
编译后运行tslib终端打印出“selected device is not a touchscreen I understand” 错误提示

进入tslib的源码目录 grep -Ren “selected device is not a touchscreen I understand”

static int check_fd(struct tslib_input *i)
{struct tsdev *ts = i->module.dev;int version;u_int32_t bit;u_int64_t absbit;if (! ((ioctl(ts->fd, EVIOCGVERSION, &version) >= 0) &&(version == EV_VERSION) &&(ioctl(ts->fd, EVIOCGBIT(0, sizeof(bit) * 8), &bit) >= 0) &&(bit & (1 << EV_ABS)) &&(ioctl(ts->fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_ABS, sizeof(absbit) * 8), &absbit) >= 0) &&(absbit & (1 << ABS_X)) &&(absbit & (1 << ABS_Y)) && (absbit & (1 << ABS_PRESSURE)))) {fprintf(stderr, "selected device is not a touchscreen I understand\n");return -1;}if (bit & (1 << EV_SYN))i->using_syn = 1;return 0;

检查 EV_VERSION find -name input.h | xargs grep -Rnw "EV_VERSION"

/Documents/opt/FriendlyARM/toolschain/4.4.3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/usr/include/linux/input.h:32:#define EV_VERSION      0x010000
./Documents/4.4.3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/usr/include/linux/input.h:32:#define EV_VERSION       0x010000
./NFS/linux-3.15.2/include/uapi/linux/input.h:35:#define EV_VERSION     0x010001
./Downloads/linux/include/linux/input.h:37:#define EV_VERSION       0x010000

编译工具gcc的定义为0x010000 而3.15.2内核的定义为0x010001


/linux-3.15.2/include/uapi/linux/input.h:35:#define EV_VERSION       0x010000


(absbit & (1 << ABS_PRESSURE))



