



还有就是非常非常有用的 算法笔记 全名是

算法笔记  上级训练实战指南       //这本都是PTA的题解

PS 今天也要加油鸭


Formation is very important when taking a group photo. Given the rules of forming K rows with N people as the following:

  • The number of people in each row must be N/K (round down to the nearest integer), with all the extra people (if any) standing in the last row;
  • All the people in the rear row must be no shorter than anyone standing in the front rows;
  • In each row, the tallest one stands at the central position (which is defined to be the position (m/2+1), where m is the total number of people in that row, and the division result must be rounded down to the nearest integer);
  • In each row, other people must enter the row in non-increasing order of their heights, alternately taking their positions first to the right and then to the left of the tallest one (For example, given five people with their heights 190, 188, 186, 175, and 170, the final formation would be 175, 188, 190, 186, and 170. Here we assume that you are facing the group so your left-hand side is the right-hand side of the one at the central position.);
  • When there are many people having the same height, they must be ordered in alphabetical (increasing) order of their names, and it is guaranteed that there is no duplication of names.

Now given the information of a group of people, you are supposed to write a program to output their formation.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each test case, the first line contains two positive integers N (≤104), the total number of people, and K (≤10), the total number of rows. Then N lines follow, each gives the name of a person (no more than 8 English letters without space) and his/her height (an integer in [30, 300]).

Output Specification:

For each case, print the formation – that is, print the names of people in K lines. The names must be separated by exactly one space, but there must be no extra space at the end of each line. Note: since you are facing the group, people in the rear rows must be printed above the people in the front rows.

Sample Input:

10 3
Tom 188
Mike 170
Eva 168
Tim 160
Joe 190
Ann 168
Bob 175
Nick 186
Amy 160
John 159

Sample Output:

Bob Tom Joe Nick
Ann Mike Eva
Tim Amy John





Formation 编队

alphabetical 字母顺序





① 每行的人数都要是N/K个人.然后多的人都放在最后一行

② 后排的行.一定要比前面的行高

③ 最高的人要站在中间–就是中位数

④ 然后就是第二第三站在最高的左右.

在每一行中,其他人都必须按照其身高不升序进入该行,交替地将他们的位置先移到最高人的右侧,然后再移至左侧(例如,假设五个人的身高分别为190、188, 186、175和170,最终阵型将是175、188、190、186和170。在这里,我们假设您正面对该组,因此您的左手边是中央那一组的右手边 位置。);


⑤ 如果好几个人身高一样,那么就按照字母的增序.






因为是面对拍照者,后排的人输出在上方,前排输出在下方,每排人数为N/K(向下取整),多出来的人全部站在最后一排,所以第一排输出的应该是包含多出来的人,所以while循环体中,当row == k时,表示当前是在排列第一行,那么这一行的人数m应该等于总人数n减去后面的k列*(k-1)行,即m = n – n / k * (k-1);如果不是第一行,那么m直接等于n / k;最中间一个学生应该排在m/2的下标位置,即ans[m / 2] = stu[t].name;然后排左边一列,ans数组的下标 j 从m/2-1开始,一直往左j–,而对于stu的下标 i,是从t+1开始,每次隔一个人选取(即i = i+2,因为另一些人的名字是给右边的),每次把stu[i]的name赋值给ans[j–];排右边的队伍同理,ans数组的下标 j 从m/2 + 1开始,一直往右j++,stu的下标 i,从t+2开始,每次隔一个人选取(i = i+2),每次把stu[i]的name赋值给ans[j++],然后输出当前已经排好的ans数组~每一次排完一列row-1,直到row等于0时退出循环表示已经排列并输出所有的


using namespace std;
struct node {string name;int height;
bool cmp(node a,node b) {                           //排序的比较代码if (a.height != b.height) return a.height > b.height;elsereturn a.name < b.name;
int main(void) {int N, K;scanf("%d%d", &N, &K);vector<node> data(N);for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {string name;int height;cin >> name >> height;data[i].name = name;data[i].height = height;}sort(data.begin(), data.end(), cmp);     //排序int t = 0, row = K;int m = 0;while (row) {if (row == K) {m =  N / K +N%K;}else {m = N / K;}vector<string> ans(m);ans[m / 2] = data[t].name;//左边一列int j = m / 2 - 1;for (int i = t + 1; i < t + m; i = i + 2)ans[j--] = data[i].name;//右边一列j = m / 2 + 1;for (int i = t + 2; i < t + m; i = i + 2)ans[j++] = data[i].name;//输出当前排cout << ans[0];for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {cout << " " << ans[i];}cout << endl;t = t + m;row--;}return 0;

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