Chrome browser implements the WebDriver protocol by using an executable file called ChromeDriver.exe. This executable file starts a server on your system and all your tests will communicate to this server in order to run your tests.

Chrome浏览器通过使用名为ChromeDriver.exe的可执行文件来实现WebDriver协议 该可执行文件将启动系统上的服务器,并且所有测试都将与该服务器通信,以便运行测试。

In this article, we will learn


  • How to download the latest version of Selenium ChromeDriver如何下载最新版本的Selenium ChromeDriver
  • How to setup Selenium ChromeDriver in multiple ways如何以多种方式设置Selenium ChromeDriver
  • 下载Selenium ChromeDriver (Download Selenium ChromeDriver)

    First, we have to download the latest version of ChromeDriver, mainly because it supports the latest versions of Chrome, and it contains all the bug fixes. The following are the steps to download ChromeDriver.

    首先,我们必须下载最新版本的ChromeDriver ,主要是因为它支持最新版本的Chrome,并且包含所有错误修复。 以下是下载ChromeDriver的步骤。

  • Step 1: Go to the Chromium official website and download latest version of ChromeDriver based on your operating system第1步 : 访问Chromium官方网站并根据您的操作系统下载最新版本的ChromeDriver
  • Chrome Version


  • Step 2: Click on ChromeDriver 73.0.3683.20 link. You will be navigated to ChromeDriver download page which contains ChromeDriver for Linux, Mac and Windows operating systems.第2步 :点击ChromeDriver 73.0.3683.20链接。 您将被导航到ChromeDriver下载页面,其中包含适用于Linux,Mac和Windows操作系统的ChromeDriver。
  • Note: Here we are working on Windows Operating system, we need to download the corresponding Chrome driver of Windows version. If your Operating System is Linux or Mac then you need to download the corresponding Chrome driver.

    注意:在这里我们正在Windows操作系统上工作,我们需要下载相应的Windows版本的Chrome驱动程序。 如果您的操作系统是Linux或Mac,则需要下载相应的Chrome驱动程序。

    Chrome Index


  • Step 3: Click on to download ChromeDriver for Windows.步骤3 :点击chromedriver_win32.zip下载适用于Windows的ChromeDriver。
  • Step 4: Once the zip file is downloaded, you can unzip it to retrieve chromedriver.exe. Note the location where you extracted the ChromeDriver. Location will be later used to instantiate the driver.步骤4 :下载zip文件后,您可以将其解压缩以检索chromedriver.exe。 请注意您提取ChromeDriver的位置。 位置将在以后用于实例化驱动程序。
  • Chrome Driver


    使用Selenium WebDriver启动Chrome浏览器 (Launching Chrome Browser using Selenium WebDriver)

    Launching a Chrome driver is easy for launching as any other driver.
    WebDriver = new ChromeDriver();

    WebDriver =新的ChromeDriver();

    package com.journaldev.selenium.Chrome;import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import;public class ChromeDriver {public static void main(String[] args) {WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();driver.get("");}

    When you run above program we get an exception called java.lang.IllegalStateException. which tells The path to the driver executable must be set by

    当您在上述程序上运行时,我们将得到一个名为java.lang.IllegalStateException的异常 告诉驱动程序可执行文件的路径必须由设置。

    To overcome the above problem we need to download the ChromeDriver in order to work with selenium commands which we are writing on Chrome. Every browser as a driver. The driver for Chrome is the ChromeDriver. The selenium commands will be interpreted by ChromeDriver and it will be executed on Chrome.

    为了解决上述问题,我们需要下载ChromeDriver才能使用我们在Chrome上编写的Selenium命令。 每个浏览器都作为驱动程序。 Chrome的驱动程序是ChromeDriver。 Selenium命令将由ChromeDriver解释,并将在Chrome上执行。

    初始化ChromeDriver的不同方法 (Different ways to initialize ChromeDriver)

    There are 2 methods to initialize ChromeDriver


  • Use Webdriver.Chrome.Driver使用Webdriver.Chrome.Driver
  • Use Environment Variables使用环境变量
  • 方法1:使用系统属性 (Method 1: Use system property)

    Code to set the System properties is


    System.setProperty(“”,“Path to chromedriver.exe”);

    The complete program to launch the ChromeDriver will be like this:


    package com.journaldev.selenium.Chrome;import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import;public class ChromeDriver {public static void main(String[] args) {System.setProperty("","D:\\Drivers\\chromedriver.exe");WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();driver.get("");String PageTitle = driver.getTitle();System.out.println("Page Title is:" + PageTitle);driver.close();}

    When you run the above program you will notice that is opened in the new Chrome window and it will print the website title in the console.


    方法2:在Windows环境变量中设置ChromeDriver路径 (Method 2: Setting ChromeDriver Path in Windows Environment Variables)

  • Step 1: Go to My Computer and Right click to get the context menu.步骤1 :转到我的电脑,然后右键单击以获取上下文菜单。
  • MyComputer Properties


  • Step 2: Click on the Change Setting on the opened window.步骤2 :在打开的窗口中单击“ 更改设置 ”。
  • Change Settings


  • Step 3: Click on Advance tab and click on Environment Variables.步骤3 :单击高级选项卡,然后单击环境变量。
  • System Properties


  • Step 4: Select Path under System Variables and click on Edit.步骤4 :在System Variables系统变量)下选择Path(路径) ,然后单击Edit(编辑)。
  • Environment Variables


  • Step 5: At the end of the string use semicolon and paste the path of the ChromeDriver. On my machine my ChromeDriver exe resides in D:\Drivers\步骤5 :在字符串的末尾使用分号并粘贴ChromeDriver的路径 在我的计算机上,我的ChromeDriver exe驻留在D:\ Drivers \
  • Path


    Note: Once the path is set you would not need to set the System property every time in the script. Your script will work without the System Property code.

    注意:设置路径后,您无需每次在脚本中都设置System属性。 您的脚本无需系统属性代码即可工作。

    The complete program to launch the ChromeDriver will be like this:


    package com.journaldev.selenium.Chrome;import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import;public class ChromeDriver {public static void main(String[] args) {WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();driver.get("");String PageTitle = driver.getTitle();System.out.println("Page Title is:" + PageTitle);driver.close();}}

    When you run the above program your script will work without the System Property code and you will notice that is opened in the new Chrome window and it will print the website title in the console.



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