本文翻译自:Git asks for username every time I push

Whenever I try to push into my repo git asks for both username & password . 每当我尝试推入我的repo git时都会询问username & password

I have no problem in re-entering my password each time but the problem is in entering username. 我每次都重新输入密码没有问题,但问题是输入用户名。 I use https to clone my repository. 我使用https来克隆我的存储库。

So, how can I configure git so that it doesn't asks for username on each git push . 那么,我如何配置git以便它不会在每个git push上请求username

I am new to linux but IIRC in windows git push only asks for password. 我是linux的新手,但是在Windows git push IIRC只要求输入密码。




You can accomplish this in the .git/config file of your local repository. 您可以在本地存储库的.git/config文件中完成此操作。 This file contains a section called 'remote' with an entry called 'url'. 此文件包含一个名为“remote”的部分,其中包含一个名为“url”的条目。 The 'url' entry should contains the https link of repository you're talking about. 'url'条目应包含您正在讨论的存储库的https链接。

When you prefix the host 'url' with your username, git shouldn't be asking for your username anymore. 当您使用您的用户名为主机'url'添加前缀时, git不应该再询问您的用户名。 Here's an example: 这是一个例子:

url = https://username@repository-url.com


Make sure that you are using SSH instead of http. 确保使用SSH而不是http。 Check this SO answer. 检查这个 SO答案。


Edit (by @dk14 as suggested by moderators and comments) 编辑(由主持人和评论建议的@ dk14)

WARNING: If you use credential.helper store from the answer, your password is going to be stored completely unencrypted ("as is") at ~/.git-credentials . 警告:如果您使用了答案中的credential.helper store ,则您的密码将以~/.git-credentials完全未加密(“按原样”)存储。 Please consult the comments section below or the answers from the "Linked" section, especially if your employer has zero tolerance for security issues. 请参阅下面的评论部分或“链接”部分的答案,特别是如果您的雇主对安全问题的容忍度为零。

Even though accepted, it doesn't answer the actual OP's question about omitting a username only (not password). 即使被接受,它也没有回答实际OP关于省略用户名(不是密码)的问题。 For the readers with that exact problem @grawity's answer might come in handy. 对于那些确切问题的读者来说,@ grawity的答案可能会派上用场。

Original answer (by @Alexander Zhu): 原始答案(来自@Alexander Zhu):

You can store your credentials using the following command 您可以使用以下命令存储凭据

$ git config credential.helper store
$ git push http://example.com/repo.git
Username: <type your username>
Password: <type your password>

Also I suggest you to read 另外我建议你阅读
$ git help credentials



url = https://username:password@repository-url.com


You can set your username for all repositories at a given site by putting something like the following in your Git configuration file. 您可以通过在Git配置文件中添加以下内容,为给定站点的所有存储库设置用户名。 You'll want to change " https://example.com " and "me" to the actual URL and your actual username. 您需要将“ https://example.com ”和“我”更改为实际网址和实际用户名。

[credential "https://example.com"]username = me

(This is directly from "git help credentials") (这直接来自“git help credentials”)


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