/** Samsung S3C24XX touchscreen driver** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify* it under the term of the GNU General Public License as published by* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or* (at your option) any later version.** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the* GNU General Public License for more details.** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA** Copyright 2004 Arnaud Patard <arnaud.patard@rtp-net.org>* Copyright 2008 Ben Dooks <ben-linux@fluff.org>* Copyright 2009 Simtec Electronics <linux@simtec.co.uk>** Additional work by Herbert P枚tzl <herbert@13thfloor.at> and* Harald Welte <laforge@openmoko.org>*/#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/clk.h>
#include <linux/io.h>#include <plat/adc.h>
#include <plat/regs-adc.h>
#include <linux/platform_data/touchscreen-s3c2410.h>#define TSC_SLEEP  (S3C2410_ADCTSC_PULL_UP_DISABLE | S3C2410_ADCTSC_XY_PST(0))#define INT_DOWN        (0)
#define INT_UP          (1 << 8)#define WAIT4INT        (S3C2410_ADCTSC_YM_SEN | \S3C2410_ADCTSC_YP_SEN | \S3C2410_ADCTSC_XP_SEN | \S3C2410_ADCTSC_XY_PST(3))#define AUTOPST         (S3C2410_ADCTSC_YM_SEN | \S3C2410_ADCTSC_YP_SEN | \S3C2410_ADCTSC_XP_SEN | \S3C2410_ADCTSC_AUTO_PST | \S3C2410_ADCTSC_XY_PST(0))#define FEAT_PEN_IRQ    (1 << 0)        /* HAS ADCCLRINTPNDNUP *//* Per-touchscreen data. *//*** struct s3c2410ts - driver touchscreen state.* @client: The ADC client we registered with the core driver.* @dev: The device we are bound to.* @input: The input device we registered with the input subsystem.* @clock: The clock for the adc.* @io: Pointer to the IO base.* @xp: The accumulated X position data.* @yp: The accumulated Y position data.* @irq_tc: The interrupt number for pen up/down interrupt* @count: The number of samples collected.* @shift: The log2 of the maximum count to read in one go.* @features: The features supported by the TSADC MOdule.*/
struct s3c2410ts {struct s3c_adc_client *client;struct device *dev;struct input_dev *input;struct clk *clock;void __iomem *io;unsigned long xp;unsigned long yp;int irq_tc;int count;int shift;int features;
};static struct s3c2410ts ts;/*** get_down - return the down state of the pen* @data0: The data read from ADCDAT0 register.* @data1: The data read from ADCDAT1 register.** Return non-zero if both readings show that the pen is down.*/
static inline bool get_down(unsigned long data0, unsigned long data1)
{/* returns true if both data values show stylus down */return (!(data0 & S3C2410_ADCDAT0_UPDOWN) &&!(data1 & S3C2410_ADCDAT0_UPDOWN));
}static void touch_timer_fire(unsigned long data)
{unsigned long data0;unsigned long data1;bool down;data0 = readl(ts.io + S3C2410_ADCDAT0);data1 = readl(ts.io + S3C2410_ADCDAT1);down = get_down(data0, data1);if (down) {if (ts.count == (1 << ts.shift)) {ts.xp >>= ts.shift;ts.yp >>= ts.shift;dev_dbg(ts.dev, "%s: X=%lu, Y=%lu, count=%d\n",__func__, ts.xp, ts.yp, ts.count);input_report_abs(ts.input, ABS_X, ts.xp);input_report_abs(ts.input, ABS_Y, ts.yp);input_report_key(ts.input, BTN_TOUCH, 1);input_report_abs(ts.input, ABS_PRESSURE, 1);input_sync(ts.input);ts.xp = 0;ts.yp = 0;ts.count = 0;}s3c_adc_start(ts.client, 0, 1 << ts.shift);} else {ts.xp = 0;ts.yp = 0;ts.count = 0;input_report_key(ts.input, BTN_TOUCH, 0);input_report_abs(ts.input, ABS_PRESSURE, 0);input_sync(ts.input);writel(WAIT4INT | INT_DOWN, ts.io + S3C2410_ADCTSC);}
}static DEFINE_TIMER(touch_timer, touch_timer_fire, 0, 0);/*** stylus_irq - touchscreen stylus event interrupt* @irq: The interrupt number* @dev_id: The device ID.** Called when the IRQ_TC is fired for a pen up or down event.*/
static irqreturn_t stylus_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)
{unsigned long data0;unsigned long data1;bool down;data0 = readl(ts.io + S3C2410_ADCDAT0);data1 = readl(ts.io + S3C2410_ADCDAT1);down = get_down(data0, data1);/* TODO we should never get an interrupt with down set while* the timer is running, but maybe we ought to verify that the* timer isn't running anyways. */if (down)s3c_adc_start(ts.client, 0, 1 << ts.shift);elsedev_dbg(ts.dev, "%s: count=%d\n", __func__, ts.count);if (ts.features & FEAT_PEN_IRQ) {/* Clear pen down/up interrupt *///writel(0x0, ts.io + S3C64XX_ADCCLRINTPNDNUP);}return IRQ_HANDLED;
}/*** s3c24xx_ts_conversion - ADC conversion callback* @client: The client that was registered with the ADC core.* @data0: The reading from ADCDAT0.* @data1: The reading from ADCDAT1.* @left: The number of samples left.** Called when a conversion has finished.*/
static void s3c24xx_ts_conversion(struct s3c_adc_client *client,unsigned data0, unsigned data1,unsigned *left)
{dev_dbg(ts.dev, "%s: %d,%d\n", __func__, data0, data1);ts.xp += data0;ts.yp += data1;ts.count++;/* From tests, it seems that it is unlikely to get a pen-up* event during the conversion process which means we can* ignore any pen-up events with less than the requisite* count done.** In several thousand conversions, no pen-ups where detected* before count completed.*/
}/*** s3c24xx_ts_select - ADC selection callback.* @client: The client that was registered with the ADC core.* @select: The reason for select.** Called when the ADC core selects (or deslects) us as a client.*/
