饰符
  3. 使用jQuery操作DOM
  4. Xamarin.Android 调用本地相册
  5. asp.net MVC中实现调取web api
  6. 表面积最小(POJ3536)
  7. Linux下/etc/fstab文件详解
  8. 那些年php编程犯过的错(1) -- 字符串相等
  9. Redis的应用场景及优缺点
  10. 【gin-04】 GIN-快速开始