Adjustable bed 可调床  Air bed 气床  Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手  Antique furniture 古式家具  Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具  Armchair 扶手椅  

Baby crib 婴儿床  Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱  Bamboo furniture 竹家具  Banqueting chair 宴会椅  Barstool 吧椅  Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置  Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜  Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架  Bathroom furniture 浴室家具  Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台  Batten door 板条门  Bed base床架,床套  Bed base set 成套床架  Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具  Bedstead 床架  Bentwood furniture 曲木家具  Beside table 床头柜  Birch door 桦木门  Board-room and conference table 会议桌  Bookcase 书柜  Bookshelf 书架  Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具  Bunk 双层床  Bunk bed 双层床

Cabin bed 儿童多功能床  Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具  Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床  CD-video storage cabinet边 音响组合柜  Chair with castors 脚轮椅  Changing table 可调桌  Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜  Child cot 童床  Children’s bed 儿童床  Children’s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具  Children’s chair 儿童椅  CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具  Clothes rail 挂衣杆  Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜  Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌  Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌   Combine-unit 组合柜  Composite furniture 复合家具  Console 小桌  Console table (装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌  Contract furniture 订做家具,承建家具  Contract programmes 订做家具  Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆  Cot 童床(婴儿床)  Couch 长沙发椅  Cupboard 橱柜  Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜  Curtain 窗帘,挂帘  Customized furniture 订做家具  

Decorative lighting 装饰灯具  Dining room furniture 餐厅家具  Dining room set 起居室配套家具  Dining table 餐桌  Divan 长沙发,沙发床  Dividing wall and fitted wall unit 隔墙板及系列  DIY furniture 自装式家具  Double-bed 双人床  Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床  Double sided mirror 双面镜  Draughtsman chair 吧椅  Drawer 抽屉  Dressing table 梳妆台 E  Easy chair 轻便椅  End table 茶几  Entrance hall furniture 门厅家具  Exterior door户外门  

Filing cabinet 文件柜  Fireplace壁炉  Fitment 固定家具  Fitting 家居用品  Flap 翻门  Flower stand 花架  Flush door 平面门,全板门  Folding chair 折叠椅  Folding furniture 折叠家具  Folk furniture 民间家具  Foot-stool 踏脚凳  Framed mirror 带框镜子  French-type furniture 模式家具  French cabinet 法式桌椅弯脚  French door 玻璃门  Function sofa多功能沙发椅  Furniture for bedrooms 卧室家具  Furniture for public premises 公共场所家具

Game table 玩具桌  Gate-leg table折叠桌  Glass cabinet 玻璃陈设柜  Glass case玻璃陈设柜  Glass unit and container 玻璃容器制品  Glazed door 玻璃门  

Hall furniture 厅房家具  Hat and coat stand 衣帽架  Headboard 床头  Heirloom quality furniture 祖传家具   High bed 儿童高脚床(不带屉柜)  High chair 高脚椅  Highback executive chair 高背办公椅  Home furniture 家庭家具,民用家具  Home office furniture 家庭办公家具  Hotel furniture 酒店家具  Household furniture 家庭家具  Hutch碗架

Institutional furniture 风俗家具,公用家具  

Junior desk chair 学生书桌椅  

Kitchen block /kitchen rock 厨房地砖  Kitchen cabinet 餐具柜  Kitchen chair, stool and bench 厨房椅、圆凳及条椅  Kitchen fitment 厨房固定家具  Kitchen table 厨房餐桌  Kitchen unit 厨房成套家具  

Lamp table 灯桌  Lath grid 板条格  Ledged door 直板门  Link chair 写字板椅  Living room furniture 起居室家具  Locker 衣帽柜  Lounge furniture 客厅家具  Louvered door 百叶窗柜门  Lowback executive chair 低背办公椅  Lowback guest chair 低背来宾椅  Lowback visitor chair 低背接待椅

Managerial mediumback chair 中背经理椅  Margined flush door 镶边平板门  Mattress 床垫,席梦思  Mediumback executive chair 中背办公椅  Metal furniture金属家具  Mirror door 玻璃门  Mirror for chest of drawers 多屉柜梳妆镜  Multi-purpose sofa 多用沙发  Multi-purpose table 多用桌  

Nest 茶几  

Occasional furniture 配套家具,休闲家具  Occasional table 休闲桌  Office furniture 办公家具  Office seating 办公座椅  Office table 办公桌

Partition wall 隔断  Pembroke table 折面桌  Planters chair 园艺工用椅  Plastic furniture 塑料家具  Play furniture 娱乐家具  Presidential highback chair 高背办公椅  Pull-out table 伸缩餐具
Rattan furniture 藤家具  Recliner 躺椅  Refectory table长餐桌  Rocking chair 摇摆椅  Rotary chair 转椅  Rustic style furniture 乡村风格家具  rectangular table 长方桌  red-lacquered chest 红漆木箱  round bed 圆床  round stool 圆凳  round table 圆桌  round-backed armchair 圈椅

School table 课桌  screen 屏风  Seat 座椅  secretaire 写字桌(尤指有抽屉及分类格者)  Secretarial chair 秘书椅  sectional sofa 拼合沙发  semi-CKD 半拆装家具  separate wine cabinet 独立厨柜  serving table 送餐桌  settee; chaise longue 长靠椅  shelving combination 组合架  shoe rack 鞋架  side table 小桌  sideboard 餐具柜  simmous bed 席梦思床  single bed 单人床  slat stool 板条凳  sleeper sofa 可睡沙发  sofa 沙发  sofa bed 沙发床  sofa table 沙发桌  soft chair 软椅  spring bed; steel cot 钢丝床;弹簧床  spring-seat chair 弹簧座椅  square stool 方凳  square table 方桌  steel chair 扶手椅  steel desk 钢制写字台  steel safe 保险柜  step stool 梯凳  stool 凳子;搁脚凳  storage for umbrellas 伞架  straight back chair 直背椅  strong box; safe 保险箱  studio couch 单人沙发床  suitcase; trunk 衣箱;小型旅行箱  swivel armchair 帆布折叠躺椅  swivel-top stool 转动凳

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