
We are the Skype Beijing team. Skype division drives the communications strategy for Microsoft and has a vision is to “be the global communications provider that billions of people depend on every day for sharing experiences from the living room to the boardroom.”

Skype division has a wealth of capabilities and talents in the communication space which no other company in the world can match. Skype has been rapidly growing its user base and it has more than 300 million actives users around the globe now. One third of international calls were made on Skype. Not long ago, Skype has reached a huge milestone of two billions call minutes per day. Skype for Business, formerly known as Lync, is one of the fastest growing businesses in Microsoft and is “probably the most important things to happen for the office worker since the PC came along (Bill Gates).” 90% of the Fortune 100 companies and 70% of the Fortune 500 companies are Lync customers and the recent Lync 2013 release was a huge success with great service offering and cross platform support.

We are an experienced service management and big data team that helps engineers, Ops, and custom support in Skype organization to service and improve Skype for Business cloud services. &nbsp We use various public and internal big data technologies to expose information and insights to enable Skype organization to adopt a data-driven culture at building, running, and selling the services efficiently with the best return of investment.

We are looking for talented and passionate software developer to join us to work on these exciting and challenging missions. You will be working in Skype organization which is engineering-led and truly global. &nbsp You will be working with an agile development process that includes team members who are self-organized, self-driven so ideas are converted to products quickly; and measurements and learnings are accomplished at a very small interval. You will be working with a highly motivated and engaged team. The team proudly holds a culture of “pursuing of excellence”, “perseverance”, “enjoying the fun of technology” and “treasuring talent and people”.

Technical qualification:

BS or MS in computer science, related degree or equivalent work experience

Strong problem solving skill

Good software engineering experience

Good knowledge of SQL and Web programming

Good understanding of distributed system and service

Experience of Cosmos, Hadoop or Azure is a plus

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.



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