


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Don’t Rely Too Much on Computers following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.





Don’t Rely Too Much on Computers

The invention of computers has changed people’s daily life in a dramatic way. It is possible for people to be socially active without leaving the house, watch videos of almost anything imaginable, play games that feel like real life and get easy access to the best and worst of the world. It is no wonder that a large quantity of people becomes addicted to computers.

Spending too much time in front of the computer may results in vision problems, back and neck pain, sleep disturbances, weight gain and Internet addiction. What’s more, over-reliance on computers may lead to ill-spelling abilities and poor academic performance.

Undoubtedly, computers are a great addition to our life, and proper and safe use of them should always be a number one priority. Meanwhile, those less-than-pleasant consequences of computer overuse worth considering. Try to take breaks every hour, and periodically look away from the screen to give your eyes a break. Most importantly, don’t let any online activities influence your family relationship.



第一段中in a dramatic way意为“巨大地”, imaginable意为“想得到的”, becomes addicted to意为“对……成瘾”;第二段中results in意为“导致”, sleep disturbances意为“睡眠障碍”, lead to意为“导致”;第三段中Undoubtedly意为“毫无疑问”, be a number one priority意为“放在首位”, less-than-pleasant consequences意为“令人不满意的结果”。



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