一、Number 数字

106:     one million

109:     one billion (orone thousand million)

1012:    one trillion (orone million million)

1015:    onequadrillion(or one thousand million million)

1018:    one quintillion(or one million million million)

123,456,789:  one hundred and twenty threemillion, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine

12,345,678,900,000:twelve trillion, three hundred and forty five billion, six hundred andseventy-eight million, nine hundred thousand

-18:    minus eighteen

二、Fractions 分数


1/2:      a (or one) half

1/3:      a (or one) third

1/4:      a quarter or onefourth

1/5:      a (or one) fifth

2/3:      two thirds, twoover three, or two by three

9/10:    nine tenths, nineover ten, or nine by ten

53/4:    five and threequarters

15/64:  fifteen over (orby) sixty-four

15%:    fifteen per cent

4‰:     four per mill (or mil)

三、Decimals 小数

0.4:         zero (or naught)point four

.01:         point (ordecimal) naught (or oh) one

12.34:     twelve pointthree four

567.809: five hundred andsixty-seven point eight naught (or oh) nine

30.45:     thirty point fourfive,

0.3333333…..:  pointthree repeating (or recurring)

0.3%:      point (ordecimal) three percent

四、Mathematic Forms 数学式

(4-1)  Addition 加法

1+2=3:    One and two arethree.

2+3=5:    Two plus threeequals five.

4+0=4:    Four and naughtis equal to four.

45+70+152=267:  45, 70 and 152added are (or make) 267

the sum (or total) is 267.

(4-2)  Subtraction 减法

9-4=5:    Nine minus fourequals (or is equal to) five.

15-7=8:  Seven fromfifteen leaves eight.

23,654-8,175=15,479:   8,175(take or subtracted) from 23,654 leaves 15,479.

Thedifference (or The remainder) is 15,479.

(4-3)  Multiplication 乘法

1×0=0:    One multiplied bynaught equals naught.

1×1=1:       Once one is one.

2×1=2:    Twice one is two.

3×5=15:  Three times fiveis fifteen

6×0=0:    Multiply six bynothing, and the result is nothing.

(4-4)  Division 除法

9÷3=3:    Nine divided bythree makes (or is equal to) three.

20÷5=4:  Five into twentygoes four times.

4567÷23=198 余 13:  23 into 4567 goes198 times, and 13 remainder.

Thequotient is 198, and 13 remainder.

五、Power 幂次方

bn 当中, b 被称为底数 (base),n 被称为指数 (power orexponent)

bn:           the nth power of bb to the nth power.

a×107:      a times the seventh power of ten.

b 的平方:       b square or bsquared

b 的立方:       b cube or bcubed

b 的4次方:   b to the fourth

b 的-1次方:   b to the minus one

六、Time 时间


(6-1)  Hours 钟点

2h.5'8":  twohours five minutes eight seconds 2小时5分8秒

6.18:  six eighteen 6时18分

8.30 a.m.:  eight thirty a.m. 上午8时30分

the 6.05 p.m. train:  the six(naught) five p.m. train 下午6时零5分列车


0900:  0 nine hundred (上午)9时

0910:  0 nine ten (上午)9时10分

1300:  thirteen hundred 13时(下午1时)

1525:  fifteen twenty-five 15时25分(下午3时25分)

2000:  twenty hundred 20时(下午8时)

at 5 o'clock:  at fiveo'clock 五点钟

(6-2)  Date 日期

Oct.1:  October first 10月1日

Oct.1st:  Octoberthe first 10月1日

1st Oct. 1949:  thefirst of October, nineteen forty-nine 1949年10月1日

3/5:  [英] May (the) third 5月3日;[美]March fifth 3月5日

684 B.C.:  Sixeighty-four B.C. 公元前684年

106 A.D:  one oh six A.D.  公元106年

1960:  nineteen sixty;  nineteen hundred and sixty

19-:  nineteen something

1950's:  nineteenfifties 二十世纪五十年代

60's:  sixties 本世纪60年代

1770年代初期:  in theearly 1770's

20世纪末:  in the late20th century

11世纪中叶:  in the mid11th century

七、Phone and Room Numbers 电话及房间号码

2303-9047:   two three zero(or oh) three, nine zero (or oh) four seven

3366-3662:   three three sixsix, three six six two

或    doublethree double six, three double six two

room 137:     room one three seven



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