
Excel provides a plethora of features for organizing, manipulating, and handling your data. One of these unique features is inserting a PDF directly into Excel. The good news is it only involves a few simple steps to do it. Here’s how.

Excel提供了许多功能来组织,处理和处理数据。 这些独特功能之一是将PDF直接插入Excel。 好消息是它仅涉及几个简单的步骤即可完成。 这是如何做。

将PDF插入Excel (Inserting a PDF Into Excel)

In the Excel file, head over to the “Insert” tab and then click the “Object” button.


In the Object window that appears, switch to the “Create from File” tab and then click “Browse.”


Browse to the location of your file, select the file, and then click “Open.”


Back at the “Object” window, you’ll see the file path of your PDF. Now, you need to tell Excel how you want the file to appear in the spreadsheet. There are a few different options here. If you select “OK” without taking any further action in the “Object” window, the PDF file appears in Excel showing the contents of the PDF in its entirety.

返回“对象”窗口,您将看到PDF的文件路径。 现在,您需要告诉Excel您希望文件如何出现在电子表格中。 这里有一些不同的选择。 如果您选择“确定”而不在“对象”窗口中进行任何进一步的操作,则PDF文件将显示在Excel中,以完整显示PDF的内容。

Alternatively, you can check the box next to “Display as icon” for a less intrusive option. This method, as the name suggests, inserts an icon that represents the contents of your file. Double-clicking the icon opens the file in your computer’s default PDF viewer.

或者,您可以选中“显示为图标”旁边的框,以减少干扰。 顾名思义,此方法将插入一个代表文件内容的图标。 双击图标可在计算机的默认PDF查看器中打开文件。

Another solution would be to check the “Link to file” option. This option, as with the others, places the content of your PDF into Excel. The difference here is that it creates a link to the source file, making it a live document. Any changes to the source file would be reflected in your document.

另一个解决方案是选中“链接到文件”选项。 与其他选项一样,此选项将PDF的内容放入Excel。 此处的区别在于,它创建了到源文件的链接,从而使其成为实时文档。 对源文件的任何更改都将反映在您的文档中。

Also keep in mind that you can select both the “Link to file” and “Display as icon” options, creating a less intrusive method of accessing a live document.


Once you’ve selected the option that works best for you, click “OK.”


Your PDF will now be inserted into Excel as an icon.


You’ll notice that once inserted, the PDF takes on an “In front of text” layout style and hovers above the cells. If you want to anchor the PDF to (and format with) a specific cell, then right-click the icon and select “Format Object” from the drop-down menu.

您会注意到,一旦插入,PDF就会呈现“文本前面”的布局样式,并悬停在单元格上方。 如果要将PDF锚定到特定单元格(并使用其格式化),请右键单击该图标,然后从下拉菜单中选择“格式化对象”。

The “Format Object” window will now appear. There are several different things you can do here, including changing the size and color, cropping, and even adding alt text to the object. What we’re particularly interested in here, though, is object positioning.

现在将出现“格式化对象”窗口。 您可以在此处执行几项不同的操作,包括更改大小和颜色,裁剪,甚至向对象添加替代文本 。 不过,我们在这里特别感兴趣的是对象定位。

First, select the “Properties” tab. You’ll find a few options concerning the positioning of the object. Here, select “Move and size with cells” and then click “OK.”

首先,选择“属性”标签。 您会发现一些有关对象位置的选项。 在这里,选择“使用单元格移动并调整大小”,然后单击“确定”。

Note: If you don’t want the icon to appear in the printed version of the sheet, untick the “Print object” checkbox.


Now any changes made to the cell, including hiding or resizing, will also apply to the icon.


Repeat these steps to insert multiple PDF files in your Excel sheet.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/414524/how-to-insert-a-pdf-into-excel/



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