
class MyClass():

# Why does this give me "NameError: name 'self' is not defined":

mySelf = self

# But this does not?

def myFunction(self):

mySelf2 = self





class simpleObject(object):

def __init__(self, request):

self.request = request


class Test(simpleObject):

# this line throws an error because of self

myClassName = self.__class__.__name__


def activateTheView(self):

db = self.request.db

foo = 'bar'

return foo

最佳答案 请注意,当您希望类引用自身以使赋值工作时,不会定义self.这是因为(除了被任意命名),self指的是实例而不是类.在可疑的代码行试图运行的时候,还没有类可以引用它.如果有的话,它并不是指代课程.






# This just spoofs the view_config decorator.

def view_config(route=''):

def dec(f):

def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

print "route={0}".format(route)

return f(*args, **kwargs)

return wrapper

return dec

# Apply this decorator to methods for which you want to call view_config with

# the class name. It will tag them. The metaclass will apply view_config once it

# has the class name.

def auto_view_config(f):

f.auto_view_config = True

return f

class AutoViewConfigMeta(type):

def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dict_):

#This is called during class creation. _dict is the namespace of the class and

# name is it's name. So the idea is to pull out the methods that need

# view_config applied to them and manually apply them with the class name.

# We'll recognize them because they will have the auto_view_config attribute

# set on them by the `auto_view_config` decorator. Then use type to create

# the class and return it.

for item in dict_:

if hasattr(dict_[item], 'auto_view_config'):

method = dict_[item]

del method.auto_view_config # Clean up after ourselves.

# The next line is the manual form of applying a decorator.

dict_[item] = view_config(route=name)(method)

# Call out to type to actually create the class with the modified dict.

return type.__new__(mcls, name, bases, dict_)

class simpleObject(object):

__metaclass__ = AutoViewConfigMeta

class Test(simpleObject):


def activateTheView(self):

foo = 'bar'

print foo

if __name__=='__main__':

t = Test()



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