

#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<math.h>double d[110],D,x[110],y[110];int step[110],q[110],inq[110],reach[110];double dis(int i,int j){return sqrt((x[i]-x[j])*(x[i]-x[j])+(y[i]-y[j])*(y[i]-y[j]));}int main(){int i,j,k,n,N,u,v,ans_s,front,rear;double temp,ans_d;while(scanf("%d%lf",&n,&D)==2)    {        N=0;for(i=0;i<n;i++)        {            scanf("%lf%lf",&x[N],&y[N]);if(x[N]<50.0&&x[N]>-50.0&&y[N]<50.0&&y[N]>-50.0            &&sqrt(x[N]*x[N]+y[N]*y[N])>7.5-1e-7)                N++;        }if(D+1e-7>42.5)        {            printf("42.50 1\n");continue;        }        front=rear=0;        memset(inq,0,sizeof(inq));for(i=0;i<N;i++)        {            temp=sqrt(x[i]*x[i]+y[i]*y[i])-7.5;if(temp<D+1e-7)            {                d[i]=temp;                step[i]=1;                q[rear++]=i;                inq[i]=1;            }else            {                d[i]=1000000001.0;                step[i]=1000000001;            }        }while(front!=rear)        {            u=q[front++];            inq[u]=0;if(front>N)                front=0;for(v=0;v<N;v++)if(u!=v&&dis(u,v)<D+1e-7)                {                    temp=d[u]+dis(u,v);if(temp<d[v]-1e-7)                    {                        d[v]=temp;                        step[v]=step[u]+1;if(!inq[v])                        {                            q[rear++]=v;                            inq[v]=1;if(rear>N)                                rear=0;                        }                    }if(fabs(temp-d[v])<1e-7&&step[u]+1<step[v])                    {                        step[v]=step[u]+1;if(!inq[v])                        {                            q[rear++]=v;                            inq[v]=1;if(rear>N)                                rear=0;                        }                    }                }        }        memset(reach,0,sizeof(reach));for(i=0;i<N;i++)        {            temp=fabs(x[i]+50.0);if(fabs(x[i]-50.0)<temp)                temp=fabs(x[i]-50);if(fabs(y[i]+50.0)<temp)                temp=fabs(y[i]+50);if(fabs(y[i]-50)<temp)                temp=fabs(y[i]-50);if(temp<D+1e-7)                reach[i]=1;            d[i]+=temp;            step[i]++;        }        ans_d=1000000001.0;        ans_s=1000000001;for(i=0;i<N;i++)if(reach[i])            {if(d[i]<ans_d-1e-7)                {                    ans_d=d[i];                    ans_s=step[i];                }if(fabs(d[i]-ans_d)<1e-7&&step[i]<ans_s)                    ans_s=step[i];            }if(ans_d<1000000000.0)            printf("%.2f %d\n",ans_d,ans_s);else            printf("can't be saved\n");    }return 0;    }

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