static void s3c24xx_ts_select(struct s3c_adc_client *client, unsigned select)
{if (select) {writel(S3C2410_ADCTSC_PULL_UP_DISABLE | AUTOPST,ts.io + S3C2410_ADCTSC);} else {mod_timer(&touch_timer, jiffies+1);writel(WAIT4INT | INT_UP, ts.io + S3C2410_ADCTSC);}
}/*** s3c2410ts_probe - device core probe entry point* @pdev: The device we are being bound to.** Initialise, find and allocate any resources we need to run and then* register with the ADC and input systems.*/
static int s3c2410ts_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
{struct s3c2410_ts_mach_info *info;struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;struct input_dev *input_dev;struct resource *res;int ret = -EINVAL;/* Initialise input stuff */memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(struct s3c2410ts));ts.dev = dev;info = pdev->dev.platform_data;if (!info) {dev_err(dev, "no platform data, cannot attach\n");return -EINVAL;}dev_dbg(dev, "initialising touchscreen\n");ts.clock = clk_get(dev, "adc");if (IS_ERR(ts.clock)) {dev_err(dev, "cannot get adc clock source\n");return -ENOENT;}clk_enable(ts.clock);dev_dbg(dev, "got and enabled clocks\n");ts.irq_tc = ret = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);if (ret < 0) {dev_err(dev, "no resource for interrupt\n");goto err_clk;}res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);if (!res) {dev_err(dev, "no resource for registers\n");ret = -ENOENT;goto err_clk;}ts.io = ioremap(res->start, resource_size(res));if (ts.io == NULL) {dev_err(dev, "cannot map registers\n");ret = -ENOMEM;goto err_clk;}/* inititalise the gpio */if (info->cfg_gpio)info->cfg_gpio(to_platform_device(ts.dev));ts.client = s3c_adc_register(pdev, s3c24xx_ts_select,s3c24xx_ts_conversion, 1);if (IS_ERR(ts.client)) {dev_err(dev, "failed to register adc client\n");ret = PTR_ERR(ts.client);goto err_iomap;}/* Initialise registers */if ((info->delay & 0xffff) > 0)writel(info->delay & 0xffff, ts.io + S3C2410_ADCDLY);writel(WAIT4INT | INT_DOWN, ts.io + S3C2410_ADCTSC);input_dev = input_allocate_device();if (!input_dev) {dev_err(dev, "Unable to allocate the input device !!\n");ret = -ENOMEM;goto err_iomap;}ts.input = input_dev;ts.input->evbit[0] = BIT_MASK(EV_KEY) | BIT_MASK(EV_ABS);ts.input->keybit[BIT_WORD(BTN_TOUCH)] = BIT_MASK(BTN_TOUCH);input_set_abs_params(ts.input, ABS_X, 0, 0x3FF, 0, 0);input_set_abs_params(ts.input, ABS_Y, 0, 0x3FF, 0, 0);input_set_abs_params(ts.input, ABS_PRESSURE, 0, 1, 0, 0);ts.input->name = "S3C24XX TouchScreen";ts.input->id.bustype = BUS_HOST;ts.input->id.vendor = 0xDEAD;ts.input->id.product = 0xBEEF;ts.input->id.version = 0x0102;ts.shift = info->oversampling_shift;ts.features = platform_get_device_id(pdev)->driver_data;ret = request_irq(ts.irq_tc, stylus_irq, IRQF_DISABLED,"s3c2410_ts_pen", ts.input);if (ret) {dev_err(dev, "cannot get TC interrupt\n");goto err_inputdev;}dev_info(dev, "driver attached, registering input device\n");/* All went ok, so register to the input system */ret = input_register_device(ts.input);if (ret < 0) {dev_err(dev, "failed to register input device\n");ret = -EIO;goto err_tcirq;}return 0;err_tcirq:free_irq(ts.irq_tc, ts.input);err_inputdev:input_free_device(ts.input);err_iomap:iounmap(ts.io);err_clk:del_timer_sync(&touch_timer);clk_put(ts.clock);return ret;
}/*** s3c2410ts_remove - device core removal entry point* @pdev: The device we are being removed from.** Free up our state ready to be removed.*/
static int s3c2410ts_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
{free_irq(ts.irq_tc, ts.input);del_timer_sync(&touch_timer);clk_disable(ts.clock);clk_put(ts.clock);input_unregister_device(ts.input);iounmap(ts.io);return 0;
}#ifdef CONFIG_PM
static int s3c2410ts_suspend(struct device *dev)
{writel(TSC_SLEEP, ts.io + S3C2410_ADCTSC);disable_irq(ts.irq_tc);clk_disable(ts.clock);return 0;
}static int s3c2410ts_resume(struct device *dev)
{struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);struct s3c2410_ts_mach_info *info = pdev->dev.platform_data;clk_enable(ts.clock);enable_irq(ts.irq_tc);/* Initialise registers */if ((info->delay & 0xffff) > 0)writel(info->delay & 0xffff, ts.io + S3C2410_ADCDLY);writel(WAIT4INT | INT_DOWN, ts.io + S3C2410_ADCTSC);return 0;
}static struct dev_pm_ops s3c_ts_pmops = {.suspend        = s3c2410ts_suspend,.resume         = s3c2410ts_resume,
#endifstatic struct platform_device_id s3cts_driver_ids[] = {{ "s3c2410-ts", 0 },{ "s3c2440-ts", 0 },{ "s3c64xx-ts", FEAT_PEN_IRQ },{ }
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(platform, s3cts_driver_ids);static struct platform_driver s3c_ts_driver = {.driver         = {.name   = "samsung-ts",.owner  = THIS_MODULE,
#ifdef CONFIG_PM.pm     = &s3c_ts_pmops,
#endif},.id_table       = s3cts_driver_ids,.probe          = s3c2410ts_probe,.remove         = s3c2410ts_remove,
};static int __init s3c2410ts_init(void)
{return platform_driver_register(&s3c_ts_driver);
}static void __exit s3c2410ts_exit(void)
module_exit(s3c2410ts_exit);MODULE_AUTHOR("Arnaud Patard <arnaud.patard@rtp-net.org>, ""Ben Dooks <ben@simtec.co.uk>, ""Simtec Electronics <linux@simtec.co.uk>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("S3C24XX Touchscreen driver");



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