
33.1 与树的广度优先遍历类似。

33.2 为每个核心方法写一个测试方法,这叫单元测试。


/***************** Breadth first traversal.* * @param paraStartIndex The start index.* @return The sequence of the visit.***************/public String breadthFirstTraversal(int paraStartIndex) {CircleObjectQueue tempQueue = new CircleObjectQueue();String resultString = "";int tempNumNodes = connectivityMatrix.getRows();boolean[] tempVisitedArray = new boolean[tempNumNodes];// Initialize the queue.// visit before enqueue.tempVisitedArray[paraStartIndex] = true;resultString += paraStartIndex;tempQueue.enqueue(new Integer(paraStartIndex));// Now visit the rest of the graph.int tempIndex;Integer tempInteger = (Integer) tempQueue.dequeue();while (tempInteger != null) {tempIndex = tempInteger.intValue();// Enqueue all its unvisited neighbors.for (int i = 0; i < tempNumNodes; i++) {if (tempVisitedArray[i]) {continue;// Already visited.} // Of ifif (connectivityMatrix.getData()[tempIndex][i] == 0) {continue;// Not directly connected.} // Of if// Visit before enqueue.tempVisitedArray[i] = true;resultString += i;tempQueue.enqueue(new Integer(i));} // Of for i// Take out one from the head.tempInteger = (Integer) tempQueue.dequeue();} // Of whilereturn resultString;}// Of breadthFirstTraversal/************** Unit test for breadthFirstTraversal.************/public static void breadthFirstTraversalTest() {// Test an undirected graph.int[][] tempMatrix = { { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 } };Graph tempGraph = new Graph(tempMatrix);System.out.println(tempGraph);String tempSequence = "";try {tempSequence = tempGraph.breadthFirstTraversal(2);} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println(ee);} // Of try.System.out.println("The breadth first order of visit: " + tempSequence);}// Of breadthFirstTraversalTest/*************** The entrance of the program.* * @param args Not used now.*************/public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO 自动生成的方法存根System.out.println("Hello!");Graph tempGraph = new Graph(3);System.out.println(tempGraph);// Unit test.getConnectivityTest();breadthFirstTraversalTest();}// Of main


33.3 如果图不一定是连通的, 就需要用到张星移师兄代码


tempSequence = tempGraph.BreadthFirstTraversalForAllNodes();} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println(ee);} // Of try.System.out.println("The breadth first order of visit: " + tempSequence);}// Of breadthFirstTraversalTest/*************** The entrance of the program.* * @param args Not used now.*************/public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO 自动生成的方法存根System.out.println("Hello!");Graph tempGraph = new Graph(3);System.out.println(tempGraph);// Unit test.getConnectivityTest();breadthFirstTraversalTest();}// Of main


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