On Ubuntu, the system timezone is set during the installation process, but can be changed later.


Configuring the appropriate timezone is important for a lot of us, so let us find out how we can change the timezone on our Ubuntu 18.04 system.

对我们中的大多数人而言,配置适当的时区很重要,因此让我们了解如何在Ubuntu 18.04系统上更改时区。

方法1.使用timedatectl命令 (Approach 1. Using timedatectl command)

We can use the timedatectl command to display and set the current system’s time and timezone.


Ubuntu View Timezone
Ubuntu View时区

As you can observe, here, the timezone is currently set to UTC.


Let’s get this changed to IST (GST +5:30) using a few steps!

让我们通过几个步骤将其更改为IST (GST +5:30)!

查找我们所需时区的时区格式 (Find the timezone format for our required timezone)

We need to find out the format for the timezone you want to use. The timezone naming convention usually uses a “Region/City” format.

我们需要找出您要使用的时区的格式。 时区命名约定通常使用“ Region / City ”格式。

To list all available time zones, we can use timedatectl along with the list-timezones option.


timedatectl list-timezones

We will get an output like this, showing the long name format for all available timezones.


Ubuntu View Timezone Options
Ubuntu View时区选项

Let us find out the required format for our necessary timezone, which we want to find; IST, in my case. It is in the Kolkata zone, so let’s grep for Kolkata.

让我们找出我们想要的时区所需的格式; IST ,就我而言。 它是在加尔各答区,让我们对加尔各答的grep。

timedatectl list-timezones | grep Kolkata
Ubuntu Search Ist Format

Now we have identified our timezone format. We just need to set it now!

现在,我们确定了时区格式。 我们只需要立即设置!

设置时区 (Set the timezone)

Use the below command to change the timezones, as root.


sudo timedatectl set-timezone your_time_zone

In my case, it is Asia/Kolkata, so the command will be

在我的情况下,它是Asia / Kolkata ,所以命令将是

sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata

Alternatively, we can also directly set the timezone to its abbreviated format (IST, in my case)


sudo timedatectl set-timezone IST
Ubuntu Change Timezone Successful

If this is successful, you will see the system time in terms of your timezone, and the timezone has been successfully updated!


But even if the above method didn’t work, we have some alternatives. So if you’ve configured timezone successfully using timedatectl, the rest of the article is not required. But otherwise, let’s keep reading.

但是,即使上述方法无效,我们也有其他选择。 因此,如果您已经成功地使用timedatectl配置了时区,则本文的其余部分不是必需的。 但是,否则,让我们继续阅读。

方法2。重新配置时区数据 (Approach 2. Reconfigure Timezone Data)

Suppose the above method didn’t work, we can use dpkg to reconfigure our timezone data and set the desired timezone.


sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

We will now get a menu that allows us to reconfiguring our timezone.


Ubuntu Reconfigure Timezone

Now, you can use the graphical menu to successfully update your timezone!


方法3.更改/ etc / localtime文件 (Approach 3. Change the /etc/localtime file)

方法1:使用区域时区详细信息 (Method 1: Using Region Timezone details)

Another way of changing the timezone would be to edit the localtime file manually.


Information about the timezone is located at /etc/localtime. We can manually modify that file to our desired timezone, which is located at /usr/share/zoneinfo/.

有关时区的信息位于/etc/localtime 。 我们可以将该文件手动修改为所需的时区,该时区位于/usr/share/zoneinfo/

The zoneinfo directory contains a list of Regions of interest. Select your region. (For IST, the region is Asia)

zoneinfo目录包含感兴趣的区域列表。 选择您的地区。 (对于IST,该地区是亚洲

Ubuntu Zoneinfo Files
Ubuntu Zoneinfo文件
Ubuntu Zoneinfo Asia
Ubuntu Zoneinfo亚洲

Now, simply copy the Kolkata timezone file to /etc/localtime.


sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kolkata /etc/localtime

Restart the machine to apply your changes.


With this, we have now updated our timezone successfully!


方法2:直接使用时区 (Method 2: Using Timezones directly)

We can also directly perform a symbolic link between the details of the Timezone file and /etc/localtime, located at /usr/share/zoneinfo/TIMEZONE, where TIMEZONE is your required timezone. In my case, it is IST.

我们还可以直接在位于/usr/share/zoneinfo/TIMEZONE的Timezone文件的详细信息和/etc/localtime之间执行符号链接,其中TIMEZONE是您所需的时区。 就我而言,它是IST

sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/IST /etc/localtime

Again, restart your machine to apply the changes.


Now, we have shown you different methods for updating your timezone!


结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial, we showed how you can change the timezone of your Ubuntu 18.04 system using various methods.

在本教程中,我们展示了如何使用各种方法来更改Ubuntu 18.04系统的时区。

后记:建议 (Afterword: Recommendations)

While we have shown different approaches, usually, the recommended method depends on your background:


  • If you are a new user of Ubuntu coming from Windows, it is recommended that you use the GUI mode of changing the timezone, using dpkg, since it is user-friendly.如果您是Windows的Ubuntu新用户,建议您使用dpkg来更改时区的GUI模式,因为它是用户友好的。
  • On the other hand, you have experience with Linux previously, but not using Ubuntu, you can manually change /etc/localtime.另一方面,您以前有使用Linux的经验,但是没有使用过Ubuntu,可以手动更改/etc/localtime
  • Otherwise, if you are a day to day user of Ubuntu, timedatectl is your best bet!否则,如果您是Ubuntu的日常用户,那么timedatectl是您的最佳选择!

Hope you found your answer by reading this tutorial!


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/33989/change-timezone-in-ubuntu

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