
/*** Returns a string representation of the {@code double}* argument. All characters mentioned below are ASCII characters.* <ul>* <li>If the argument is NaN, the result is the string*     "{@code NaN}".* <li>Otherwise, the result is a string that represents the sign and* magnitude (absolute value) of the argument. If the sign is negative,* the first character of the result is '{@code -}'* ({@code '\u005Cu002D'}); if the sign is positive, no sign character* appears in the result. As for the magnitude <i>m</i>:* <ul>* <li>If <i>m</i> is infinity, it is represented by the characters* {@code "Infinity"}; thus, positive infinity produces the result* {@code "Infinity"} and negative infinity produces the result* {@code "-Infinity"}.** <li>If <i>m</i> is zero, it is represented by the characters* {@code "0.0"}; thus, negative zero produces the result* {@code "-0.0"} and positive zero produces the result* {@code "0.0"}.** <li>If <i>m</i> is greater than or equal to 10<sup>-3</sup> but less* than 10<sup>7</sup>, then it is represented as the integer part of* <i>m</i>, in decimal form with no leading zeroes, followed by* '{@code .}' ({@code '\u005Cu002E'}), followed by one or* more decimal digits representing the fractional part of <i>m</i>.** <li>If <i>m</i> is less than 10<sup>-3</sup> or greater than or* equal to 10<sup>7</sup>, then it is represented in so-called* "computerized scientific notation." Let <i>n</i> be the unique* integer such that 10<sup><i>n</i></sup> &le; <i>m</i> {@literal <}* 10<sup><i>n</i>+1</sup>; then let <i>a</i> be the* mathematically exact quotient of <i>m</i> and* 10<sup><i>n</i></sup> so that 1 &le; <i>a</i> {@literal <} 10. The* magnitude is then represented as the integer part of <i>a</i>,* as a single decimal digit, followed by '{@code .}'* ({@code '\u005Cu002E'}), followed by decimal digits* representing the fractional part of <i>a</i>, followed by the* letter '{@code E}' ({@code '\u005Cu0045'}), followed* by a representation of <i>n</i> as a decimal integer, as* produced by the method {@link Integer#toString(int)}.* </ul>* </ul>* How many digits must be printed for the fractional part of* <i>m</i> or <i>a</i>? There must be at least one digit to represent* the fractional part, and beyond that as many, but only as many, more* digits as are needed to uniquely distinguish the argument value from* adjacent values of type {@code double}. That is, suppose that* <i>x</i> is the exact mathematical value represented by the decimal* representation produced by this method for a finite nonzero argument* <i>d</i>. Then <i>d</i> must be the {@code double} value nearest* to <i>x</i>; or if two {@code double} values are equally close* to <i>x</i>, then <i>d</i> must be one of them and the least* significant bit of the significand of <i>d</i> must be {@code 0}.** <p>To create localized string representations of a floating-point* value, use subclasses of {@link java.text.NumberFormat}.** @param   d   the {@code double} to be converted.* @return a string representation of the argument.*/public static String toString(double d) {return FloatingDecimal.toJavaFormatString(d);}

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