SSL证书安装指南 - Groupwise 6 Netware Email Server

To install the issued Certificate in Groupwise 6 Netware Email Server, please follow the steps outlined below:

1. In ConsoleOneTM, right-click the Internet Agent object > click Properties.

2. Click the GroupWise tab > click SSL to display the SSL page.

3. Fill in the Certificate File , SSL Key File , and Set Password fields :

Certificate File: Select the server certificate file that the Internet Agent will use. The certificate file must be in Base64/PEM or PFX format. If you enter the filename rather than using the Browse button to select it, use the full path if the file is not in the same directory as the Internet Agent program. This setting corresponds to the /certfile startup switch.

SSL Key File : Select the key file associated with the certificate. If the private key is included in the certificate file rather than in a separate key file, leave this field blank. If you enter the filename rather than using the Browse button to select it, use the full path if the file is not in the same directory as the Internet Agent program. This setting corresponds to the Internet Agent's /keyfile startup switch.

Set Password: Click Set Password to specify the password for the key. If the key does not require a password, do not use this option. This setting corresponds to the /keypasswd startup switch.

4. To enable SSL on the email server

5. Click 'OK' to save the changes.

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