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Where to start for RTS games?

Making RTS games ,and etc.




Glest is a 3D real-time strategy game. Fully customizable using XML and a set of tools. ( SF )

My compile steps is here

TA Spring

an open source project developing a new realtime strategy game.

Here is the detail.

The screen shots are great!

Here is the  chinese players froum.



3d rts game.

My compile steps is here


dark oberon


2D rts game base on glew.The lastest version is 1.0.2. Easy to compile in vc6.


Stratagus comes from FreeCraft ( see here )

A free 3D RTS engine used by several games . The developers of Stratagus are working on Boswar (2D), which is an open source  RTS game using  Startagus.




It was made using GLFW, a framework for OpenGL. it's an open-source rts using openGl. with that, tutorials, and practice, you should get yours to work .

i had port machinations v0.34 from Borland IDE to VC2005,see here


a RTS engine

RTS Starter Kit (Indie License)

Torque Game Engine

The only RTS maker that exists is the RTS Starter Kit (Indie License) to be used with the Torque Game Engine. It will cost a total of $100(engine) + $50(addon) though.


OpenRTS is an open source realtime strategy game.Written in Python.

0 A.D.

0 A.D. is a free, cross-platform, under-development, 3D, historically-based, real-time strategy game.

download source code,






3D 方面 Glest, TA spring, warzone2100 的效果不错 .

2D 方面 dark oberon 似乎不错,毕竟版本已经 1.0 以上了。

网络上对 Bos war 的引擎评价似乎不错。

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