Taylor Swift looks so much like a supermodel that she and her BFF, actual supermodel Karlie Kloss, are often indistinguishable. The fact that she seems to have zero-percent body fat, and free running 5.0 barefoot cyan that could be a mannequin’s, couldn’t save her from being body shamed by some guy who happened to have — and felt he should share — an opinion about her looks. Diplo, a DJ and Katy Perry’s boyfriend, tweeted, “mens free running 5.0 trainers should make a kickstarter to get taylor swift a booty.”

He then retweeted a bunch of fan responses including “@diplo I started a petition on to include it on the federal budget,” and “@diplo Help Me In Supporting ‘Get Taylor Swift A Booty’ on #fundly.” What Diplo did to Swift is sect of body shaming, sometimes called “thin-shaming,” and proof that every woman’s body is policed as aggressively as if we were somehow enlisted in some beauty pageant that never ends. "Women’s bodies seem to be picked apart like chickens," Robyn Silverman, body image expert, professional speaker and author if Good Girls Don’t Get Fat: How Weight Obsession Is Messing Up Our Girls & How We Can Help Them Thrive Despite It, tells Yahoo Style.

”Constant evaluations of parts like breasts, thighs and legs are common. Women aren’t just objectified, nike free running 5.0 are dissected and criticized. These body shaming messages tell people that your parts are more important than the whole person, you are only as good as the sum of your parts and no matter what you look like you will be critiqued. It’s no wonder that many women develop scripts inside their heads that tell them they are not good enough as they are and no matter what, they never will be.”

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