
Information Technology or IT provides a lot of positions for technical personnel. System Administrator is the most popular position or role in the IT except Programmers or Applications Developers. In this tutorial, we will try to explain the System Administrator role and its duties.

信息技术或IT为技术人员提供了很多职位。 除程序员或应用程序开发人员外,系统管理员是IT中最受欢迎的职位或角色。 在本教程中,我们将尝试解释系统管理员角色及其职责。

什么是系统? (What Is System?)

The system is a general term to refer to complete hardware and software which can run applications on. Actually network devices like a switch, the router can be named as a system but they are generally not referred to as a system. Systems have different hardware like X86, X86_64, Spark, Itanium, ARM, etc. Systems also have different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, MacOS, Unix, etc.

系统是一个通用术语,是指可以在其上运行应用程序的完整硬件和软件。 实际上,诸如交换机之类的网络设备可以将路由器命名为系统,但通常不将其称为系统。 系统具有不同的硬件,例如X86,X86_64,Spark,Itanium,ARM等。系统还具有不同的操作系统,例如Windows,Linux,Ubuntu,MacOS,Unix等。

什么是管理员? (What Is Administrator?)

The administrator is a role that administrates given devices. The administrator is different from the manager because the administrator generally refers to a technical role.

管理员是管理给定设备的角色。 管理员不同于管理员,因为管理员通常指的是技术角色。

什么是系统+管理员? (What Is System+Administrator?)

System Administrators are generally responsible for different devices, servers like web server, database server, file server, etc. System administrators are generally responsible for Data Center, storage, access to the system room, etc.


系统管理员职责或角色描述 (System Administrator Duties or Role Description)

A System Administrator in general will have following responsibilities.


  • Installing, maintaining and troubleshooting workstations, servers, OSs, software applications and other computing systems安装,维护工作站,服务器,操作系统,软件应用程序和其他计算系统并对其进行故障排除
  • Creating user accounts and assigning user permissions创建用户帐户并分配用户权限
  • Setting up system-wide software设置系统范围的软件
  • Executing anti-virus mechanisms执行防病毒机制
  • Creating backup and retrieval policies and assigning bulk storage创建备份和检索策略并分配大容量存储
  • Creating file systems创建文件系统
  • Monitoring network communication监控网络通讯
  • Updating systems upon release of new OSs or software在发布新的操作系统或软件时更新系统
  • Implementing computer, network and security policies for system and network users为系统和网络用户实施计算机,网络和安全策略
  • Strategic planning for service and system outages服务和系统中断的战略计划
  • Light programming or scripting轻编程或脚本编写
  • System-related project management与系统相关的项目管理
  • User training and management用户培训和管理
  • High-level technical knowledge and technical support experience高水平的技术知识和技术支持经验
  • Hardware and software system security, such as protection against hardware theft and abuse, malware/spyware and unauthorized use of systems and components, including firewall and intrusion detection system(IDS) maintenance硬件和软件系统安全性,例如防止硬件盗窃和滥用,恶意软件/间谍软件以及未经授权使用的系统和组件,包括防火墙和入侵检测系统(IDS)维护
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Linux系统管理员 (Linux System Administrator)

Linux system Administrators mainly expected to be familiar with the Linux command-line tools. The Linux system administrator also should use different Linux distributions like Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, Debian which are used in the Enterprise area.

Linux系统管理员主要希望熟悉Linux命令行工具。 Linux系统管理员还应使用企业区域中使用的不同Linux发行版,例如Ubuntu,CentOS,RHEL和Debian。

Windows系统管理员 (Windows System Administrator)

Windows System Administrators generally uses Active Directory and Domain with different Windows Server versions like 2008, 2012, 2016. Windows Systems administrators generally use GUI for system administration but currently, Powershell became the main stream in Windows system administration.

Windows系统管理员通常将Active Directory和Domain与不同的Windows Server版本(例如2008、2012、2016)一起使用。Windows系统管理员通常使用GUI进行系统管理,但当前,Powershell成为Windows系统管理的主流。

什么是Devops? (What Is Devops?)

DevOps is a new term that is used for System Administrators with Application Development or Advanced scripting capabilities. Today IT environment contains a lot of systems with similar types in bulk. Configuring them one by one is a daunting task and DevOps techniques like orchestration, automation, and scripting make it easy.

DevOps是一个新术语,用于具有应用程序开发或高级脚本功能的系统管理员。 如今,IT环境包含大量具有类似类型的系统。 逐一配置它们是一项艰巨的任务,而编排,自动化和脚本编写等DevOps技术使其变得容易。

网络知识 (Network Knowledge)

Today IT systems connected to the intranets or internet in order to provide services. So system administrators also administrate their systems network configuration. This requires the System Administrators to know some networking in order to configure and troubleshoot the system network configuration.

如今,IT系统连接到Intranet或Internet以提供服务。 因此,系统管理员还可以管理其系统的网络配置。 这要求系统管理员了解一些网络,以便配置系统网络并对其进行故障排除。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-system-administrator-and-duties/



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