

Lizards and Basements 2

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This is simplified version of the problem used on the original contest. The original problem seems to have too difiicult solution. The constraints for input data have been reduced.

Polycarp likes to play computer role-playing game «Lizards and Basements». At the moment he is playing it as a magician. At one of the last levels he has to fight the line of archers. The only spell with which he can damage them is a fire ball. If Polycarp hits the i-th archer with his fire ball (they are numbered from left to right), the archer loses a health points. At the same time the spell damages the archers adjacent to the i-th (if any) — they lose b (1 ≤ b < a ≤ 10) health points each.

As the extreme archers (i.e. archers numbered 1 and n) are very far, the fire ball cannot reach them. Polycarp can hit any other archer with his fire ball.

The amount of health points for each archer is known. An archer will be killed when this amount is less than 0. What is the minimum amount of spells Polycarp can use to kill all the enemies?

Polycarp can throw his fire ball into an archer if the latter is already killed.

译文:这是最初比赛中问题的简化版。原来的问题好像解决起来太困难了。输入数据的限制已经减少。保利卡喜欢玩电脑角色扮演游戏《蜥蜴和地下室》。此刻他扮演的是魔法师。在最后一关他必须与一排弓箭手战斗。唯一能伤害他们的咒语就是火球。如果保利卡用他的火球击中第i个弓箭手(从左到右编号) ,这个弓箭手将失去一点生命值。同时这个法术伤害第i个弓箭手 (如果有的话)附近的弓箭手ー他们失去b (1≤ b < a ≤10)生命值。





The first line of the input contains three integers n, a, b (3 ≤ n ≤ 10; 1 ≤ b < a ≤ 10). The second line contains a sequence of n integers — h1, h2, ..., hn (1 ≤ hi ≤ 15), where hi is the amount of health points the i-th archer has.

译文:第一行输入包含三个整数 n, a, b (3 ≤ n ≤ 10; 1 ≤ b < a ≤ 10)。第二行包含n个数的序列— h1, h2, ..., hn (1 ≤ hi ≤ 15),hi是第i个弓箭手的生命值。


In the first line print t — the required minimum amount of fire balls.

In the second line print t numbers — indexes of the archers that Polycarp should hit to kill all the archers in t shots. All these numbers should be between 2 and n - 1. Separate numbers with spaces. If there are several solutions, output any of them. Print numbers in any order.

译文:第一行输出t —所需的最少火球数。



3 2 1
2 2 2


2 2 2 


4 3 1
1 4 1 1


2 2 3 3 

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