在mfc c++ 以及opencv 编写程序当中,很多常用的类型转换,现在总结一下。(注意加相应的头文件,这里不罗嗦)


1. Mat ---> Iplimage

2. Iplimage  --->  CvvImage

3. Mat  ---> vector<Point2f> or vector<Point3f>

4. vector<Point2f> or vector<Point3f>  --->  vector<vector<Point2f>> or vector<vector<Point3f>>

5. vector<vector<Point2f>> or vector<vector<Point3f>>  ---> Mat

6. vector<Point2f> or vector<Point3f>  --->  Mat


1. Mat ---> Iplimage :直接赋值

  1. Mat img;
  2. Iplimage myImg = img;

2. Iplimage  --->  CvvImage :用“Copyof ”

  1. CvvImage cImg;
  2. Iplimage myimg;
  3. cImg.Copyof(myimg, -1);


3. Mat  ---> vector<Point2f> or vector<Point3f> :用“Mat_<Point2f>“ ,“Mat_<Point3f>”

  1. Mat m;
  2. vector<Point3f> p;
  3. p = Mat_<Point3f>(m);

4. vector<Point2f> or vector<Point3f>  --->  vector<vector<Point2f>> or vector<vector<Point3f>> :用“pushback”

  1. vector<Point3f> p1,p2,p3;
  2. vector<vector<Point3f>> pp;
  3. pp.pushback(p1);
  4. pp.pushback(p2);
  5. pp.pushback(p3);

5. vector<vector<Point2f>> or vector<vector<Point3f>>  ---> Mat

  1. vector<vector<Point3f>> p;
  2. Mat pm((int)p.size(), p[0].size(), CV_32FC3);
  3. for( int i = 0; i < (int)p.size(); i++ )
  4. {
  5. Mat r = pm.row(i).reshape(3, pm.cols);
  6. Mat pm1(p[i]);
  7. pm1.copyTo(r);
  8. }

6. vector<Point2f> or vector<Point3f>  --->  Mat :用“Mat(Point3f)"

  1. vector<Point3f> p;
  2. Mat m = Mat(p);



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