
Project A

Simulating a Physical System


You have already seen a number of examples using randomization to solve problems and to generate experimental results. In the percolation project, grids were generated according to a specified probability distribution to experimentally determine the percolation probability. This approach is an example of a Monte Carlo method, an algorithm that relies on repeated random sampling to compute results. Monte Carlo methods are often used for simulating physical and mathematical systems when other methods are impossible or computationally infeasible. Objective and Background

The objective of this project is to use the Monte Carlo “demon algorithm” to estimate parameters (for example, temperature) in a physical system, specifically an ideal gas with moving molecules. We could simulate such a system by computing the pairwise interactions among all molecules at every time step in the simulation, but that approach would be computationally intractable. Moreover, in these systems we're not typically interested in the specific behavior of each individual molecule, but rather in the overall system behavior. For example, we want to know the expected distribution of molecule velocities in a gas (e.g., to understand its temperature), not which molecules have collided with which other molecules.

The key concept behind the demon algorithm is that any simulation must both preserve the total energy of the system (energy is conserved) and insure that no particle winds up with negative kinetic energy. The algorithm proceeds by choosing a molecule at random and proposing to make a small random change to its energy (e.g., to simulate the effect of a collision). To compensate for the change in energy of the molecule / particle, the opposite change is made to a special “demon” molecule, thus conserving the total energy of the system. Note that the demon molecule is never chosen at random for this change; it only acts to store the difference between the system energy and the total energy.

Before describing the demon algorithm in detail, we give a brief description of the system to be simulated. In the ideal gas, we want to study the velocity of molecules in the gas. This average velocity gives a measure of the temperature of the gas. Consider the state of the gas in an insulated container at an instant of time. Each of its molecules has some velocity that remains constant until the next collision involving the molecules. Because the molecules move quickly, on average, many of them will have experienced collisions during a short time span. Consequently, most of the molecules will have substantially different velocities than they originally did. This process can, in principle, be simulated directly. In practice, doing so is computationally too expensive or is infeasible (e.g., one step of the situation could mean solving n differential equations, with each equation having n² terms).


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